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Weight Watchers.

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1 Weight Watchers

2 Diet Strategy and provider- weight watcher international is an American company that offers different products and the program helps people who are over weight to cut down on food and lose weight. How does it work and how do you access it- you can pay for it online, and it works with points each day have a certain amount of points such as a cake could be 4 and you can only go up to 9. each time you eat something which has points that are associated with it on the leaflet you have to add it onto your table and if you are supposed to stay under your target points. When do you use it- when ever you eat something you have to take a note of any food which have points with them must be added to the table so you can add them at the end of the week. Also there are meetings to attend. Where do you get the product from- either through the NHS in the UK or can buy a package online on the internet. How often do you use it- every time you go eat something which may have large amount of calories or associated with points. Any side effects- restricting what food you eat such as the amount of food you eat Financial cost- can pay for a package online through the website or also through the NHS. This is a good strategy for my client as it is a simple method by having a quota of different foods you are limited to within a day, along with this is a large community which has lots of advice and encouragement which can help one another reach their goals. The program also helps people with what kinds of foods you should be eating more, so things with less sugar and fat swapped to lots of vegatiables and a source of protein such as fish or meat.

3 Stress Description of the strategy and provider- you should sit somewhere comfortable either in a chair/sofa or on the floor to simply slow down the natural breathing rate and have deeper breaths each time you inhale and exhale. The internet has a lot of different sources for techniques along with YouTube having many hundreds of videos. You can do it around 5 minutes but the longer you do it the more relaxed you will feel. How does it work and how do you access it- It reduces the amount of oxygen in the body that goes to the brain but because not as much goes to the brain you will feel more relaxed along with feeling tired. You can access it on the internet and some local schools or gyms offer classes. When do you use it- you can use it if you’re feeling stressed or struggling to get to sleep, as it makes the heart rate drop and if you’re heart rate is above normal because your stressed you will feel a lot more relaxed. You can do it anywhere that is quite because background noise will distract you. Where do you get this product from- you can get it from YouTube and videos are available to download if you want to watch it when you don’t have access to the internet. you can also find books about relaxation and there will be information on breathing techniques. How often do you use it- around once or twice a day is recommended, but you can do it as much as you want as long as you have time too and are not doing it during work which may involve working with heavy machinery. But classes may only be on once a week. Any side effects- temporarily (1-10minutes) reduced blood pressure, reduced heart rate and feeling of little energy, can go unconscious if done for too long and if working with heavy machinery your reaction time may be slower and put you in danger. Financial cost- free on YouTube and other websites on the internet, but classes could be around £5 each session but it can go over a few sessions and will have a reduced price with a total of around £30.

4 Smoking Description of the strategy and provider- my client doesn’t smoke but if he was a smoker I would recommend using a vape pen, which is a new piece of technology which allows different flavoured liquids to be vaporized then inhaled to mimic a cigarette. How does it work and how do you access it- you can buy the vapes at many different stores or even online, it works by the liquid which has been put into the little tank on the vape pen to be heated up by a metal coil which then vaporizes it at which point it can be inhaled. Different liquids have many flavours and nicotine levels to choice from to suit your preferences. When do you use it- use it the same way you would use cigarettes, if you have a break from work, in your home, but can't be used on public transport. Where do you get this product from- either in shops such as Asda or specialized shops which specifically sell vape pens and accessories. Another option would be to get vape pens and the liquids on the internet which is good way to look at reviews to see what other people thought to the product. How often do you use it- as many times as you would use a cigarette until you want to start cutting down at which point the amount of nicotine in the liquid is lowered ever slightly over a certain amount of time. This will make it easier to stop smoking and not going cold turkey. Any side effects- if cheap liquids are used it can cause damage to the inside of the lung and the nicotine levels in the liquids can be higher than in cigarettes which can cause nausea. Financial cost- the pen plus charger for the battery is around £25-30 then liquids are around £8-15 and will last around 3 tanks worth which is quite a lot. In long term its almost 1/3 the cost of a packet of cigarretes.

5 Alcohol consumption Description of the strategy and provider- AA (alcohol anonymous), it is an organisation which helps people who find it difficult to stop drinking alcohol and who may have become dependent on it. This would help Adrian a lot because there are people he can talk to and are happy to help him become more healthy. How does it work and how do you access it- there are a few options, one is that you can phone them and you are able to talk to someone who has been through what you’ve been through so you are then in a situation where someone knows what it's like, so they are able to help you and give you ways to cut down on the amount of drinking. The other option is to go to the meetings and being able to talk to many other people who also have an alcohol problem. When do you use it- they give you advice on what to do when drinking which could be set yourself a budget to limit the amount you buy or the amount of units you intake weekly. So every time Adrian shops or goes to the pub he should limit himself or even weaken the drink with another drink such as fruit juice, diet coke, water. Where do you get this product from- through the NHS How often do you use it- every time he needs help or struggling with the alcohol consumption, then when hes shopping he needs to take account how much he's getting. Any side effects- could limit the places he can go to be social with friends, because going to the pub every Friday with friends can be a difficult place to cut down on drinking. Financial cost- the calls are free

6 Physical activity Description of the strategy and provider- Adrian exercises a lot more than the average male in the UK, which means he is in the clear for the amount of physical activity which is done. But if he was unfit I would say one option to get fit is getting the Army fitness app on any smart phone or through the army website. How does it work and how do you access it- it works by setting a certain difficulty level and over time you can higher the level to test yourself and get fitter, the You access it either through the website or able to download it on a smart phone and are able to go it without an internet connection. When do you use it- whenever whomever is using it has time and space to use it, such as in the morning the press up section of the app can be used very quickly and easily. Then other sections can be done as well and majority take around 5 min to complete. Where do you get this product from- the app store for iPhone and can be downloaded on other phones, it can also be downloaded of the British Army website. How often do you use it- a couple times a day with different sections e.g. push ups, plank, sit ups, squats Any side effects- getting more physically fit and muscles will ache. Financial cost- free

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