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4 Quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem:

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1 4 Quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem:
Jewish Quarter Christian Quarter Muslim Quarter Armenian Quarter

2 Why does it matter? Jerusalem is significant to all 3 major Middle Eastern religions. Control of Jerusalem has been disputed for centuries! The contrast between the Old City and the New City of Jerusalem is incredible—it’s the difference between going back in a time machine several hundred years (thousands in some parts) or hanging out in a completely modernized city.

3 Western Wall/Wailing Wall
Jewish Quarter

4 Jewish Qtr. Western Wall (AKA “Wailing Wall” nicknamed for the sound of singing and crying out Jewish prayers at the site) is all that remains of the second temple of the Jews (destroyed by the Romans) Many Jews go there to pray. Prayers are traditionally written and left in the cracks of the wall for g*d (did you know that Jews find it disrespectful to write out God’s name?)

5 Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Christian Quarter

6 Christian Qtr. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built on the site of Christ’s tomb Many different “sects” or “denominations” of Christianity practice their faith here and want control of this site. One major ceremony that takes place yearly is the celebration of the holy fire sent from heaven. Many Christians also gather in Jerusalem prior to Easter to walk the path Jesus walked prior to his crucifixion.

7 Dome of the Rock Muslim Quarter

8 Muslim Qtr. The Dome of the Rock (AKA Dome of the Ascension) located here on the site where Abraham was said to have been willing to sacrifice Isaac. This is also where Muslims believe that Muhammed ascended into Heaven. Mosque of Omar built on this site Closed quarter (not open to non-Muslims though there are both Jewish and Christian historic sites within)

9 Cathedral at Saint James
Armenian Quarter

10 Armenian Quarter Why do the Armenians get a quarter of this holy city? They aren’t a religion—they are natives of a country—Armenia! During WWI there was a mass genocide of the Armenian people by the Turks. They lost most of their land and many lost their lives as they took part in a forced migration through the Syrian Desert. Survivors found refuge in Jerusalem. Most Armenians are Christians. They worship at The Cathedral of St. James.

11 Culture Notice the Cultural Exchange in the video!
Many different religions and ethnicities call this tiny walled city HOME. It is referred to as a place of “fragile peace—” SO TRUE! Palestinian Arabs have historically refused to negotiate territory with Israel because they will not compromise their desire to control Jerusalem. Israelis will not give up Jerusalem, either.

12 RECAP!!!

13 Jerusalem: Within these Walls (video notes on the 4 quarters of the city)
Jewish Quarter: Western Wall or Wailing Wall holy prayer site (prayers written on paper and placed inside the wall) Ruins of 2 temples 1948 Israel established as Jewish homeland “Zion”—many migrated from Europe “Zionism”= the push for a modern Jewish nation Thousands of years of history Jews from Yemen and Europe migrated to this area during the last century. Christian Quarter: Church of the Holy Sepulchre built upon the site of Christ’s tomb Greek Orthodox church, Catholic Church prominent (6 sects or denominations share this church building) Palm Sunday celebration in Jerusalem involves an actual march through the city tracing Christ’s walk to his crucifiction Fire in the Cathedral each Easter is believed to be sent down from God

14 Jerusalem Video Notes (cont’d)
Muslim Quarter: Dome of the Rock (site where Abraham gave a sacrifice to God for sparing the life of his son Ishmael)—important to 3 religions 3rd holiest city to Muslims after Mecca and Medina (both in Saudi Arabia) Only closed quarter (to all non-Muslims) Armenian Quarter: “Armenian” is not a religion! Armenians are people who have lost much of their homeland and are predominantly Christian—they worship in the Cathedral of St. James or in the Christian Qtr. at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre Persecuted group—pushed out of their country during WWI by the Ottoman Turks and many were forced to march through Syria south to Israel (many died on the journey) 1.5 million killed during WWI— “Armenian Holocaust” or “Armenian Genocide”

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