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Clean Technology (PB386) Click to edit Master title style Numfon Eaktasang, Ph.D.

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1 Clean Technology (PB386) Click to edit Master title style Numfon Eaktasang, Ph.D.

2 Carbon Cycle

3 How do we remove this CO2? Carbon sink: is a reservoir of carbon that accumulates and stores carbon for an indefinite period. The main sinks are: Absorption of carbon dioxide by the oceans Photosynthesis by plants and algae to turn the carbon into plant matter Injection of CO2 emissions deep into geological subsurface Carbon credit/Carbon offset ??

4 Emission Trading Scheme: ETS

5 Kyoto Protocol Signed in 1997; in force since 16 February 2005.
Ratified by more than 130 countries Major non participants: USA and Australia. Commits Annex 1 countries to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. GHG emissions may be reduced by ~ 5% below 1990 levels in Individual, quantified emission targets for each industrialized country GHGs: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6

6 Kyoto Protocol 3 mechanisms for financing emission reduction abroad.
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Joint Implementation (JI) International Emissions Trading (ET): Carbon trading

7 Development of Carbon Market

8 Trading is the right to pollute
In the past there has been no market to trade and enforce environmental property rights. Carbon trading seeks to create incentives to reduce pollution. A cap is set on the emissions allowed The cap creates the scarcity required for the market At the end of each year installations are required to ensure they have enough allowances to account for their installation’s actual emissions.

9 What is a Carbon Footprint?
Carbon footprint (FP): is “the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product” (UK Carbon Trust 2008). Best estimate of full climate change impact of something Carbon – Usually talking about CO2e (CO2-eq) not actually just carbon Footprint – Total impact

10 Objectives To study sources and quantity of greenhouse emission
To search the solutions to reduce greenhouse gases emission To reduce the contribution of global warming and climate change

11 Type of Carbon Footprint
Carbon footprint of human activities (individual) Carbon footprint of products Carbon footprint of organizations

12 Carbon Footprint of Human Activities
Transportation Food consumption Energy: electricity Fuel Average of GHGs emission = t CO2/person/year

13 Carbon Footprint of Human Activities

14 Carbon Footprint of Products
GHGs emission of product through the product life cycle Life cycle assessment (LCA) Calculate in terms of CO2eq

15 Carbon Footprint of Organizations
GHGs emission from activities of organizations CO2 Solid waste management Transportation Electricity Fuel

16 Scope of Carbon Footprint

17 Scope of Carbon Footprint of Organizations
Direct GHG Emission Solid waste management (Incineration/ Open burning/Landfill) Transportation Wastewater treatment system Sewage management Scope 2 Indirect GHG Emission - Electricity Scope 3 Solid waste management Services

18 Activity data = activity contributed to GHGs emission
Calculation CO2 emission activity data emission factor Activity data = activity contributed to GHGs emission Emission factor = constant value in different activity data

19 Calculation Activity data Primary/Secondary Electricity (KWh)
Solid waste (kg, ton) Fuel (L) Transportation (km) Etc.

20 Calculation Emission factor Activity Factor Solid waste (kg)
1.3 kg CO2e/kg Sanitary landfill (kg) kgCO2e/kg Biogas (kg) 1.0 g CH4/kg Composting (kg) 4 g CH4/kg 0.1 kg CO2e/kg 0.3 g N2O/kgCO2e/kg kg CO2e/kg Wastewater treatment (Septic system) (kg) 0.30 kg CH4/kg BOD Fuel (L) 3.0 kg CO2e/L Electricity (KWh) kg CO2e/KWh

21 Emission factor

22 Global Warming Potential (g CO2-eq.)
Calculation Global Warming Potential GHGs Lifetime (year) Global Warming Potential (g CO2-eq.) CO2 1 CH4 11 21 N2O 120 310 HFCs 2-19 140-11,700 PFCs > 1,000 6,500-9,200 SF6 3,200 23,900

23 Calculation Solid waste Solid Waste (kg) CO2 Emission 1.3 kg CO2e/kg

24 Calculation Solid Waste (kg) CO2 Emission 0.8421 kgCO2e/kg
Disposal by Sanitary Landfill Solid Waste (kg) CO2 Emission kgCO2e/kg Solid Waste (ton) x Transport (km) CO2 Emission kg CO2e/ton-km

25 Calculation Disposal by composting Solid waste (kg) CO2 Emission
4 gCH4/kg ………gCH4 CO2 Emission 21 ………gCO2e CO2 Emission 1,000 ….…kgCO2e CO2 Emission 1

26 Calculation Disposal by composting Solid waste (kg) CO2 Emission
0.3gN2O/kg ………gN2O CO2 Emission 310 ………gCO2e CO2 Emission 1,000 ….…kgCO2e CO2 Emission 2

27 Calculation Disposal by composting ….…kgCO2e Total CO2 Emission
From CH4 From N2O ….…kgCO2e Total CO2 Emission ….…kgCO2e 1 2

28 Average Quantify of Wastewater (L)
Calculation Wastewater Treatment (Septic System) 1 0.30 kg CH4/kg BOD Average Quantify of Wastewater (L) x BOD value (mg/L) CO2 Emission 0.30 kg CH4/kg BOD ……kg BOD CO2 Emission

29 Calculation Wastewater Treatment (Septic System) 21 ……kg CH4
CO2 Emission ……kg CO2e CO2 Emission

30 Calculation Electricity Fuel 0.5610 kgCO2e/kWh Electricity (kWh)
CO2 Emission Diesel (L) CO2 Emission 3.0 kgCO2e/L

31 CO2 emission = Activity data x Emission factor
Example 1 Factory A, Solid waste generation = 10,000 kg/day Disposal method: sanitary landfill How much of CO2 emission per day? Sol. CO2 emission = Activity data x Emission factor 10,000 kg kgCO2e/kg activity data = 10,000 kg emission factor = kg CO2e/kg CO2 emission = 10,000 kg x kg CO2e/kg = 8,421 kg CO2e

32 CO2 emission = Activity data x Emission factor
Example 2 Hospital A, Wastewater treatment (Septic system) Flow rate = 500,000 L/day Biological oxygen demand (BOD) 160 mg/L How much of CO2 emission per day? CO2 emission = Activity data x Emission factor activity data = 500,000 L x 160 mg/L BOD = 80 kg BOD emission factor = 0.30 kg CH4/kg BOD CO2 emission = 80 kg BOD x kg CH4/kg BOD = 24 kg CH x GWP100 = 504 kg CO2e

33 Thank You !

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