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Lit Terms 1. Lit Terms 1 Lit Terms 2 Lit Terms 3.

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2 Lit Terms 1

3 Lit Terms 2

4 Lit Terms 3

5 Lit Terms 4

6 Lit Terms 5

7 Lit Terms 6

8 Lit Terms 1 Lit Terms 2 Lit Terms 3 Lit Terms 4 Lit Terms 5 Lit Terms 6 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 Used When the narrator of a story is a character in the story and refers to himself or herself with the first-person pronoun "I." Lit Terms 1 for $100

10 The bad guy in a story; he or she works against the main character Lit Terms 1 $200

11 The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of a majority of the characters. Lit Terms 1 for $300

12 When the narrator is outside of the story and relates the inner thoughts and feelings of only one character. Lit Terms 1 for $400

13 The perspective, or vantage point, from which the story is told Lit Terms 1 for $500

14 The hero of the story; he or she is a main character
The hero of the story; he or she is a main character. Lit Terms 2 for $100

15 Anything that stands for or represents something else Lit Terms 2 for $200

16 A contradiction between what is stated and what is meant or between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. Lit Terms 2 for $300

17 A comparison of two unlike things Lit Terms 2 for $400

18 The act of creating and developing a character Lit Terms 2 for $500

19 Images formed in the mind that appeal to the 5 senses Lit Terms 3 for $100

20 A direct comparison between two subjects using like or as Lit Terms 3 for $200

21 A pairing of words opposite in meaning Lit Terms 3 for $300

22 The use of clues to suggest events that have yet to occur Lit Terms 3 for $400

23 Interruption of the current event to show a previous event Lit Terms 3 for $500

24 A struggle within a character Lit Terms 4 for $100

25 A struggle between a character and an outside force Lit Terms 4 for $200

26 Stories about gods, goddesses that explain natural things Lit Terms 4 for $300

27 A short story about an interesting event in someone's life Lit Terms 4 for $400

28 A story passes down from generation to generation that is believed by many people, but cannot be proved to be true Lit Terms 4 for $500

29 To give a picture in words Lit Terms 5 for $100

30 A central message or insight into life revealed by a literary work Lit Terms 5 for $200

31 The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words Lit Terms 5 for $300

32 The use of words that imitate sounds, ex. Buzz, hiss Lit Terms 5 $400

33 The atmosphere or feeling within a literary work Lit Terms 5 for $500

34 An expression or a word used imaginatively rather than literally Lit Terms 6 $100

35 feeling of growing uncertainty about the outcome of events Lit Terms 6 for $200

36 A division or type of literature Lit Terms 6 for $300

37 Giving human characteristics to animals or inanimate objects Lit Terms 6 for $400

38 A deliberate exaggeration or overstatement used to make a point Lit Terms 6 for $500


40 The high point or turning point in a literary work

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