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Chapter 8 Environments, Alternatives, and Decisions.

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1 Chapter 8 Environments, Alternatives, and Decisions

2 Objectives Describe the strategic decisions that integrate the target processing environment and the design approach for the new system Prioritize the system requirements based on the desired system scope and level of automation for the new system Determine alternative approaches for system development

3 Objectives Evaluate and select a development approach based on the needs and resources of the organization Describe key elements of a request for proposal and evaluate vendors’ proposals for outsourced alternatives Develop a professional presentation of findings to management

4 Overview Explains transitional activities that refocus the project from discovery and analysis to solutions and design Pivotal activities in project Set direction for design and implementation Primary objectives Decide what to include in system scope Determine what development method to use

5 Assessing Target Processing Environment
Determination of computer configuration, operating systems, and networks Stable environment to support applications Depends on IT strategic plan and existing environment

6 Centralized System Architectures
Single-computer Mainframe-based Limited by single machine capacity Clustered and multicomputer Group of computers to provide processing and data storage capacity Cluster acts as a single system Multicomputer group is less similar than clustered

7 Single, Clustered, and Multicomputer Architectures Figure 8-1

8 Distributed Computing
Distributes system across several computers and locations Relies on computing networks for connectivity Client-server architecture dominant model for distributed computing

9 Network Configuration for RMO Figure 8-2

10 Client-Server Architecture with a Shared Printer Figure 8-3

11 Three-Layer Architecture Figure 8-4

12 N-Layer Architecture Figure 8-5

13 Internet and WWW Increasingly popular frameworks for implementing and delivering information systems Internet SMTP, POP, IMAP FTP, Telnet, RPC WWW HTML, XML, HTTP Java, Javascript, VBScript

14 Intranets and Extranets
Private networks using same TCP/IP protocol as the Internet Limited to internal users Extranets Intranet that has been extended outside the organization

15 Internet as Application Platform
Organized as client-server architecture Can use Web browsers as application interfaces Benefits Accessibility Low-cost communication Widely implemented standards

16 Negative Aspects of Internet Application Delivery
Security concerns Reliability and network throughput variability Throughput speeds to home users Volatile, changing standards

17 Development and System Software Environments
Consists of standards and tools used in an organization Important components Language environment and expertise Existing CASE tools and methodologies Required interfaces to other systems Operating system environment Database management system environment

18 Existing Processing Environment at RMO
Table 8-1

19 Processing Environment
Alternatives for RMO Table 8-2

20 Strategic Directions for the Processing Environment at RMO
Table 8-3

21 Deciding on Scope and Level of Automation
Scope determines which business functions will be included in system Level of automation is how much automated computer support exists for functions included Scope creep Requests for addition of system functions after requirements have been defined and decision made

22 Scoping List of Potential Functions for RMO Table 8-4

23 Scoping List of Potential Functions for RMO Table 8-4 (continued)

24 Defining Level of Automation
Three levels High System takes over processing of business function Medium Midrange point which combines features from low and high alternatives Low Simple computer records keeping

25 Selecting Alternatives
Consult strategic plan Revisit feasibility studies Review implementation alternatives Base on preliminary budget and resource constraints

26 Generating Alternatives for Implementation
System must be designed and programmed Variations on obtaining a system Facilitates management solutions Packaged and turnkey software systems Custom software development In-house development Selection dimensions Buy vs. build Software vs. development services

27 Implementation Alternatives
Figure 8-6

28 Identifying Criteria for Selection
May be like comparing apples and oranges Different proposed systems have strengths in different areas Three areas to consider General requirements Technical requirements Functional requirements

29 Matrix of General Requirements for RMO
Table 8-7

30 Matrix of Technical Requirements for RMO
Table 8-8

31 Matrix of Functional Requirements for RMO
Table 8-9

32 Matrix of Functional Requirements for RMO
Table 8-9 (Continued)

33 Making the Selection After rating alternatives, choice can be made
Scores are tabulated and compared RMO decided to use in-house development on most systems

34 Generating a Request for Proposal (RFP)
Formal document sent to vendors if in-house development not selected States requirements and solicits proposed solutions Considered a competitive contract offer

35 Sample RFP Table of Contents
Figure 8-7

36 Benchmarking and Choosing a Vendor
Observe in use or install trial version Evaluation of system against a standard (benchmark) Visit another company using system

37 Presenting Results and Making Decisions
Difficult task of compiling, organizing, and presenting alternatives and critical issues in easy-to-understand but complete manner Executive steering committee generally makes final choice Format of documentation and presentation style varies with organization

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