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Presentation on theme: "«O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» JOINT-STOCK COMPANY"— Presentation transcript:


2 JSC «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» . «O'ZVAGONTA'MIR» Joint Stock Company was established according to Decree No. 108 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 3, 2001 and order No KPO of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 28, 2002, on the basis of the unitary enterprise "Uzremvagon". The structure of Joint-Stock Company «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» includes following car sheds: - Khavast; - Andijan; - Samarkand; - Kungrad; Termez.

3 JSC«O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» Primary activity of the Joint-Stock Company «O'ZVAGONTA'MIR» is production and implementation of scheduled repair - Depot, Capital of all freight cars, as well as capital repair with extension of term of useful life of cars for a period of 5 years, and depot repair and maintenance of passenger cars. In connection with production specificity, the enterprise is an original contractor of the Joint Stock Company "Uzbekistan Railways", that is a guarantee on provision with cars repair. Total power of our subdivisions is about 4000 wagons of Depot repair and up to 1000 wagons of Capital repair and Capital repair with extension of service life period. To date the Company has significant and repair bases, which include car sheds located in main industrial regions of the Republic: – Khavast car shed includes industrial enterprises of Tashkent city, Tashkent region, as well as Syrdarya and Djizakh, and provides repair of all types of freight cars;

4 Samarkand, Navoi, Bukhara regions include– Samarkand car shed.
JSC «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» In Ferghana valley there is Andijan car shed, specialized in repair of covered waggons, platforms, gondola cars, and in repair of carriages, Samarkand, Navoi, Bukhara regions include– Samarkand car shed. Termez car shed repairs freight cars, as well as the repair of large-tonnage containers. For industrial enterprises of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region repair of freight cars shall be carried out by Kungrad car shed. Geographical location of our sheds fruitfully impact on mutually advantageous cooperation, except JSC "Uzbekistan Railways", our customers are large enterprises of various kinds of industries of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and the Baltic States, with all major customers have long-term agreement on mutual cooperation, established industrial cooperation. On the basis of sheds there are shops producing metal working, forge-and-press, tools, woodworking and others.

5 JSC«O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» Every year in order to increase the production volume of the Joint Stock Company «O'ZVAGONTA'MIR» acquires and produces implementation of modern equipment and technologies, for period from years Khavast, Andijan, Samarkand car sheds had following modern technologies: Execution of works on extension of service life term of small carts of freight cars of model for a period up to 37 years, at this purpose in car sheds were acquired flux gate defectoscops, specialists of shed have been trained in certified Centre of non-destcruptive testing, and have necessary qualification level for implementation of relevant work; - restoration of ridges of wheelpairs by welding method, - semiautomatic welders are purchased to restore thrust bearings of small carts of freight car, bearing surface of axle-box assemblies, pins of Triangel of small carts of freight cars with subsequent machine working of nodes. Reorganization into «O’zvagonta’mir» Joint-Stock Company, came into the open – necessity of attraction of foreign investors, that will serve to production development, filling of circulating assets and modernization of existing equipments.


7 JSC «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» PRODUCTION VOLUME OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FOR ON JSC «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» Name Unit 2014 year 2015 year On types of products: Depot repair of cars car 2568 2888 Capital repair of cars 486 515 Capital repair with extension of service term of cars 424 272 Depot repair of coaches 46 39 Coaches maintenance 21 40 ALL repaired 3545 3754


JSC «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» MAJOR TASKS OF THE ENTERPRISE ARE: - Satisfaction of needs of key customers in repair of rolling stock, including execution of work on extension of term of useful life of rolling stocks. - Increase of volume of repaired rolling stocks for industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan. - Satisfaction of needs of customers in issue of quality of cars repair, as well as its components and parts, in order to ensure traffic safety of cars and performance of obligations under warranty overhaul time in service. Improvement of working conditions of workers. Technical reequipment of production areas of the enterprise. - Improvement of inventory provision. - Development of repair of new types of rolling stocks. - Improvement of used types of repair. - Advanced training and training of employees.

JSC «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT For the purpose of enterprise development, improvement of technology and quality of cars repair, improvement of working conditions: annually is developed "Technical Reequipment Program”, - for past period reconstruction of repair shops was carried out; - carried out a modernization of heating system of repair shops, to modern economical and energy-efficient boilers. - Planned a purchase of new, modern equipment for production of components and repair parts of cars. EXPECTED RESULTS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW EQUIPMENTS AND RECEIVE OF CURRENT TECHNOLOGY: - Significant reduction of energy consumption, improve the quality of executed works on repair of components and parts of cars; Provision with full-scale control, compliance with necessary criteria of product quality; Implementation of localization program in regional level, by way of issuance of required products in condition of car shed, as well as partial ensuring own needs of the enterprise in spare parts from composite materials and metal products.

11 JSC «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» RATES OF FINANCIAL AND ECONOMICAL ACTIVITY FOR PERIOD ON JSC «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» BALANCE ASSETS thous. USD Name For 1 Fixed assets after deduction of deterioration 563,3 613,7 2 Residual intangible value 3 Long-term investments 15,4 4 Capital investments 5 İnventory holdings 1535,8 1141,2 6 Receivables 1941,6 1744,0 7 Cash assets 33,4 6,9 Total on assets 4090,6 3521,2

12 REPORT ON FINANCIAL RESULTS Incomes and expenditures items
JSC «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» BALANCE LIABILITIES thous. USD 1 Authorized capital 1056,3 2 Add capital 292,9 3 Reserve capital 1059,2 1093,2 4 Retained income 308,2 326,7 5 Creditors 1374,0 752,1 Итого по пассиву 4090,6 3521,2 REPORT ON FINANCIAL RESULTS thous. USD Incomes and expenditures items For 1 Products sales net proceeds (works, services) 7486,9 7595,7 2 Cost of implemented services 6252,1 6420,6 3 Period expenditures 1203,2 1213,0 4 Other incomes 339,9 432,4 5 Incomes from financial activity 6,1 1,6 6 Pre-tax profits 377,6 396,0 7 Taxes 69,4 8 Net profit 308,2 326,7

13 Forecast of production volume of industrial products
JSC «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» Forecast of production volume of industrial products For y. on JSC «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR»

14 Address: 100060, Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Elbek str., 8
JSC «O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» Contact information: JSC«O’ZVAGONTA'MIR» Address: , Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Elbek str., 8 Telephone: ( ) , , Fax: ( ) Web-site:



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