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Lessons learnt and challenges ahead

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1 Lessons learnt and challenges ahead
GPS / REACH conference 04 Oct 2011 Athens, Greece L. Heezen Manager Global Chemical Regulations

2 Content Next deadline 2013 Working in SIEFs
Industry guidance’s and tools for CSA development and ES communication REACH legal remedies

3 Early estimates for 2013 registrations:
Next deadline 2013 Early estimates for 2013 registrations: 3 500 substances Number of substances revised downwards compared to 2007 estimates Lessons from 2010 registration: less substances than initially estimated, especially intermediates Same ratio applied to 2013 estimates new dossiers expected Market intelligence needed to confirm

4 Working is SIEFs From pre-SIEF to SIEF (2010 experience)
Difficult to form a SIEF and get the work started Use Substance Identity Profile (SIP) template Guidance on SIEF formation SFF not filling in its role Recommendations to bypass Companies reluctant to take the LR role Cefic guidance for LR Checklist SIEF tasks Obligations and liabilities of LR What are intentions of SIEF members? Use SIEF codes: Leading, Involved, Passive and Dormant Consortia formation did help Cefic model REACH SIEF agreement

5 SIEFs: main challenges and learning's
Need for an efficient SIEF management process Early, clear, transparent and regular communication to all SIEF members Determine substance sameness and communicate to all SIEF members C&L process Data availability check Agreement on LR and notification to ECHA Cefic REACH model cooperation agreement Report progress status Joint/separate CSA/CSR

6 Countdown: optimal situation
Next deadline 2013 Countdown: optimal situation Q2 2013 IUCLID I5Z Members Q1 2013 IUCLID I5Z Leads Q1-Q4 2012 Start CSA Chemical Assessment Substance ID Data sharing Hazard data Q3-Q4 2011 SIEF work 30 May deadline 30 March 2013 End 2012: CSR ready End 2011: i5 dataset Now towards 2013 deadline

7 SIEFs: main challenges and learning's
Use a project management tool e.g. Cefic Gantt chart including main tasks and timeline

8 SIEF: main challenges and learning’s
Consistent and efficient communication SIEF Management can be done by LR or outsourced to service providers e.g. ReachCentrum SIEF communication platform is key e.g. : LINKinSIEF New tool based on experience made during the previous phase Focus on practicability and user friendliness For LR: Flexible surveys and centralized document storage. Support for compliance/liabilities For SIEF members: Free; one single point for access SIEF information in a simple & secured way

9 SIEF: main challenges and learning’s
Cost sharing Should be fair, transparent and non-discriminatory Pay for the data you need(tonnage band, intermediate…) Explanation of cost sharing system e.g. coverletter + early estimate if possible When will SIEF members get the data? LoA procedure Costs may include: SIEF management Preparation of IUCLID dossier, RSS, CSR Generation of invoices, letters of access, etc. Provision for reimbursement (with a threshold?) Consult Cefic notes on cost sharing

10 SIEF: Main challenges & learnings
Procedure for LoA DOSSIER PREPARATION SIEF agreement signed Invoice from LR Received and paid LoA received Sign up to JS in REACH-IT Submission of Member dossier After payment, companies need to get from the LR/consortia: •Token •Joint submission name •Access to content of the LR dossier •Letter of access And prepare, complete and submit their own registration dossier!

11 SIEF: main challenges and learning’s
Handling new registrants in SIEF’s SIEF that have submitted dossier in 2010: LR sends out note with procedure to follow and timing to SIEF members LR to assure the latest SIEF membership from REACH IT Transparent SIEF communication including clear cost sharing rules Scope of LR dossier (CSR jointly prepared?) SIEF agreement remains key! Model agreement on Cefic web

12 2013 registration: challenges
New SIEFs for 2013 will look different: Expect fewer substances will be handled in consortia Smaller companies will require registrations less experienced? less resources? SIEF management challenges will become even more important Substances are likely to be less data rich Average cost per dossier could go up Less experienced Lead Registrants to manage SIEFs

13 2013 registration: challenges
New registrants: Check if substance has been registered and contact LR/consortium If not registered yet, consider forming SIEF leadership team If needed, do careful selection of service provider Do pre-SIEF steps as soon as possible. Don’t loose time with SIP and agreement Use documents and tools on Cefic website Use best practices and tools, don’t invent the wheel again!

