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May 2015 End of Year Training
Learning the 5-E’s May 2015 End of Year Training
Today’s Objectives To be able to describe the 5-E instructional model To be able to explain how it is embedded in Go Math Agenda: Mathematical Practices 5-Es Overview Exploration Discussion Review and Reflection
Standards for Mathematical Practice
The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important ‘processes and proficiencies’ with longstanding importance in mathematics education. (CCSS, 2010) Read slide, The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important “processes and proficiencies” with longstanding importance in mathematics education. - Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, page 6 The development of the standards for mathematical practice was based on ideas from two publications: NCTM’s Principals and Standards for School Mathematics and the National Research Council’s Adding It Up. Remind participants of the vital nature of the Standards for Mathematical Practice with respect to students developing a powerful set of core mathematical competencies. These practices do not stand alone and are not intended to be taught as stand alone lessons. They are an integral part of learning and doing mathematics and need to be taught with the same intention and attention as mathematical content.
Standards for Mathematical Practice
1. Make sense of complex problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Using the process standards and the five strands of mathematical proficiency, the writers of the Common Core for Mathematics developed eight Standards for Mathematical Practice. An important note about these standards is that they are for students. The purpose of the Mathematical Practices is to help the students know and understand the core standards at a deeper level. They engage the students in the content of your course. While they have implications on teachers and their instruction, in and of themselves, they are not goals for teachers.”
Standards for Mathematical Practice
1. Make sense of complex problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Looking at the Mathematical Practices, take a few minutes, individually, to read the highlighted words for each of the practices. What do you notice? Also, think about the implications the standards might have on your classroom. Allow a few minutes for participants to think individually. Now take a few minutes to work with a partner to discuss the highlighted words as well as the implications of the mathematical practices in the classroom. Allow a few minutes for participants to discuss in partners. Have the partners share their thoughts with the group.
Is this window on the right or left of this building?
Right or Left Window Is this window on the right or left of this building?
Wavy Lines Illusion Are these lines curved, or straight and parallel?
Double Imaging Picture Do you see the profile of a face, or an Eskimo looking into a cave?
5-E Model The 5-E model is used to design a lesson:
-That emphasizes the active role of the learner(s) in building understanding and making sense of the world. -Where the teacher sets up problems, monitors student exploration, guides student inquiry, and promotes new patterns of thinking.
E Engage E Explore E Explain E E Elaborate E Evaluate
Using the illustrations below, can you list the name of each “E” and describe it’s focus? E Engage E Explore E Explain E E Elaborate E Evaluate
What is 5-E History? 5-E Model is based on the SCIS Model of Instruction by researchers Atkins and Karplus in 1967. 5-E Model was originally proposed by BSCS (Biological Science Curriculum Study) in the late 1980’s. 5-E Model became a GPISD initiative in 2007 and continues to be the framework for lesson design that include strategies for active learning, student engagement and specific instructional focus, based on data analysis.
Engage… Engage description focus student’s attention
stimulate thinking generate interest access prior knowledge frame the learning
Engage: Teacher Role Create Interest Motivate Ask for student’s input
Hook content to student interest Connect to prior knowledge Create emotional connection Raise questions and encourage response
Engage: Activities Demonstration/Question Manipulative activity
Analyze an illustration Interactive Reading KWL/KNLQ Forced Associations Brainstorming Activity Connect past and present Frames the idea
Engage: Go Math
Engage: Explore it… Review your teacher resources, make a list of:
Engage strategies/activities used in a variety of lessons and chapters Notes about teacher support related to engagement
Engage: Talk about it… 1. What strategies/activities did you notice? 2. What guidelines would you have for using the teacher’s manuals and student resources?
