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Workflow: Beyond Basics

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1 Workflow: Beyond Basics
Greg Konicki Temple University

2 Thank you for your cooperation
General Announcements: Please turn off all cell phones/pagers If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible Please avoid side conversations during the session Questions will be answered ….. Thank you for your cooperation

3 CPE Credits - We’ve gone electronic!
To receive CPE credits for this session (if eligible), complete the CPE Attendance Form on the PABUG Annual Conference website or via the PABUG conference app. For additional questions please contact Lora Harper CPE - Coordinator

4 Main Campus: Philadelphia, PA
Students: 38,000+ Colors: Cherry & White Nickname: Owls Mascot: Hooter the Owl

5 Banner Workflow Banner Workflow at Temple
Implemented in 2009 28 workflows Student, Human Resources, Advancement, & Finance Student Change of Program Student Reenrollment Student Grade Change HR One Time Pay HR Separation Advancement Cost Center Request Petty Cash Reconciliation Journal Entry

6 Banner Workflow Banner Workflow at Temple - Jan 1st to Oct 28th
7,498 Journal Entry workflows 9,039 Grade Change workflows 9,511 Change of Program workflows 51,468 completed workflows

7 Banner Workflow What is a Workflow?
A work-related activity (form/data submission, database trigger) is initiated. The results of that activity are passed automatically to the next activity (another form/data submission, SQL, stored procedure, ). Results and related data continue to be passed to subsequent activities along a defined path of steps until the work is completed. Business rules provide routing logic to build a model of the business process.

8 Banner Workflow Process Example

9 Banner Workflow Model

10 Banner Workflow Model

11 Banner Workflow Context and Component Parameters
Context Parameters Context parameters are a set of parameters that apply throughout a workflow Component Parameters Component parameters are used in workflows when they are mapped to workflow context parameters. Using parameter mapping, data can be passed from a component parameter into a workflow context parameter or from a workflow context parameter into a component parameter.

12 Banner Workflow Parameters
Context Parameters studentID address major firstName state lastName city Activity Activity Activity Component Parameters studentID firstName lastName studentID major studentID city firstName state lastName major address

13 Banner Workflow Parameter Mappings

14 Banner Workflow Start and Stop
Every workflow has one starting point and one or more stopping points to identify the beginning and ending of the workflow.

15 Banner Workflow Transition
A transition is a line that connects activities, decisions, parallels, and start and stop objects. They show the flow of work.

16 Banner Workflow Decision
Decision symbols route the flow of work after a decision is made.

17 Banner Workflow Decision – Guard Conditions

18 Banner Workflow Parallel
Parallel paths are used to split and join multiple threads of execution. Each parallel path begins and ends with a parallel path bar.

19 Banner Workflow Parallel

20 Banner Workflow Self Connector
Use self connectors for activities that need to be repeated after a decision is made.

21 Banner Workflow Self Connector – Guard Conditions

22 Banner Workflow Timer Activity
Timer activities are used to delay processing. The duration and date/time can be specified in the workflow design or dynamically through context parameters.

23 Banner Workflow Email Activity
activities are started, performed, and completed in a workflow. activities can contain text, context parameters, and attachments.

24 Banner Workflow Email Properties

25 Banner Workflow Automated Activity
An automated activity is one that is started, performed, and completed automatically within the workflow.

26 Banner Workflow Automated Activity

27 Banner Workflow Automated Activity - Component

28 Banner Workflow Automated Activity - Component

29 Banner Workflow Automated Activity – Stored Procedure

30 Banner Workflow Manual Activity
Manual activities notify a user about manual work that needs to be performed. For example, making a phone call, meeting with a co-worker, contacting a specific person, and so on.

31 Banner Workflow Manual Activity

32 Banner Workflow Custom Activity
Custom workflow activities/forms. Data entry forms.

33 Banner Workflow Custom Activity - Form

34 Banner Workflow Custom Activity - Form

35 Banner Workflow Custom Activity – Form Designer

36 Banner Workflow Custom Activity – Parameter Mapping

37 Banner Workflow Dynamic Data Sources
Used for the dynamic population of the choices in the List and Drop Down List controls in the Custom Activity Designer. Values are pulled from a database such as Banner validation tables. Dynamic data sources are defined separately from the modeler, allowing them to be used across models.

38 Banner Workflow Dynamic Data Source Definition

39 Banner Workflow Dynamic Data Source – Drop Down List

40 Banner Workflow Roles A role is a title given to a group of responsibilities; the title applies to one or more individuals who will perform a specific set of work. People who will perform the same work have the same role.

41 Banner Workflow Role - Creation

42 Banner Workflow Roles – User Assignment

43 Banner Workflow Roles – Model

44 Banner Workflow Performer Rule/Directed Activity
Use a performer selection rule when an activity needs to be performed by a specific user.

45 Banner Workflow Performer Rule – User Logon or Context Parameter

46 Banner Workflow Dynamic Role
Use a dynamic role when you want a role to be selected during execution of the workflow. A dynamic role uses a workflow context parameter to select the role. It helps to eliminate redundant forms.

47 Banner Workflow Dynamic Role

48 Banner Workflow Dynamic Role

49 Banner Workflow Dynamic Role

50 Banner Workflow Open to the Floor
Questions Comments Reference: Banner Workflow Analyst/Administrator Handbook

51 Please take time to complete our Conference and Session evaluations
Please take time to complete our Conference and Session evaluations. YOUR INPUT MATTERS!!!

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