14 Update of dossiers When to update a dossier? What is „without undue delay‟ (Art 22) ? Updates need time! E.g. preparation of CSR may take more than one year! Realistic time for companies Case by case: How foreseeable the change was Difficulty of the update Interim measures may be needed Change of classification: if R50/53 companies should not wait for 2013

15 Dissemination Dissemination of information from registration dossiers: Some information already available on ECHA website (LR + individual) Publication of Company names + details in the future Disseminated information cannot be used for free C&L inventory to be published by the end of the summer  Check your dossiers to avoid publication of confidential information!

16 ES Development & Communication model
Legend M/I = Manufacturer / Importer DU = Downstream User For specific products and applications the appropriate (next) steps in the above diagram need to be determined based on expert judgement: not always all steps are needed and/or the order can be adapted. M/I and DU partnership via trade associations Generic ES Development Input of DU Associations Development GES library M/I and selected DU’s Specific ES development Input of selected customers Use of Cefic ES template Final Exposure Scenario (M/I) M/I and/or M/I-DU Associations => determine strategy Systematic assessment of safe uses (use of Tier1 tool) Map uses and use conditions in supply chain Initial ESs, ES titles and Use Descriptors for safe uses only M/I Communicate Uses (ES titles, Use Descriptors) to direct DU for further communication in the supply chain DU Use covered? Yes DU Wait for final ES No or DU Complete feedback form Await decision M/I DU Prepare CSA/CSR Inform Agency Communication to direct DU Distribution of e-SDS 16

17 Available tools on Cefic web
Newsletter: guidance on Use and ES development and Supply Chain Communication VCI Practical guide CSR eSDS DUCC UseR template SPERC s Libraries use mappings Preparation phase Use communication holding letter M/I and/or M/I-DU Associations => determine strategy Systematic assessment of safe uses (use of Tier1 tool) Map uses and use conditions in supply chain Initial ESs, ES titles and Use Descriptors Use and ES communication IT tool requirements for safe uses only DU Use covered? DU Wait for final ES Yes Guidance on GES process + templates M/I and DU partnership via trade associations Generic ES Development Input of DU Associations Development GES library Guidance on SES process + templates M/I and selected DU’s Specific ES development Input of selected customers Use of Cefic ES template No or DU Complete feedback form Await decision M/I DU Prepare CSA/CSR Inform Agency ES for preparations, DPD+ ESCom XML ESCom phrases Communication to direct DU Distribution of e-SDS Final Exposure Scenario (M/I)‏

18 REACH legal remedies REACH introduces a new authority, i.e. ECHA, as well as new competences of existing authorities, i.e. the Commission and national competent authorities. Measures/decisions taken under REACH: potentially high adverse effect on industry (‘no data, no market’) Need for legal certainty and internal administrative/judicial relief in timely manner and with minimum costs Rights to challenge decisions: which legal remedies are available to companies adversely affected by these decisions by authorities?

19 Examples of REACH decisions
Registration e.g. ECHA decision to reject a registration because it is incomplete ECHA rejection of confidentiality claim Dossier Evaluation e.g. ECHA decision on testing proposal Substance Evaluation e.g. Member State CA decision on additional information to be generated Authorisation e.g. COM decision on authorisation application Enforcement by Member States e.g. decision to discontinue production due to REACH incompliance Overall e.g. ECHA accepts request for access to document 19

20 Legal remedies: overview
CoJ GC ECHA BoA / Ex. Dir. Commission National court Preliminary ruling procedure MS: -Enforcement - MSCA GC: General Court CoJ: Court of Justice

21 Thank You! Cefic industry support:
Thank You!

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