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What is Strategies for Success?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Strategies for Success?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alamo Community College District (San Antonio College) Strategies for Success

2 What is Strategies for Success?
An intensive counseling and classroom intervention focusing on : Study techniques Time management skills Research skills Critical thinking skills Learning styles Technology skills Managing personal issues Career exploration & planning SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE

3 Who can take Strategies for Success?
Students who are having academic difficulty may register for “Strategies” voluntarily or they may be required by a counselor or dean to take the course. SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE

4 Significant Outcomes Statistics show students attain higher Grade Point Averages after successfully completing the program. Student evaluations of Strategies for Success consistently rate the course as helpful. SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE

5 What students have said about the course:
I learned about myself, my personality, and how to set reasonable (reachable) goals. I would definitely recommend taking “Strategies” to everyone. My family and I have already noticed a change in my study habits, my motivation, and time management. Thank you very, very much! SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE

6 ► The Strategies for Success logo
is the Phoenix. The hope is that “Strategies” students will derive strength from this symbol of transformation as they make their journey toward academic success. SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE

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