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Untangling the Tutorial Software Web.

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Presentation on theme: "Untangling the Tutorial Software Web."— Presentation transcript:

1 Untangling the Tutorial Software Web.
Tutor, or Torture? Untangling the Tutorial Software Web.

2 The toughest part of the Algebra I tutorial?
Installing the software!

3 We WILL get through it, though…
We WILL get through it, though….just follow along on your instruction sheets!

4 Step 1 Close any programs that are already open…
…Yes, even the internet….

5 Insert the Personal Student Tutor CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
Step 2 Insert the Personal Student Tutor CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

6 Step 3 Locate the My Computer icon on the desktop and double-click (or open) on it.

7 Step 4 In the My Computer window, locate the CD-ROM icon and double-click on it.

8 Locate the PST folder and double-click on it.
Step 5 Locate the PST folder and double-click on it.

9 Step 6 It doesn’t really say SETUP.EXE Now locate Set-up.exe in the window and double-click on it. The Welcome window appears. (Although the screen title says PST Network Installer, you will not be networking different machines in this procedure.)

10 Step 7 The Welcome window for the installer should appear. If it does not, the computer will take you through an installation of Internet Explorer 5.0 and/or Quick Time 4.1 which are necessary for the Personal Student Tutor to operate. After those components are installed, the computer automatically reboots. You should then go back to Step 2.

11 Click next. The Choose a New Book Location window opens.
Step 8 Click next. The Choose a New Book Location window opens.

12 Click Browse. The Choose Folder window opens.
Step 9 Click Browse. The Choose Folder window opens.

13 Step 10 Type in: C:\PST_Book_Data Then, at the prompts… Click OK,
Click Yes.

14 Step 11 Click next. The Choose Student Tutorial Installer Destination window opens.

15 Click Browse. The Choose Folder window opens.
Step 12 Click Browse. The Choose Folder window opens.

16 Step 13 Type in: C:\PST_Student_ Installer Then, at the prompts…
Click OK, Click Yes.

17 Step 14 Click next. The Choose Instructor Version Installer Destination window opens.

18 Click Browse. The Choose Folder window opens.
Step 15 Click Browse. The Choose Folder window opens.

19 Step 16 Type in: C:\PST_Instructor _Installer Then, at the prompts…
Click OK, Click Yes.

20 Click next. TheChoose Book Manager Destination window opens.
Step 17 Click next. TheChoose Book Manager Destination window opens.

21 Step 18 Click next. After the various folders have been installed on your hard-drive, the Setup Complete window appears.

22 Step 18 Click next. After the various folders have been installed on your hard-drive, the Setup Complete window appears.

23 Step 19 Click Finish.

24 Step 20 Now that the installers have been installed, you need to install the Instructor version. Double-click on My Computer.

25 Double-click on the C:Drive icon.
Step 21 Double-click on the C:Drive icon.

26 Locate the PST_Instructor_Installer folder and double-click on it.
Step 22 Locate the PST_Instructor_Installer folder and double-click on it.

27 Locate the Setup.exe icon and double-click on it.
Step 23 Locate the Setup.exe icon and double-click on it.

28 Click next. The Choose Destination Location window opens.
Step 24 Click next. The Choose Destination Location window opens.

29 Step 25 Click next. Files are now being installed. When this is done, the Setup Complete window appears.

30 Step 26 Click Finish. The Instructor application and a read-me file will automatically open, unless you uncheck the two boxes in the window.

31 Step 27 You have now installed both the Student and Instructor applications. From now on, you can open either application by going to the Start Menu, selecting Programs, then to the PST, and selecting PST Student Tutorial orPST Instructor Version.

32 The password field should be left blank.
Step 28 The first person to log in to the Instructor application is assumed to be the Administrator. Use the following log in: User name: default Password: The password field should be left blank.

33 Step 29 You will then be asked to change your password from blank to something else. (The Adminstrator’s username will always be default.) The Instructor application will then open.

34 Step 29 You will then be asked to change your password from blank to something else. (The Adminstrator’s username will always be default.) The Instructor application will then open.

35 Step 30 The Administrator can now set up instructors, so they can log into the Instructor application with their own user name and password. You can do this by going to File and selecting Add Instructor. You don’t need to enter all the information; only a username and password are necessary.

36 Step 31 You must give each instructor their username and password before they can use the program.

37 Step 31 You must give each instructor their username and password before they can use the program.

38 Step 32 Once instructors have logged into the Instructor application, they can set up their class rosters. To do so, they should go to File and select New Class.

39 Step 32 After they have named their class, a Class Roster window will appear. At this point, they can add students to this class by going to File and selecting Add Students. They do not need to enter all the information; only a username and password are necessary.

40 Step 32 After they have named their class, a Class Roster window will appear. At this point, they can add students to this class by going to File and selecting Add Students. They do not need to enter all the information; only a username and password are necessary.

41 Step 32 After they have named their class, a Class Roster window will appear. At this point, they can add students to this class by going to File and selecting Add Students. They do not need to enter all the information; only a username and password are necessary.

42 Step 32 After they have named their class, a Class Roster window will appear. At this point, they can add students to this class by going to File and selecting Add Students. They do not need to enter all the information; only a username and password are necessary.

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