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Chapter 5 Analogue to Digital

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1 Chapter 5 Analogue to Digital
Riaz Esmailzadeh

2 Signal Sampling Miner’s patent on sampling commutator
Luke’s narrative of theoretical development Rule of thumb development and acceptance Theoretical formulation Mathematical discovery Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

3 Analog Signals Natural phenomena are continuous waveforms Seismometer
Temperature Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

4 Discrete Representation
Temperature can also be represented as a series of discrete numbers Which of these two (three) representations is most accurate? What should be the frequency of discrete representation? Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

5 Example What is the frequency of this signal
Which of the discrete representation is more accurate? Amplitude Time (B) (A) (C) (D) 1 s 1 -1 Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

6 Nyquist Theorem The necessary sampling rate is given by Nyquist Theorem, named after Harry Nyquist a scientist from the Bell Labs Sampling rate must be more than twice the largest frequency component of the analogue signal This is known as Nyquist rate Assuming the largest frequency of the previous signal is 5 Hz, sampling rate should be 10 Hz. 1 1 Amplitude Amplitude 1 s Time 1 s Time -1 (A) -1 (B) Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

7 Quantization Levels Each sample needs to be represented by its amplitude The sample size must be closely represented by a number – this is known as quantization We may represent the samples by { , , , , , , , , , } Or by: {0.913, 0.663, 0.137, , , , 0.824, 0.287, , 0.995} Which of these two representations is more efficient? 1 Amplitude 1 s Time -1 (B) Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

8 Binary Representation
In practice, digital transmission is carried out using binary numbers (that is using only ‘0’s and ‘1’s) rather than decimal The signal levels are converted to binary numbers using a set number of quantisation levels 4 bits are used for each quantization level to represent the signal: {1111, 1101, 1001, 0011, 0000, 0100, 1110, 1010, 0000, 1111} The receiver can reproduce the analog signal with the knowledge of sampling rate, quantisation levels and minimum-maximum range 1 1 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 1001 1000 0111 0110 0101 0100 0011 0010 0001 0000 Amplitude Amplitude Time Time 1 s -1 (A) -1 (B) Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

9 Quantization Error and Number of Bits
If the number of quantization levels is not large enough, then there will be quantization errors Here the first and the last samples are both represented by 1111, whereas their amplitude is clearly different. More accuracy can be obtained if more quantization levels are used At cost of more bits Two factors determine the number of bits Required accuracy Device structure and telecommunications protocol. Usually as a multiple of 8 bits or 1 byte 1 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 1001 1000 0111 0110 0101 0100 0011 0010 0001 0000 Amplitude Time -1 (B) Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

10 Why Digital? Analogue transmission of signals is degraded by the presence of noise in the network Electronics Exchange Noise S Noise is a physical process and although efforts may be made to make it small, it can never be removed Noise accumulates at each electronic stage of transmission For example: long distance calls usually had a worse quality compared with local call Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

11 Noise Accumulation An example of noise accumulation is shown here.
Digital communications provides a way to reproduce signals at each exchange and therefore stop accumulation of noise Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

12 Digital Signals and Noise
Consider the following digitals signals and the effect of noise on it 1 -1 Digital Stream Noise Signal Combined Signal Time Amplitude This digital signal may be detected without error at a receiver and perfectly reproduced. Here SNR ≈ 10. Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

13 Errors (SNR = 0.5) Consider the following signal when noise is relatively increased 1 -1 Digital Stream Noise Signal Combined Signal Time Amplitude When noise level is high, then some bits may be received in error. Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

14 Larger Noise and more Errors (SNR = 0.1)
Consider the following digitals signals and the effect of noise on it 1 -1 Digital Stream Noise Signal Combined Signal Time Amplitude When SNR is very low, the probability of error is nearly 50%. Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

15 Bit Error Rate A measure of quality of communications is how many errors occur because of added “noise” relative to signal power This is known as Bit Error Rate: it is an important metric in telecoms Bit Error Rate (BER) Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in dB BER for a random noise communications system Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

16 Business Aspects of Digital
Advantages: Robustness against noise Lower cost of signal processing and storage Specially in the light of Moore’s law Information systems integration between business and trade partners Important to Information Systems Management Disadvantages: Lower quality (specially because of quantization error) Requirement to protocols and standards Significantly larger scope of standards Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

17 Case Study: Integrated Service Digital Networks
The G.711 vocoder technology was used in the ISDN system ISDN standards were one of the first systems in data communications They emerged as computer communications grew in importance, and as fax devices became popular in mid to late 1980s They were designed to enable transmission of voice signals and data signals over the same telephony lines: it even envisaged video telephony using the ISDN standards The standards still used circuit switching: one telephone line would be occupied by a constant signal transmission Two types of channels are defined in ISDN B (bearer) channel for transmission of one unit of data: B is 64 kbps D (delta) channel is used for sending control signals: D can be 16 or 64 kbps Ordinary telephone lines were considered to carry 2B+D data rates (144 kbps) Video telephony would use up to 30B rates (around 2 Mbps) over a special physical medium. Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

