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Ecology The study of living things and how they interact with their surroundings.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology The study of living things and how they interact with their surroundings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology The study of living things and how they interact with their surroundings

2 Objectives Describe symbiosis
Describe how organisms conserve energy by migrating, compete, switching type of prey, hibernating, going dormant. Compare energy a hummingbird and coyote put out to get food in a cold and warm climate.

3 Objectives Research food production

4 The Biosphere The place where life exists, from the high atmosphere to the deepest ocean bottom

5 5 Kingdoms of Life Animals Plants Fungi Protista
Bacteria (Prokaryotes)

6 Population The number of species in one place and time 50,000 Cowbirds

7 Community The populations of different species in one place and time.

8 Ecosystem The plants, animals, fungi, protists, and bacteria that live in a certain area, and their unique non-living parts like temperature, soil, and daylight.

9 Aquatic Ecosystems Freshwater pond, lake, stream Ocean (saltwater)
Estuary (mix of salt & fresh water)

10 Terrestrial Ecosystems
Meadow Prairie Mountain Forest Desert Scrub Ecotone- area between two ecosystems

11 Mountain Forest

12 Prairie

13 Ecotone- area between 2 ecosystems

14 Desert Scrub

15 Meadow

16 Objectives Relate Biotic and Abiotic factors in an ecosystem
Define niche, species, habitat, population, community, ecosystem, biome

17 Biotic Factors Identify the role of an autotroph, heterotroph, producer, consumer, decomposer in a matter cycle Describe symbiotic relationships mutualism, competition, commensalism, parasitism, predator-prey Describe feeding relationships herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, detritovore, scavenger

18 Abiotic factors affect living things
Rainfall affects the type of plants that will grow and thus creates the climate of an area (called a Biome)

19 Abiotic factors Soil type, Air currents, Temperature, Light, pH,

20 Temperature Temperature of soil, air, and water determine the type of organisms that grow. Too high or low of temperature can kill organisms Cantaloupe seeds need soil at 65-85F to germinate

21 Elevation Elevation changes the temperature
Elevation can allow more or less moisture to fall

22 Wind & Air currents Help seeds move to reproduce plants, fungi spores
Bring in rain or snow

23 Day length Day length can affect the type of plants that come out, or when they flower, or when they grow

24 Chemicals Chemicals affect growth of living things
Oxygen and Carbon dioxide help life Some living things make poisons to protect themselves

25 Chemicals... Acid and Base level, (measured in pH) can affect the type of life growing in an area Stomach acid is pH 1, Water is 7, Utah’s alkaline soil is 8, Drano is 14. Pine trees produce slightly acidic needles

26 Chemicals... Salt level, called salinity Most plants die in salt
Pickleweed (Salicornia virginica) and Saltbush (Atriplex) love salt

27 Field Trip Lab: How does day length influence flowers and birds?
Identify 5 abiotic factors and 5 biotic factors in Wetlands of the Great Salt Lake and Farmington Bay Wildlife Refuge Describe food chain and energy pyramid present in the bay. How is water a limiting factor in the bay? How do Brine Shrimp survive?

28 Autotroph A producer of its own food.
Plants, and some Blue Green bacteria and some protists like Algae make their own food from the Sunlight and Water or out of Chemicals in their surroundings

29 Heterotroph Eats another organism. Can’t make their own food so they eat a producer or another heterotroph.

30 Herbivore Heterotrophs Omnivores Carnivores Opportunists Scavengers

31 Decomposers

32 Decomposer Breaks down chemicals from dead or decaying material.

33 Mutualism Two different species benefit each other.
Ants and Acacia trees. The ants protect the tree from harm and the acacia tree provides nectar for the ants.

34 Clownfish and anemones

35 Lichen and Algae

36 Bristle worm and Hermit Crab
The bristle worm eats leftovers from the crab

37 Rhino & Tick bird

38 Commensalism One species benefits from another species but the other species is neither harmed nor benefitted. Spanish moss grows and supports orchids and ferns, but is neither helped nor hindered by the plants.

39 Remora & Shark

40 Parasitism One species benefits from a harmed species.
Fleas bite dogs and cats for food. Tape worms eat food from human and dog stomachs. Cowbirds lay their eggs in other bird’s nests and have the other birds feed their young cowbirds.

41 Mistletoe & Tree

42 Zombie Snails

43 Tapeworm

44 Predator-Prey An animal kills and eats another species.
Lion kills a zebra

45 Territory Many animals must have a certain area in which to find adequate food Deer live in 100 square kilometers Falcons, Hawks and Eagles like 10 square kilometers or more

46 Habitat- where an organism lives
Trout lay their eggs on certain types of soil- sandy or pebbly Dogs find holes in secret, hard to find cliffs to protect their pups Habitat- where an organism lives

47 Niche How organisms get food, where they live, and the adaptations they have that help them survive.


49 Coyotes

50 Hummingbirds

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