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Ch. 4 Textbook Stuff (p. 134-169) Answers.

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1 Ch. 4 Textbook Stuff (p ) Answers

2 1. Define consciousness.

3 1. Define consciousness. (p.134)
Our awareness of such cognitive processes as sleeping, dreaming, concentrating, and making decisions among many others.

4 2. What does ASC stand for?

5 2. What does ASC stand for? Altered States of Consciousness
= times when our mental state differs noticeably from our experience when we are awake and alert.

6 3. Define daydreaming.

7 3. Define daydreaming. (p. 137)
Alteration in consciousness that occurs seemingly without effort and, typically, when we would prefer to escape momentarily the demands of the real world.

8 4. About how much of our lives do we spend in ASC?

9 4. About how much of our lives do we spend in ASC? (p. 139)

10 What if you stopped sleeping?

11 5. Why is REM sleep usually called paradoxical sleep?

12 5. Why is REM sleep usually called paradoxical sleep?
Because while the brain activity, heart rate, blood pressure, and so on closely resemble waking consciousness, the sleeper appears to be deeply asleep and incapable of moving because the body’s voluntary muscles are essentially paralyzed.

13 6. What is the textbook description of dreams?

14 6. What is the textbook description of dreams?
Vivid images or experiences that occur primarily during REM periods of sleep.

15 7. List and describe three basic types of sleep disorders.

16 7. List and describe three basic types of sleep disorders.
Insomnia Apnea Narcolepsy

17 Crash Course Sleep

18 8. What were the similar effects experienced by subjects who experienced extreme sensory deprivation?

19 8. What were the similar effects experienced by subjects who experienced extreme sensory deprivation? Hallucinations, altered perceptions, dreamed, daydreamed, fantasized, flashes of light, geometrical forms, noises…odors, feelings of motion…

20 9. Define meditation.

21 9. Define meditation. Any of various methods of concentration, reflection, or focusing of thoughts that reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.

22 10. Define hypnosis.

23 10. Define hypnosis. Trancelike state in which the subject responds readily to suggestions.

24 11. List the three types of depressants.

25 11. List the three types of depressants.
“Chemicals that slowdown behavior or cognitive processes” Alcohol Barbiturates “downers” Opiates

26 12. List two types of stimulants.

27 12. List two types of stimulants.
“Stimulant drugs” Amphetamines “Speed” Cocaine

28 13. What are hallucinogens?

29 13. What are hallucinogens?
Any of a number of drugs, such as LSD and mescaline, that distort visual and auditory perception

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