18 ISDN Services Soon it was realised that voice transmission did not require as much as 64 kbps Furthermore, A/D and D/A converters were required in entire system (or costly converting gateways) Furthermore, there was no market for data transmission Few home PCs No world wide web yet No real need of data transmission outside the office Commercial usage of ISDN standard had to wait until late 1990s for purely circuit-switched data communications Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

19 Digital Voice: G.711* Voice Coder (Vocoder)
According to Nyquist rate, voice has to be sampled at twice the frequency rate of the signal. 300 3400 4000 Frequency (Hz) Voice Spectrum Remember: voice signals have significant frequency components of up to 4 KHz. This means sampling rate must be set at more than 8000 samples/sec. Further, 256 = 28 sampling levels are used to represent sample values. This can be represented by an 8-bit word This means initially voice was digitised at a 64 kilobits/sec rate. This is an inefficient way of source coding, but renders a very high voice quality. Analogue to Digital (A/D) Converter *G.711 is an ITU-T standard for audio coding, but it is primarily used in telephony. The standard was released for usage in 1972. 64 kbps digital stream 4 KHz voice stream Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

20 Time and Frequency Domains
Once we stood beside the shore A chink in the wall allowed a draft to blow Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

21 Continuous Waveform 1 Second
Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

22 Unequal Quantization Levels
Since voice variations are much more in lower amplitudes, quantization levels are changed to give a more accurate conversion at these levels. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 Amplitude Time Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

23 Differential Analog to Digital Conversion
Instead of quantizing the sample, the difference between two sample may be quantized This removes the correlation between two samples, reducing the number of bits required per sample to 4 bits The bit rate is then 8000 * 4 = 32,000 bps. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 Amplitude Time Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

24 Original Speech signal Perceptual Weighing Factor
Synthesis Coding Another method of voice coding is to consider how voice is generated and then try to represent voice as its components Our speech consists of a ‘buzzer’ sound generated by the vibrating vocal cords, and hissing and popping sounds as air pass through stationary vocal cords and shaped by our tongue, lips and throat. A set of frequencies and speech filters and code parameters can reproduce voice Original Speech signal + Codebook Speech Filters - To next code word Calculate Error Perceptual Weighing Factor Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

25 Lossy Voice Coders One synthesis coding method is referred to Code Excited Linear Predictive (CELP) A number of vocoders have been designed using CELP. CELP is used in G.729 standard (VoIP systems) and in AMR which is used in GSM and 3G/4G mobile phones G.729 encodes voice at 8 kbps (although some variations exist.) AMR codecs rates are: 12.2, 10.2, 7.95, 7.40, 6.70, 5.90, 5.15 and 4.75 kbps. A different class of AMR codecs are being standardised for “beyond” 3G systems. These are called AMR Wideband (AMR-WB). These have better quality (use a 7 kHz filtered voice) and necessarily higher rates: 23.85, 23.05, 19.85, 18.25, 15.85, 14.25, 12.65, 8.85 and 6.60 kbps. Used in Voice over LTE systems (also 3G systems) CELP follows a source-filter model of speech prediction. The source-filter model of speech production assumes that the vocal cords are the source of spectrally flat sound (the excitation signal), and that the vocal tract acts as a filter to spectrally shape the various sounds of speech. While still an approximation, the model is widely used in speech coding because of its simplicity. Its use is also the reason why most speech codecs (Speex included) perform badly on music signals. The different phonemes can be distinguished by their excitation (source) and spectral shape (filter). Voiced sounds (e.g. vowels) have an excitation signal that is periodic and that can be approximated by an impulse train in the time domain or by regularly-spaced harmonics in the frequency domain. On the other hand, fricatives (such as the "s", "sh" and "f" sounds) have an excitation signal that is similar to white Gaussian noise. So called voice fricatives (such as "z" and "v") have excitation signal composed of an harmonic part and a noisy part. (Source Further information is available from Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

26 Perceptual Quality Comparison
Different coding techniques are compared using perceptual metrics One such metric is called Mean Opinion Score (MOS) NB-AMR WB-AMR Rate (kbps) MOS 4.75 2.8 6.60 3.2 6.70 3.1 8.85 3.5 7.40 12.65 4.0 10.20 3.3 15.85 4.1 12.20 3.4 18.25 4.2 Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

