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Over 10,000 Years of History in 10 Minutes!

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2 Over 10,000 Years of History in 10 Minutes!
(Big Bang) 8,000 BCE – 600 BCE 600 BCE – 600 CE 600 CE – 1450 1450 – 1750 1750 – 1900 1900 – 2017



5 1. (Big Bang) 8,000 BCE – 600 BCE Early Human Migrations Out of Africa
Agriculture/Neolithic Revolution  Domestication of Plants and Animals River Valley Civilizations  Mesopotamia, India, Egypt Emergence of Hinduism and Judaism

6 2. 600 BCE – 600 CE Emergence of Belief Systems 
Buddhism, Confucianism, Greek Philosophy, Christianity Rise (and fall) of Classical Empires  China (Qin and Han), India (Mauryan and Gupta), Persia, Greece/Rome, Maya Silk Roads

7 3. 600 CE – 1450 Rise of Islam and Islamic Caliphates (Muslims)
Indian Ocean Trade Network Mongol Empire Aztec and Inca Empires Byzantine (Medieval, Black Plague) Southernization  Imperial China, India (Delhi Sultanate), Islamic Caliphates

8 4. 1450 – 1750 Age of Exploration Columbian Exchange
Colonization of the Americas Mercantilism and Rise of Overseas Empires Gunpowder Empires  Ottoman Empire, India (Mughal), Persia (Safavid) Qing Empire (Manchu China) until Period 6 *Renaissance, Printing Press, Reformation, Scientific Revolution*

9 – 1900 Enlightenment French Revolution (also American, Haitian, and Latin American Revolutions) Industrial Revolution Imperialism in Africa and Asia Global Migrations and Population Growth Rise of Nationalism and Nation-States  Japanese Empire

10 6. 1900 – 2017 Rise of Science and Technology
MORE Global Migrations and Population Growth MORE Industrial Production World Wars and the Cold War Rise of USA Emergence of Independence and Rights Movements Globalization Rise of the Rest?



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