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Today’s Agenda Your Expectations of the day NMHP Champion Qualities and Attributes 3. NMHP Presentation Types and Examples 4. Pre-Champion Action 5. Post-Champion.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda Your Expectations of the day NMHP Champion Qualities and Attributes 3. NMHP Presentation Types and Examples 4. Pre-Champion Action 5. Post-Champion."— Presentation transcript:


2 Today’s Agenda Your Expectations of the day NMHP Champion Qualities and Attributes 3. NMHP Presentation Types and Examples 4. Pre-Champion Action 5. Post-Champion Action 6. NMHP work & Outcomes 7. Champion Recipe

3 NMHP Champion Qualities and Attributes

4 NMHP Facts & Figures

5 Model & History Referred by AHPRA Self-referral NMHP Assessment
Monitoring Pathway Effectiveness Workplace Re-entry Support Regular Review of Treatment Ongoing Support Relapse Management as required Liaison with Employer Referrals, treatment, liaison Referred by AHPRA Employer Assisted Referrals Individual Care Plan

6 Drug & Alcohol Presentations

7 Mental Health Presentations

8 Richard Renta’s

9 Pre-Champion Action

10 Break-Out groups No Need to diagnose but rather explain behaviour
Discussion on a ‘Real Life’ example What behaviour/impairment did you notice about the staff member? Where would they fit on the Richard Renta’s continuum? Was there, if any intervention/support offered? What was the outcome/challenges/successes?

11 Post-Champion Action

12 Courageous Conversations The Benefits for Colleagues or Managers
1. Address concerns sensitively 2. Acknowledge the issue/behaviour 3. Get a confidential conversation started 4. Reduce stress/refer to manager, 5. Reduce isolation & increase support for all staff

13 Courageous Conversations Optional Model
1. Describe the behavior in a sensitive way 2. Express the impact of the behavior denial/acceptance 3. Specify preferable behavior-not personal 4. Consequences of no action or change? 5. Contract to act in the new way-Informal/formal 6. Agreed 7. Follow up

14 NMHP Work & Outcomes

15 Champion Recipes In groups create a recipe - the ingredients and the method (6 groups in total) -the qualities of an ideal Champion & the worst Champion eg: a cup of humour, a sprinkle compassion, a dust of dread - Combine all terrible ingredients, mix kindly one at a time etc…………….

16 NMHP Contact Details Tenancy @ St Vincent’s Hospital,
8th floor Aikenhead Wing, 27 Victoria Parade Fitzroy Monday - Friday 8.30am till 5pm; Phone: ; Anonymous enquiries welcome; Website: Facebook: Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Access also available in; Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong & Traralgon

17 On behalf of the NMHP Team, We thank you!
We know you will make wonderful Champions!

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