27 Case Study: Skype Popularised VoIP services
Ease of use and high perceptual quality Active at the service/content layer Content and Services Layer Connectivity Retail Layer Subscriber / End user Infrastructure Layer Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

28 Audio Source Coding Compact disk standard development began by Sony and Philips in the late 1970s. In CDs, an analogue audio source is converted to a digital stream using Pulse Coded-Modulation (PCM) technique. For Audio, the waveform is sampled at the Nyquist rate, 44.1 kHz, and converted to a digital stream at a quantization of 216 levels (=65536 levels). This is a very inefficient method of encoding as it does not take into consideration: The characteristics of audio signals Our auditory capabilities (how sensitive are our ears? What can they perceive?) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 Time Amplitude Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

29 MPEG and MP3 Digital Audio and Video compression work started in the 1980s, primarily through a European Community project Eureka. The Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) was formed to develop standards for Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) and Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Several technologies have been realized through this work MPEG-1, a digital Audio and Video source encoding technique, used in Video CDs. MPEG-2, a digital video source coding, used in Digital Video Discs (DVDs) MPEG-4, a digital video source coding used in High Definition (HD) DVDs and Blu-Ray disks. MP3 standard was developed initially as part of the MPEG-1 standard. It takes advantage of how we human perceive sound Discard perceptually insignificant information Remove redundancies in the audio signal For example stereo sound can not be distinguished at lower frequencies Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

30 Lossy Digital Audio Standards
A number of audio encoding standards exist Many of them are proprietary Windows Media Player Real Audio iTune AAC MP3 As MP3 was developed by a consortium of universities and companies, it has the lowest patent barrier And therefore used most widely iTune uses a technology called Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) This technology is associated with the MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 standards, and is principally the same as MP3, but there are some advances, which yield better quality at lower bit rates Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

31 Case Study: iTunes Popularised MP3 technology through creation of a full platform Created a system whereby music could be created and purchased Content and Services Layer Connectivity Retail Layer Subscriber / End user Infrastructure Layer Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

32 Video Coding A video signal contains much more information than audio
A picture is worth a thousand words! To encode video, one must decompose a picture into a set of data pixels, which can each then be digitised, and converted into a sequence of binary data The data is then digitized, frame-by-frame at a suitable rate (25~30 frame per second.) Broadcast analogue TV uses 6-8 MHz of bandwidth. Using a similar digital encoding as PCM with a 224 quantisation range will lead to: 8*2*24 Mbit/sec = 384 Mbps A DVD capacity is 4.5 giga-Bytes, and can provide storage for 94 seconds of such digital information Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

33 Image Coding An image is made of pixels Which are correlated
Therefore, information theory can be used to compress data to its entropy without any loss This is done by coding techniques such GIF or PNG There are also lossy techniques For example the JPEG standard (JPG) Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

34 Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
In video also, the information content is much smaller Efficient source encoders take advantage of this to digitize video A digital picture may be uniquely defined in spatial (time) domain as a matrix of pixels, each with a certain colour and luminance. The picture may be equally represented in the frequency domain, where the information on the changes between pixels colour and luminance are given. The conversion process between Time and Frequency domains uses transform techniques called DCT, and inverse DCT (IDCT) Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

35 Some DCT Examples Time Domain Frequency Domain
Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

36 JPEG Variability JPEG pictures can therefore be encoded with different sizes, with a designed loss They can be adapted to the medium where they are transported Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

37 Video Coding: MPEG-2 Standard
MPEG-2 standard is used in the DVD standards and compresses data based on the DCT technology and temporal (inter-frame) differential coding Three kinds of frames are specified: intra-coded frames (I-frames), predictive-coded frames (P-frames), and bi-directionally-predictive-coded frames (B-frames). I-Frames are independent of previous or following frames. They independently digitally encode a video frame. P-frames provide more compression as they take advantage of I-Frames B-Frames depend on P- and I-Frames, and can be highly compressed. A typical sequence may be like: IBBPBBPBBPBBI I B B P B B P B B I B B P B B P B B I Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

38 MPEG Standards A number of MPEG standards have been developed for audio and video applications. These standards have been instrumental in facilitating video conferencing, digital TV, video telephony and video streaming application. A list of main standards and their application are shown here: Codec Standard Applications MPEG-1 H.261 Video CD Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) MPEG-2 H.262 DVD, Blu-Ray DVD Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) MPEG-4 H.264 Blu-Ray DVD Video Streaming (YouTube, Vimeo, Etc.) Video telephony (e.g. FaceTime) HDTV Broadcasting XAVC (4K) MPEG-H H.265 High Efficiency Video Coding 8K Ultra High Definition TV Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management © 2016, Riaz Esmailzadeh

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