Research Affirms Students with engage emphasized instruction:
Increased Performance: Overall Student Achievement – 9% Special Population Achievement – 18%
Explore… Explore description: Discover new skills
Experience, Think and Investigate Probe, Inquire, Collect Information Question, Test, Make Decisions Establish Relationships and Understanding Problem Solve
Explore: Teacher Role Facilitate the learning
Incorporate strategies for all learning styles Observe and listen to the students as they interact Ask probing questions Redirect the students when needed Structure time Encourage cooperative learning
Explore: Activities Perform an Investigation
Read to Collect Information Construct a Model Learn and practice a skill Manipulate data/information Solve a Problem Participate in Discussion Cooperative Learning Activities
Explore: Go Math
Explore: Go Math
Explore: Go Math
Explore: Explore it… Review your teacher resources, make a list of:
Explore strategies/activities used in a variety of lessons and chapters Notes about teacher support related to Explore
Explore: Talk about it…
Review your teacher resources, make a list of: Explore strategies/activities used in a variety of lessons and chapters Notes about teacher support related to Explore
Research Shows Students with explore emphasized instruction:
Increased Performance: Overall Student Achievement – 6% Special Population Achievement – 13%
Explain… Explain description: Analyze exploration
Communicate New Understandings Understanding is clarified and modified through a reflective activity Concepts, processes or skills become plain, comprehensible and clear Define terms relative to the learning
Explain: Teacher Roles
Encourage the students to explain concepts and definitions in their own words Ask for clarification and justification (evidence) Provide definitions, new words, and explanations Use students’ previous experiences as basis for explaining concepts
Explain -Activities Student Analysis & Explanation
Demonstration with Student Talk Supporting Ideas with Evidence Graphic Organizers – Thinking Maps Structured Questioning, Reading and Discussion Teacher Further Questions or Explains connections Thinking Skill Activities: compare, classify, summarize, error analysis, and interprets
Explain: Go Math
Explain: Go Math
Explain: Explore it… Review your teacher resources, make a list of:
Explain strategies/activities used in a variety of lessons and chapters Notes about teacher support related to Explain
Explain: Talk about it…
Review your teacher resources, make a list of: Explain strategies/activities used in a variety of lessons and chapters Notes about teacher support related to Explain
Research Shows Students with explain emphasized instruction:
Increased Performance: Overall Student Achievement – 6% Special Population Achievement – 12%
Elaborate… Elaborate (Extend) description:
Expand and solidify student thinking Apply new learning to a new or similar situation Provide reasonable conclusions Use new information in a real-world situation. Extend and explain concept being explored Communicate new understanding with formal academic language
Elaborate: Teacher Roles
Use previously learned information as a vehicle to enhance additional learning Encourage the students to apply or extend the concepts and skills in new situations Encourage students to use new terms and definitions Act as a consultant
Elaborate: Activities
Problem Solving within a new context Decision Making Experimental Inquiry Thinking Skill Activities: compare, classify, apply, judge, conclude, synthesize and extend Extended Reading
Elaborate: Go Math
Elaborate: Go Math
Elaborate: Explore it…
Review your teacher resources, make a list of: Elaborate strategies/activities used in a variety of lessons and chapters Notes about teacher support related to Elaborate
Elaborate: Talk about it…
Review your teacher resources, make a list of: Elaborate strategies/activities used in a variety of lessons and chapters Notes about teacher support related to Elaborate
Elaborate: Research Shows
Students with elaborate emphasized instruction: Increased Performance: Overall Student Achievement – 1% Special Population Achievement – 14%
Evaluate Evaluate description: Shows evidence of accomplishment
Allows the teacher to assess student performance and/or understandings of concepts, skills, processes, an applications. Demonstrate understanding of new concept by observation or open-ended response. Student is demonstrates evidence of understanding.
Evaluate: Teacher Roles
Observe the students as they apply new concepts and skills Assess students’ knowledge and/or skills Look for evidence that the students have changed their thinking or behaviors Encourage students to assess their own learning Ask open-ended questions, such as: – Why do you think …. ? – What evidence do you have regarding …. ? – What do you know about …. ? – How would you explain …. ?
Evaluate: Activities Activities scored using a rubric
Performance assessment Produce a product Journal entries Peer Feedback Response Problem-based Learning Scenarios Portfolio Bloom’s Higher Level Questioning
Evaluate: Go Math
Evaluate: Go Math
Evaluate: Explore it… Review your teacher resources, make a list of:
Evaluate strategies/activities used in a variety of lessons and chapters Notes about teacher support related to Evaluate
Evaluate: Talk about it…
Review your teacher resources, make a list of: Evaluate strategies/activities used in a variety of lessons and chapters Notes about teacher support related to Evaluate
Evaluate: Research Shows
Students with evaluate emphasized instruction: Increased Performance: Overall Student Achievement - 17% Special Population Achievement – 12%
5-E Overview Generate a Frayer with blank paper 5-E Model Define:
Examples: Non-Examples: Visual Representation:
5-E and Classrooms How will 5-E instruction look in walkthroughs?
How can the 5-E model support what you do as educators? How can you support your team?
5-E and You What are the benefits to teachers?
What are questions teachers have about the 5-E lessons? How can administrators help support classroom instruction?
Are you able to: Today’s Objectives
Describe the 5-E instructional model Explain how it is embedded in Go Math
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