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Jeopardy Definitions Scientific Method Variables Q $100 Q $100 Q $100

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1 Jeopardy Definitions Scientific Method Variables Q $100 Q $100 Q $100
Click on a category/dollar amount to see the “answer.” When you are ready to show the correct question, hit ENTER. To go back to the game board (this screen) click on Alex’s picture. Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100-Definitions What is the definition for the Conclusion
step of the scientific method?

3 Definitions-$100 The step when you check to see
if your hypothesis was correct and share what you learned from the experiment

4 What is the definition for the term hypothesis?
$200-Definitions What is the definition for the term hypothesis?

5 Definitions-$200 An educated guess or prediction.

6 $300-Definitions This is the part of an experiment
that is kept the same OR the one that the scientists use as a baseline for a comparison for the rest of the experiment.

7 Definitions-$300 The control group.

8 $400-Definitions What is the variable of an experiment that scientists can change (ex: what to water a plant)?

9 Definitions-$400 The independent variable

10 What is the Placebo Effect
$500-Definitions What is the Placebo Effect

11 Definitions-$500 a fake treatment treatment that
sometimes improve a patient's condition simply because the person has the expectation that it will be helpful.

12 What is the first step of the Scientific Method?

13 Scientific Method-$100 Question/Problem

14 $200 –Scientific Method What is the part of the Scientific Method that includes the materials and procedures?

15 Scientific Method-$200 The Experiment.

16 $300 – Scientific Method What part of the Scientific Method is where the scientist makes an educated guess about what might happen during the experiment?

17 Scientific Method-$300 The Hypothesis.

18 $400 – Scientific Method This part of the Scientific Method involves using your 5 senses, and recording observations about what has happened.

19 Scientific Method-$400 Making observations.

20 What are the 7 steps of the Scientific Method?

21 Scientific Method-$500 Question/Problem Research Hypothesis Experiment
Observations Analyze Data Make Conclusions

22 $100 – Variables What is the independent variable in the following example? The amount of money a child receives depends on how many lawns have been mowed during the summer.

23 Variables - $100 How many lawns have been mowed during the summer.

24 The amount of apples that grew represents this kind of variable.
$200 – Variables I grew two apple trees over the summer. One tree received fertilizer and the other one did not. The tree that was fertilized, grew more apples. The amount of apples that grew represents this kind of variable.

25 Variables-$200 The dependent variable

26 $300 – Variables If I drink regular coffee before bed, then I will not sleep very well. Identify the independent and dependent variables.

27 Variables-$300 Independent: Drink coffee
Dependent: Not sleep very well

28 What is the independent variable?
$400 -Scenarios The amount of homework a student has at night depends on how much he/she completed during class or study hall. What is the independent variable?

29 homework completed at school
Scenarios-$400 The amount of homework completed at school

30 What were the constants in this scenario?
$500 -Scenarios Two strangers are out to eat with their families at Bob’s BBQ Grill. Their tables are next to each other. They both order Bob’s Belly Poppin’ Burger. Later that night, one of the strangers awakes with an upset tummy. What were the constants in this scenario?

31 The restaurant, Bob’s Belly Poppin’ Burger, and location of seating.
Scenarios-$500 The restaurant, Bob’s Belly Poppin’ Burger, and location of seating.

32 Final Jeopardy These are two reasons scientists need to take detailed notes during experiments.

33 Final Jeopardy Answer What is so they can remember
what happened (so they don’t forget) and so they can share their findings with others?

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