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Searching the Crime Scene

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1 Searching the Crime Scene

2 Basic Steps to searching crime scenes
Approach scene Be alert for discarded evidence Make pertinent notes as to possible approach or escape routes

3 Secure and Protect Scene
Take control of scene of arrival First officer on scene will have already cleared the area and roped off scene Determine extent to which scene has thus far been protected-usually scene needs to be twice what the arriving officer has secured Ensure adequate scene security

4 Obtain information from personnel who have entered scene and have knowledge relative to its original conditions-document who has been at the crime scene Take extensive notes-DO NOT RELY ON MEMORY Keep out unauthorized personnel- begin recording who enters and leaves

5 Start Preliminary Survey
This survey is an organizational stage to plan of the entire search A cautious walk-through of the scene is done Acquire preliminary photographs Develop general theory of the crime Make extensive notes to document scene physical and environmental conditions

6 Evaluate Physical Evidence Possibilities
Based on what is known from preliminary survey-determine what evidence is LIKELY to be present Concentrate on the most transient evidence and work back to the least transient forms of material Focus on the easily accessible areas in open view and progress to the “hidden” items

7 Consider what evidence appears to have been moved inadvertently
Evaluate whether or not the scene appears intentionally “set up”

8 Prepare Narrative Description (written, audio, video)
The purpose of this step is to provide a running narrative of the conditions at the crime scene- consider what should be present at a scene(victim’s purse or vehicle), is not present, and what is out of place Represent scene in general to specific scheme-consider lights on/off, newspaper in drive,drapes pulled, and heat off/on

9 Photograph Scene Begin photography as soon as possible-plan before shooting Document each photo using a photo log Make sure the overall, medium and close up views are taken Use a scale for size- lay a ruler beside items Make sure to photograph all evidence in place before collection and packaging

10 Be observant of and photograph areas adjacent to the crime scene –ex- points of entry, exits, windows, attics, etc Photograph items, places to corroborate the statements of witnesses, victims, and suspects Take at eye level to represent scene at normal view Photograph all fingerprints prior to lifting

11 Prepare diagram/sketch of scene
The diagram establishes permanent record of items, conditions, and size/distance relationships to supplement photos Rough sketch is drawn at scene to use as a model for finished sketch Number designations on sketch can be coordinated with same on evidence log

12 Things that should be included on diagram
Location Date Time Case number Preparer Weather conditions Lighting conditions Scale or scale disclaimer Compass orientation Evidence Measurements Key or legend

13 General progression of sketches
lay out basic perimeter set forth fixed objects record position of evidence record appropriate measurements make key/legend insert compass

14 Best practices for searching crime scenes
The best search options are typically the most difficult and time consuming You cannot “over document” the physical evidence There is only one chance to do the job A cautious search of visible areas-take steps to avoid loss or contamination After cautious search, a vigorous search for hidden areas

15 Conduct final survey Critical to all aspects of the search
Discuss the search with all personnel Double check documentation Make sure you leave scene with all collected evidence Make sure possible hiding places have not been overlooked Critical issues- have you gone far enough in search for evidence, documented all things and made no assumptions that could prove to be false?

16 Release the Scene Only after final survey is done
Make note of time and date, who released the scene, and whom it was released to Give an inventory to the person who scene released to –for legal reasons Once scene is released a warrant will be required to reentry Consider calling specialists –blood pattern analysts, medical examiner before releasing

17 Conduct detailed search, record, and collect evidence
Use the preliminary survey as a guide Start in a general manner and progress to specific Use specialized search pattern- grid,strip,spiral, etc Photograph, sketch,and record all items into evidence log before removing

18 Make sure containers holding evidence are labeled with initials of collecting investigator
Seal all packages at crime scene Obtain known standards for comparisons (fiber samples from carpet) Check and double check all paperwork


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