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Born and raised in Acworth

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2 Born and raised in Acworth
Married 21 years 2 daughters, Molly and Darby Eleventh year here at Frey Shopaholic . I think TJMaxx is my best friend Disney Freak! Love Coke Zero and Raisinets

3 7:15-7:50 Arrival/ Morning Work
7:50-8:00 Announcements 8:00-8:30 Calendar/ Word Work 8:30-9:30 Guided Reading 9:30-9:40 Snack/ Read Aloud/ Shared Reading 9:40-10:25 Writer’s Workshop 10:25-11:30 Guided Math 11:34-11:59 Lunch 12:00-12:20 Recess 12:20-1:05 Specials 1:10-1:40 Content 1:40-1:55 Number Talks 1:55-2:05 Pack Up

4 Fostering Leadership Among Motivated Engaged Students
F.L.A.M.E.S Fostering Leadership Among Motivated Engaged Students Frey’s Big 3 Be Kind 2. Do YOUR Best 3. Make Good Choices AIM HIGH Attitude, Ideas, Management, Helpfulness, Influence, Gratitude, Hope

5 Daily Behavior Communication
Behavior Calendar..please check and initial nightly Rewards House System Dojo points Brag Tags Consequences (school-wide procedure) Name on board Check mark (5 minutes off recess) 2 Check marks (silent lunch)

6 New! Lunch Visitors: At Frey we welcome parents or grandparents to come and enjoy a lunch date with their students. This year Frey is asking for visitors to each lunch with their student in the annex area of the lunchroom in order to provide a more private conversation area. Schoolwide Behavior Policy: This year Frey is implementing the following schoolwide behavior policy. After one warning from a teacher, the students name will be written on the board as a reminder to make better choice. After the second, the student will put a check mark beside their name and lose 5 minutes of recess. If a third is required, two check marks will be placed beside the students name and they will receive silent lunch. Any other instances will result in a referral to the principal’s office.

7 Served Daily from 11:34-11:59 at table 10
$2.25 for students and $3. 50 for guests No fast food allowed Extras are available daily for a small charge Visitors will eat in the annex with their student Birthday treats are welcome for friends in our class only please . We will enjoy them during our lunch period. Please make sure to send in individual treats, or pre-slice any cakes.

8 Morning Announcements begin at 7:50.
Morning Arrival Morning Arrival The 1st bell rings at 7:15 & the 2nd bell rings at 7:50. Tardy passes are given to students arriving after 7:50. When students arrive, they should: Head to the cafeteria first if they are eating breakfast, otherwise go straight to class. Unpack, check binder for notes/money to turn in & place binder in their cubby. Turn in homework, shop for books, use the restroom, & begin morning routine. Morning Announcements begin at 7:50.

9 No student check-outs after 1:45
Dismissal begins at 2:10, 12:10 on Early Release Days Car Rider signs required (pick up in Learning Commons) Transportation changes must be in s

10 Required (check homework pocket) Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Math
Spelling Words (individual lists based on weekly pattern…first two weeks will be practice only) Optional Sign Up (must sign up to receive) Weekly Packet of skills review Expected Math Fact Practice (you may use websites or APPs such as or any other means of studying that best suits your child’s needs. Math Fact Folders Nightly Reading

11 Math Fact Fluency Students will be responsible for practicing their current math fact level each night using a means that is most suitable for them. Each student will have a math fact folder for addition and subtraction, subtraction only, or multiplication. Inside you will find your child’s current math fact level, along with flash cards they can use to study daily. These folders will come home on Monday and need to be returned on Friday. We will take our math fact tests on Fridays, and their graded test, along with their new level will come back home on Mondays. Students need to be proficient with addition and subtraction facts within 10 for quarter 1, and within 20 by quarter 4.

12 Standards based report card (please see the next slide for a sample, as well as the attached link for the parent rubric Based on 3,2,1 system 3: Proficient: consistent and independent 2: Progressive: basic understanding 1: Minimal understanding Not all papers are formally graded…May also see marked as CT: checked together, GL: guided Lesson, P: partner, TA: Teacher Assisted, G: Group Students will also be given daily “exit tickets” or problems to solve in order to help form small groups for math. Stickers will be placed at the top of each child’s paper in order to determine what group your child will be placed in for that day. Red indicates the child has mastered the skill and are ready for extension. Yellow means that they for the most part understand the concept, but might need a little extra practice. Finally, blue indicates very minimal understanding of the skill introduced that day.


14 Three (3) unexcused absences: Teachers will communicate with parents regarding student attendance via , phone, parent conference or postcard. Five (5) unexcused absences:  Each school will utilize Blackboard Connect generated contact through one of the following:  Telephone call, letter, and/or . Seven (7) unexcused absences: A School Social Work referral will be generated by principal or principal designee listing specific school-based interventions (telephone calls, letters, conferences, etc.) that have occurred prior to making the referral.

15 Please check out our classroom blog weekly for important updates, as well as to extend your children with our many interactive websites listed. I will send and when updates have been added.

16 Math, Language and Writing will be taught using the following model…
This year we are very excited to begin our new program, Units of Study by Lucy Calkins. Please pick up the provided letter this evening for more information from administration to see how the new program s will align with and extend our current report card standards. We will discuss any changes at your child’s conference in October. Math, Language and Writing will be taught using the following model… A whole group introduction lesson Independent Practice Differentiated small groups to meet individual student needs.

17 Labor Day Holiday: Monday, September 5th
Fall Holiday: September 26st-30th Frey Day on a Saturday: October 8th Conferences: October 17th-21st Fall Festival: October 28th  6:00-9:00 Paint the Trail Purple: November 5

18 Fire Safety Village (students)
Performing Arts (students), December 7th Fernbank in the Spring (parents and students)

19 K-2 Thursday, May 4 3-5 Friday, May 5


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