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Welcome to 3M’s Parent Evening
Wednesday 15 February 2017 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Classroom of Mrs Toni Morris
28th year of teaching 6th year at Aspley East Taught at Mt Isa, St George, Gympie, Tent Hill Lower, Kingaroy, Kingaroy district, Townsville and now Aspley East State School Classroom, special school, early intervention, avt II, sep and intervention.
Beliefs and Expectations
Your child should maintain a strong work ethic by: setting high expectations for themselves always trying their best at all times taking pride in the presentation of their work developing time management skills in preparation for older grades always follow the belief of Have-A-Go Reward for Effort
I have high expectations that all children can learn.
Through differentiation of class activities, children work from the basics up to a level that is both workable but also challenging for them. Literacy and problem solving groups are fluid as children gain further skills and strategies.
Team effort Education is a team effort
Communication There will be a written report card sent home at the end of Term Two. Formal interviews will be offered in March, this is a valuable time to discuss each child’s progress. The End of Year Report card will be sent home in December. You can ring me at any time there is a problem. If I am unavailable I will contact you as soon as possible. A positive parent/teacher relationship is of benefit to your child as our partnership in the learning process is essential. I am available before school each morning.
Morning Routine Children are expected to independently complete the following morning routines when they enter at 8:30am:- Put water bottle, lunch box in fridge. Sharpen pencils and tidy desk Check their helpers role on chart Continue with previous days activities or class games if finished all work
Lunch Encouraging healthy eating habits and fruit break
Brain break of fruit or similar snack between 9:45 – 10:00am each day Children eat this while they continue with their work
Incursions and Excursions
Assemblies take place in the MPAC Mondays starting at 8:45 Many incursions in 2017 Excursion to Boondall wetlands in term 3
Classroom rules Please refer to chart on classroom wall.
All rules are related to the values of Aspley East State School.
Classroom behaviour system
3M Classroom Behaviour System -1 step up is a marble in their own jar -Ten marbles in their jar is 1 class marble -100 Marbles in class jar - movie chosen by class and popcorn party to celebrate -1 step down for behaviour not acceptable in our classroom. Each step down is 5 mins of their next play time.
High Five
Consequences for inappropriate behaviours
Class Rules and consequences are displayed in the room. The children are always encouraged to respect the rights of others and not interfere with others’ learning. Respect for all members of 3M is expected daily. A phone call home to parents will be made for students who consistently disregard these rules. A positive and caring atmosphere in the room will be encouraged, where all children in Year 3 are expected to behave with manners and friendship towards one another. Parental support on these matters is greatly appreciated.
Special days Monday – Assembly and Computers Tuesday –Religion
Wednesday – Phys Ed and Banking Thursday is Music and Library borrowing
Creating Happy Homework Habits
Homework each week will consist of: spelling from Year 3 list revision sheet of maths and literacy work and a home reader Homework will be corrected and checked on Fridays. It is my expectation that students schedule the completion of their homework in the way that best suits them. Whether it be a little every night, or a longer homework session on a couple of nights. Students must have a note at school on Friday, indicating why their homework is incomplete.
Reading – at home Reading with your child. Ideas….
Spelling Children extend their spelling knowledge through games, set ACARA weekly spelling activities, revision of vocabulary previously taught and extension through dictionary and thesaurus work. Homework spelling revises classroom work. Have-A-Go word book
Reading – at school Children are read to daily during eating time.
Children read a good fit book chosen by them Reading rotations based around café are timetabled each day
Maths Year 3 Mathematics will be taught in class using the ACARA mathematics program. Each strand of the mathematics syllabus will be covered in detail each week. Children complete problem solving activities daily.
Key Learning Areas Science –Living and Non – Living Things
History – Australian celebrations and commemorations HASS Geography – Australia and surrounding countries HASS ARTS – semester 1 - Media and Art. Technology – ICT skills Powerpoint and planning, designing and creating a product.
English and Writing A strong focus at Aspley East of neat bookwork so cursive writing is introduced and taught as a process not just copying into Handwriting textbook. Children write every day and also are taught time management skills for completing writing tasks within specific time frames.
Technology & computers
Technology assessment 30 minutes computer time weekly. This terms focus is learning how to use Microsoft Powerpoint.
Goal Setting All students will have three goals:- 1. Literacy
2. Mathematics 3. Behaviour/Social Skills
External Testing NAPLAN
Held in term 2, week 4 on the 9th , 10th and 11th of May Results come later in the year. All students will have participated in practice tests prior to the tests. On test days please make sure your child has a good sleep and healthy breakfast.
Any Questions Thank you for coming
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