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Enhancing Ghanaian kindergarten teachers’ implementation of indigenous play-based pedagogy through a professional development programme Felicia Agbagbla.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing Ghanaian kindergarten teachers’ implementation of indigenous play-based pedagogy through a professional development programme Felicia Agbagbla."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Ghanaian kindergarten teachers’ implementation of indigenous play-based pedagogy through a professional development programme Felicia Agbagbla Dr Judy Van Heerden (supervisor) University of Pretoria July 2017

2 Outline of presentation
Brief introduction to Ghana Rationale for the study, research questions and methodology Theoretical framework and research design Indigenous play-based lesson implementation Impact on teachers, learners and curriculum implementation

3 Map of Ghana Ten regions Unique cultures Population: 27.4 million
79 languages 9 taught in schools

4 Ghana’s education model
education system model Kindergarten (2): 4-5yrs Primary (6):6-11yrs Junior High secondary (3):12-14yrs Senior High School (3):15-17yrs Tertiary (4):18yrs

5 the kindergarten 1-2 curriculum
In use since 2004 for the 4-5 year olds Six learning areas (subjects)- Numeracy, Language and Literacy, Environmental studies, Creative Arts, Music and Dance, Physical Development Psychosocial skills be integrated Play-base, activity and child-centered Seven general goals

6 Rationale for the study
2012 National Kindergarten Review Call for new pedagogy for kindergarten education National and international literature on implementation of play pedagogy Literature shows inadequate training of teachers Teachers lack competencies

7 Research problem The problem of this study is to determine whether the implementation of indigenous play-based teaching approach will enhance teachers’ delivery of kindergarten curriculum

8 RESEARCH QUESTIONS Primary research question: How would a professional development programme of indigenous play-based pedagogy enhance teachers’ knowledge, attitude and skills for improved delivery of the curriculum?

9 Secondary research questions
What does indigenous play in the Ghanaian context entails? How do Ghanaian kindergarten teachers implement indigenous play-based pedagogy in the classroom situation? What factors affect the knowledge, beliefs and practices (KBP) of KG teachers in the implementation of the play-based curriculum in the KG learning environment? Why do Ghanaian kindergarten teachers implement indigenous play-based pedagogy the way they do in the classroom situation?

10 Methodology: research participants
Nine kindergarten teachers purposively selected from five kindergartens Two teachers each from four kindergartens and one teacher from one Not less than six years teaching experience 3-year Diploma or 4-year Bachelor Degree in Early Childhood or Basic Education

11 Theoretical framework
Fleer’s theory of conceptual play (2012) Conceptual play theory helps with teaching children concept formation through the creation of imaginary situation. This theory emphasises the important role of adults in children’s play. Gaskins and Goncu (2011) theorise play as cultural expression. Different forms of play can be employed in teaching children.

12 RESEARCH design Diagnostic phase (individual semi-structured interviews) Designing phase (Group discussions, designing teaching strategies and resources, stimulated recall) Implementation phase (pair planning and teaching, observations, reflective journals, photo voice) Feedback and review phase (group discussions and feedback) Finalisation and further implementation (participants incorporate feedback and reteach lessons)

13 The indigenous play programme
Aims at addressing the issue of teachers’ inability to teach through play Get common understanding for “play” Familiar context which facilitate thinking and encourages learning and development

14 Teachers made resources

15 Teachers engageD in some indigenous play
Antoekyire/ Anhye Akyire Nana woho? Bankyimakakro (the stone game)

16 More EXAMPLES OF indigenous play

17 indigenous play-based lesson implementation
Pair teaching Select a topic from the curriculum Choice an appropriate ananse story or other indigenous play Plan lesson (resources, materials and lesson plan) Lesson presentation employing different strategies Integration, imagination, social interaction and theoretical thinking Assessment

18 Indigenous play-based (parts of the body)
Children dramatizing an ananse story Teacher’s ethnic background reflected in collection of materials Child playing the role of an old lady

19 Impact of the programme on the teachers
Teachers collaborated with colleagues in teaching How many legs does this ananse have? Creativity in teaching

20 Impact of the programme on teachers
Teachers used different resources in teaching Teachers used outdoor spaces Teachers played with children

21 Impact of the programme on children
Children displayed creativity The children decided who should do the drawing Children tried different strategies

22 Impact of the programme on children
Children became more interested in lessons Understanding of concept was enhanced Children determined how much they wanted to learn

23 Impact on curriculum implementation
Indigenous play-based Familiar, social-culturally relevant contextualisation Integration Child-centered Learning academic concepts and more Imagination, creativity, social interaction and theoretical thinking

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