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Information Security CS 526
Topic 22: Role and Attribute Based Access Control CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Readings for This Lecture
RBAC96 Family R.S. Sandhu, E.J. Coyne, H.L. Feinstein, and C.E. Youman. “Role-Based Access Control Models”. IEEE Computer, 29(2):38--47, February 1996. CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Background: Role Based Access Control
Non-role-based systems Role-Based Access Control Systems (RBAC) Alice Bob Carl Dave Eva Users: DB2 Account WebSphere Account Windows Account Linux Account Permissions: Alice Bob Carl Dave Eva Users: As opposed to identity-based access control, label-based access control. DB Admin Web Admin Software Developer Roles: DB2 Account WebSphere Account Windows Account Linux Account Permissions: CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Motivating Problem: how to administer user-permission relation Different from DAC and MAC, which deal with processes in operating systems Roles as a level of indirection Butler Lampson or David Wheeler: "all problems in Computer Science can be solved by another level of indirection" RBAC is multi-faceted and open ended Extensions: ARBAC (administrative), CBRAC (constraint), dRBAC (dynamic), ERBAC (enterprise), fRBAC (flexible), GRBAC (generalized), HRBAC (hierarchical), IRBAC (interoperability), JRBAC (Java), LRBAC (Location), MRBAC (Management), PRBAC (privacy), QRBAC (QoS), RRBAC(Rule), SRBAC(Spatial), TRBAC (temporal), V, W, x. Butler Lampson is often quoted, but he attributed it to David Wheeler in his Turing Award lecture. David Wheeler is the first PhD in Computer Science in 1951. What is the problem RBAC intends to solve? A user’s permissions are determined by the user’s roles rather than identity or clearance roles can encode arbitrary attributes CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Why Roles? Fewer relationships to manage
possibly from O(mn) to O(m+n), where m is the number of users and n is the number of permissions Organizations operate based on roles A role may be more stable than the collection of users and the collection of permissions that are associated with it Revocation/change of permissions become easier Can solve the problem of assigning permissions to users in a more principled way. See what job functionalities a user needs to perform, and then what permissions are needed for the functionalities. A role brings together a collection of users and a collection of permissions These collections will vary over time A role has significance and meaning beyond the particular users and permissions brought together at any moment CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Groups vs. Roles Some differences that may or may not be important, depending on the situation Answer 1: sets of users vs. sets of users as well as permissions Answer 2: roles can be activated and deactivated, groups cannot Groups can be used to prevent access with negative authorization. Roles can be deactivated for least privilege Answer 3: can easily enumerate permissions that a role has, but not for groups Depending on the precise definitions of them, can be the same or different. Conceptually, the user-group relation is more stable than group-permission. The role-permission relation is more stable than user-role. CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
RBAC96 FAMILY OF MODELS (Sandhu et al.)
ROLE HIERARCHIES + CONSTRAINTS RBAC1 ROLE HIERARCHIES RBAC2 CONSTRAINTS Cited more than 4000 times according to Google scholar in November 2010. RBAC0 BASIC RBAC CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
SESSIONS Four sets. Four relations: two are many to many. One is one to one. One is one to many. This is a somewhat busy slide It shows a bird’s eye view of RBAC There are many details that need to be debated and filled in Some of these will be discussed in the subsequent panel For our purpose the bird’s eye view will suffice CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
PERMISSIONS Left abstract in the RBAC96 model Permissions are positive
No negative permissions or denials RBAC defines a closed policy, i.e., all accesses are denied unless they are explicitly authorized No duties or obligations Example obligation: can access patient document, but must notify patient, or must delete after 30 days negative permissions and denials can be handled by constraints RBAC should be a flexible concept that can accommodate all of these CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
RBAC0: Formal Model Static relations: Dynamic relations:
Vocabulary: U, R, P, S (users, roles, permissions, and sessions) Static relations: PA P × R (permission assignment) UA U × R (user assignment) Dynamic relations: user: S U each session has one user roles: S 2R and some activated roles requires roles(s) { r | (user(s), r) UA } PA and UA are n-to-n relation. Can be represented as three layers: users, roles, permissions each session has only one user session and role n-to-n relation Session s has permissions r roles(s) { p | (p, r) PA } CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
