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Grain Boundary Engineering ( Basic Knowledge : Part 2 )

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Presentation on theme: "Grain Boundary Engineering ( Basic Knowledge : Part 2 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grain Boundary Engineering ( Basic Knowledge : Part 2 )
Structure-dependent Boundary Properties. Mechanical Properties Roles in Deformation and Fracture Chemical Properties, Potential Sites of Chemical Reactions Electrical Properties (Electron Scattering ) Magnetic Properties ( Domain Wall Motion ) Thermal Properties Paths for migration of atoms, vacancies.)




5 SEM-Electron Channelling Pattern (ECP)s from Grains with Different Orientations in Fe-6.%mass%Si Ribbon.


7 Recent Technique for the Characterization of
Grain Boundary Microstructure Orientation Imaging Microscopy (OIM) B. Adams, S. I. Wright and K. Kunze, Metal. Trans., 24A (1993), FEG-SEM/EBSD/OIM ( Hitachi S-4200 )

8 OIM Analysis of Grain Boundary Microstructure in b-SiC Polycrystal
(a) SEM Observation (b) Grain Orientation , Grain Boundary Character Distribution (GBCD) (S.Tsurekawa, T.Watanabe, H.Watanabe and T.Tamari, Key Eng. Mater., Vol. 247 (2003), 327 ~330. )

9 [100] tilt (a) [110] tilt Relative Grain Boundary Energy ggb / gsl = 2cos(a/2) as a Function of Misorientation, G for Al, a) <110>-Twist, c) <100>-Tilt, and d) <100>-Twist Grain Boundary. (A. Otsuki, Trans. JIM., Suppl., 27 (1986), 789~796.) (b) Variations in Grain Boundary Energy for Symmetric Tilt Grain Boundaries in Al Bicrystal. ( G. Hasson, J. –Y. Boos, I. Herbeuval, M. Biscondi and C. Goux : Surface Science, 31 (1972), )


11 Effects of Grain Boundary Structure on Grain Boundary
Migration in Pb-Sn Alloy bicrystals K. T. Aust and J. W. Rutter, Trans. Met. Soc. AIME., 215 (1959),


13 Misorientation Dependence of Grain Boundary Hardness in <100> Tilt Niobium Bicrystals.
(Y. T. Chou, B. C. Cai, A. D. Romig, Jr. and L. S. Lin, Phil. Mag. A, 47 (1983), )

14 Deformation of Grain Boundary in Bicrystal and Tricrystal
SEM Micrographs Showing (a) the Surface of Tricrystal Specimen Deformed at 1073K under 6 MPa for 200h and (b) the Enlarged View of Triple Junction. (S. Miura, T. Okada, S. Onaka and S. Hashimoto, Colloq. de Phys., C1, 51 (1990), C ) Stress-strain Curves of <100> Bicrystals having 4°, 14° and 37° Boundaries and Component Single Crystals. (S. MIURA and Y. SAEKI, Acta Metallugica. 26 (1978), )

15 R Interactions of Lattice Dislocations with Grain Boundaries of Different Types ; (a) a Random Boundary (Grain Boundary 1), (b) a slightly off-S13b Coincidence Boundary (Grain Boundary 2) in the Specimen Crept up to 1.3% Elongation at Tensile Stress of 5 MPa and 600K. (H. Kokawa, T. Watanabe and S. Karashima, J. Mater. Sci., 18 (1983), ) S13

16 Grain Boundary Sliding in <1010>Tilt Zinc Bicrystals

17 T.Watanabe、S.Kimura and S.Karashima; Phi. Mag.,49(1984), 845-864.

18 Grain Boundary Structural Transformation at High Temperatures.

19 Soap Bubble Mode of Grain Boundary Structural Transformation


21 Misorientation Dependence of Fracture Stress in Molybdenum Bicrystals with <110> Symmetric Tilt Boundaries. ( Tsurekawa, Tanaka and Yoshinaga, Mater. Sci. Eng., A 176 (1994), 341. )

22 Effects of Boundary Misorientation Angle on Fracture Stress and Strain in Bicrystal
Misorientation Dependence of Fracture Stress and Strain in <1010> Tilt and <1010> Twist Zinc Bicrystals. (T.Watanabe, S. Sima and S.Karashima : Embrittlement by liquid and solid metals, Met. Soc. AIME, (1984), ) Misorientation Dependence of Fracture Stress and Strain in Cu-Bi <110> Tilt Bicrystal. ( H. Miura, T. Yoshida, T. Sakai, M. Kato and T. Mori, J. Jpn. Inst. Metals, 57 (1993), )

23 gf = 2gs – ggb gf = 2gs – ggb + gpl
Fracture Energy gf , for Ideal Grain Boundary Fracture, gf = 2gs – ggb (1) gs : Surface Energy ggb : Grain Boundary Energy Fracture Energy gf , for Grain Boundary Fracture involving Plastic Deformation, gf = 2gs – ggb + gpl (2) gpl : Plastic Strain Energy

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