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Chapter 17 Section 3 Korea & Vietnam.

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1 Chapter 17 Section 3 Korea & Vietnam

2 Post War Asia Korea divided at the 38th Parallel The Set Up
North was communist, Soviet troops had driven the Japanese out of the North South was democratic, American troops had driven the Japanese out of the South The north was industrialized The south was rural North led by Kim II Sung South led by Syngman Rhee The Set Up The Soviets sent tanks, planes, & money They encouraged the North to take over all of Korea

3 War in Korea 6/25/50: N. Korea launched an attack into S. Korea
N.K. troops drove deep into the south Truman’s policy of containment was being tested S.K. ask the United Nations to intervene The UN decided to send a international force to Korea to stop the invasion The resolution passed because the Soviet Union was boycotting the UN 15 nations sent troops; most from the US & Britain Douglas Mac Arthur was put in charge on the forces

4 War in Korea cont.. MacArthur made a daring decision to stop the North’s advance A pincer action to land troops behind the N.K. troops and catch them between the troops from Pusan and Inchon This caught the N.K. army off guard and ½ of the troops surrendered The N.K. troops fled back to the north MacArthur ordered the armies to drive them off the peninsula When UN forces reached the Yalu River, things changed greatly The Chinese attacked with 300,000 troops

5 The Chinese attack China greatly out numbered the UN forces
The Chinese pushed the UN back south of Seoul MacArthur called for nuclear strikes against China Truman thought MacArthur’s request was reckless MacArthur tried to convince Congress and the press he was right Truman fired MacArthur for insubordination Over the next 2 years the fighting would move back and forth over the 38th Parallel Finally a cease fire was signed in July of 1953 Korea was still divided near the 38th Parallel

6 After the war Korea remains divided at the 38th Parallel North,
Kim Il Sung established heavy industries, collective farms, and increased the size of the military Kim Il Sung died in 1994 Kim Jong Il, his son, became the leader and developed nuclear weapons Serious economic problems still exist In the South, A very prosperous economy was created with aid from the US and other nations After a series of dictators, free elections were established in 1987 In the late 80s, and 90s, South Korea had one of the highest economic growth rates in the world

7 Vietnam Before WWI, France controlled much of Indochina After WWII
Ho Chi Minh created a nationalists movement for independence In the 1930s, Ho Chi Minh founded the Indochinese Communist Party The French began sending the Vietnamese protestors to jail & sentence Ho Chi Minh to death Ho fled the country, he returned in 1941 to fight the Japanese as part of the Vietminh, an independence movement After WWII France wanted to maintain control over Indochina Fighting broke out between the French and the Vietminh The French held the cities, the Vietminh held the countryside

8 Fighting in Vietnam The Vietminh fought a guerilla war
Widespread support from the villages allowed them to use hit and run tactics and hide in plan sight In France, the people began to doubt if the fighting was worth it 1954, the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu, and surrendered to Ho Chi Minh The US had supported France in their fight against the Vietminh The US was afraid of the Domino Theory the Domino theory became the new basis of the US containment policy

9 Peace in Vietnam Peace conference in Geneva
After the French surrendered, an international peace conference met to determine the future of Indochina Vietnam would be divided at the 17th Parallel North would be ruled by Ho Chi Minh’s communist government South would be ruled by a non-communist government run by Ngo Dinh Diem This government had been created by the US & France This government was corrupt and treated the people of the south badly An opposition group called the Vietcong developed in the south

10 Trouble in Vietnam The Vietcong became more popular as Ngo’s government became more unpopular 1963, South Vietnamese generals with help from the CIA assassinate Ngo No new good leaders emerged, and it appeared the Vietcong would take over the South

11 The United States in Vietnam
The US had been sending advisors and weapons to South Vietnam after the peace talks By the end of 1963, it was clear the US would need to intervene to prevent Vietnam from falling to Communism 1964: Pres. Lyndon Johnson announced the North Vietnamese had fired on the USS Maddox Congress authorized the President to send troops to Vietnam to protect American interests there By the end of 1965, 185,000 US troops were in Vietnam By 1968 a ½ million US troops were there

12 The US Struggles in Vietnam
The US was the most advanced army in the world Two major problems in Vietnam The guerilla style war on unfamiliar terrain The South Vietnamese government was becoming more unpopular, and more people in the South were supporting the Vietcong: people in the South who supported Communism and fought to drive the US out of Vietnam The Vietcong were well supplied with weapons from North Vietnam, the Soviet Union, and China Very few head to head major battles were fought, so the US had no decisive victories against the VC Air Power Goal: to pound the VC into submission

13 The US struggles cont.. Air Power cont.. Search & Destroy Missions:
The massive bombings destroyed everything many of the peasants had Search & Destroy Missions: Designed to find the enemy and eliminate their hiding spots Searching for tunnel entrances and underground hide outs Destroyed farms, villages, and livestock These tactics strengthened the dislike for the South Vietnamese government The Tet Offensive

14 An Unpopular War As the war dragged on, more and more young adults became upset with the US involvement in what they believe was a civil war between the North & South in Vietnam Protests began to dominate the news Violence in cities and on college campuses Attacks on the Pentagon in Washington D.C. Newly elected President Richard Nixon changed the plan in Vietnam Vietnamization: turning the war over the army of South Vietnam To complete this Nixon ordered massive bombings Bombed the North, Cambodia, & Laos

15 American pulls out Protests in America increased when Nixon “widened” the war to Laos & Cambodia With the amount of political pressure and protesting Nixon is force to begin withdrawing US troops 1973: the last US combat troops left Vietnam 1975: the North Vietnamese overran the South Vietnamese army and united Vietnam under the communist flag

16 Postwar Southeast Asia
Even though the fighting had ended in Vietnam, war continued in Southeast Asia A new conflict had started in Cambodia The Khmer Rouge took power in Cambodia in 1975 They began a bloody slaughter on the Cambodian people who did not support the Communist rebellion They were led by a man name Pol Pot The Khmer Rouge killed 2 million people or a ¼ of the countries population 1978: Vietnam invaded Cambodia and overthrew Pol Pot 1989: the Vietnamese withdrew 1993: UN peace keepers helped supervise the creation of a democratic government in Cambodia

17 Postwar Southeast Asia cont..
Vietnam after the war A very strict set of laws were enforced to control the people Thousands were sent to reeducation camps 1.5 million fled to country, known as “boat people” More than 200,000 died at sea 70,000 settled in the US or Canada The US normalized relations with Vietnam in 1995 Vietnam still has a communist economy, but welcomes foreign investment to strengthen the economy

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