USERS ROLES PERMISSIONS ... SESSIONS This is a somewhat busy slide It shows a bird’s eye view of RBAC There are many details that need to be debated and filled in Some of these will be discussed in the subsequent panel For our purpose the bird’s eye view will suffice CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Primary-Care Physician Specialist Physician Physician More senior/junior role. A partial order. Health-Care Provider CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Engineer Hardware Software Supervising CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Semantics of Role Hierarchies
User inheritance r1r2 means every user that is a member of r1 is also a member of r2 Permission inheritance r1r2 means every permission that is authorized for r2 is also authorized r1 Activation inheritance r1r2 means that activating r1 will also activate r2 Physician Health-Care Provider Permission and Activation inheritance have different effect when there are constraints about activation. CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
RBAC1: Formal Model U, R, P, S, PA, UA, and user unchanged from RBAC0
RH R × R : a partial order on R, written as When r1 r2, we say r1 is a senior than r2, and r2 is a junior than r1 roles: S 2R requires roles(s) { r | r’ [(r’ r) & (user(s), r’) UA] } Session s includes permissions r roles(s) { p | r’’ [(r r’’) & (p, r’’) PA] } CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
RBAC2: RBAC0 + Constraints
No formal model specified Example constraints Mutual exclusion Pre-condition: Must satisfy some condition to be member of some role E.g., a user must be an undergrad student before being assigned the UTA role Cardinality CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Mutual Exclusion Constraints
Mutually Exclusive Roles Static Exclusion: No user can hold both roles often referred to as Static Separation of Duty constraints Preventing a single user from having too much permissions Dynamic Exclusion: No user can activate both roles in one session Often referred to as Dynamic Separation of Duty constraints Interact with role hierarchy interpretation Relation of static exclusion with separation of duty Example of Dynamic Exclusion: Think of grocery shopping. Two roles: customer and cashier. Cashier can also buy stuff. CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Cardinality Constraints
On User-Role Assignment at most k users can belong to the role at least k users must belong to the role exactly k users must belong to the role On activation at most k users can activate a role … CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Why Using Constraints? For laying out higher level organization policy
Only a tool for convenience and error checking when admin is centralized Not absolutely necessary if admin is always vigilant, as admin can check all organization policies are met when making any changes to RBAC policies Like “assert” statements in C/C++/Java programs A tool to enforce high-level policies when admin is decentralized For centralized admin, reduce the chance of mistake. A constraint that no user can be assigned two roles can be implicitly enforced without specifying the constraint. CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
USERS ROLES PERMISSIONS ... SESSIONS CONSTRAINTS This is a somewhat busy slide It shows a bird’s eye view of RBAC There are many details that need to be debated and filled in Some of these will be discussed in the subsequent panel For our purpose the bird’s eye view will suffice CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Products Using RBAC Data Base Management Systems (DBMS)
Enterprise Security Management IBM Tivoli Identity Manager (central administration and provisioning of accounts, resources, etc) Many operating systems claim to use roles Though only in very limited way CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
The NIST Standard Proposed NIST Standard for Role-Based Access Control. David F. Ferraiolo, Ravi S. Sandhu, Serban I. Gavrila, D. Richard Kuhn, and Ramaswamy Chandramouli. TISSEC, August 2001. American National Standards Institute Standard, 2004 Has a number of flaws, including with typos, errors in math definitions, and others high-level design choices CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Overview of the NIST Standard for RBAC
Static Separation of Duties Dynamic Separation of Duties Hierarchical RBAC Core RBAC CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Research Challenges in RBAC
Role engineering Design roles for an access control scenario. Top down approach: start from analyzing business requirement. Bottom up approach: Role Mining: mine existing access control data for roles Effective administration of RBAC systems Especially help ensure updates still lead to useful states Effective usage of constraints CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Attribute-Based Access Control
An access control method where subject requests to perform operations on objects are granted or denied based on assigned attributes of the subject, E.g., job role, clearance, division/unit, location assigned attributes of the object, E.g., environment conditions, E.g., time, state of emergency and a set of policies that are specified in terms of those attributes and conditions. E.g., a list of rules, as in firewall policies, CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
Coming Attractions … Network Security CS526 Topic 22: RBAC
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