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Online Consultations in Southwark

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1 Online Consultations in Southwark
19 April 2017

2 Context Southwark is a diverse borough >300,000 residents
>300 languages spoken median age is 32.7 turnover rate is 8th highest in London population expected to increase by at least 12% over 10 years

3 Our Stakeholders Engaging with patients and practices to shape how they access/deliver services online Patient representatives (including Healthwatch and individual practice PPG’s) 41 GP practice contracts over 42 sites 2 x GP Federations Southwark CCG clinical, commissioning and transformation teams Independent advisors

4 Digital Health Market Video vs. email consultation?
Low, medium or high maturity? Artificial intelligence? Symptom checker/triage vs. long term condition management? Decision trees vs. risk stratification?

5 Supplier Showcase Aim: To improve our understanding of the current capability of online consultation software and develop a procurement specification. Acknowledging online consultation is only one way of patients accessing care, that may not suit everyone, we wanted to find the right offer for Southwark people.

6 Showcase Outcome What is our ‘ask’? artificial intelligence
Measures of success What is our ‘ask’? clinical and information governance financial model interpretation services feedback mechanisms

7 Developing Vignettes Patient and health care professionals
What are my health needs? How does my lifestyle impact my access/experience of healthcare in Southwark? How do I deliver healthcare? How does my lifestyle impact my experience of delivering healthcare in Southwark? Kemi, 48, Peckham Samantha, 37, East Dulwich James, 48, Camberwell Isaac, 79, Bellenden Road

8 Next Steps DigitalHealth.London Accelerator pilot
Creation of a Southwark specific procurement specification Approach the market 17/18 18/19 19/20 Procurement Evaluation Rollout Pilot

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