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1 H A J J

2 Hajj & Umra Presentation
Edition: 2011 A new edition of this presentation is released every year. Get the latest version from: This presentation can be used by: Brothers and sisters going for Hajj this year or planning to go for Hajj in the future Presenters and Hajj agencies to provide proper training for Hajj groups This document uses pictures collected from the Internet. Many thanks to all people who made those pictures available. Special thanks to all those who sent review comments and provided additional information and pictures. Please respect the copyright notice below. It's an Amanah (trust). The presentation should be viewed in full screen mode (press F5). © Copyright: Permission is hereby granted, to any person or organization obtaining a copy of this document, to use, copy and distribute it, subject to the following conditions: 1. No fee should be imposed 2. The document must not be altered in any way 3. This copyright and permission notice shall be included in all copies of the document.

3 Part 3 / 5 Hajj Step by Step Note: This presentation consists of 5 parts in 5 separate files. Part 1 is essential to understanding the Hajj and Umra and should be viewed first. Part 1: Introductions Part 2: Umra Step by Step Part 3: Hajj Step by Step Part 4: Visiting al-Madinah Part 5: Miscellaneous

4 Contents of Part 3 Hajj Step by Step
Ihram - الإحرام Mina (8 Dhul-Hijjah) - منى Arafah (9 Dhul-Hijjah) - عرفة Muzdalifah (9 Dhul-Hijjah – night) - مزدلفة Mina (10 Dhul-Hijjah): Ramy (Jamrat Al-’Aqabah) - الرمي NaHr (sacrifice) - النحر Halq (shave hair of the head) - الحلق أو التقصير Makkah (10 Dhul-Hijjah): Tawaf Al-IfaDah - طواف الإفاضة Sa’y between Safa and Marwa - السعي بين الصفا والمروة Mina (11, 12 and 13 Dhul-Hijjah): Ramy (throw pebbles at the 3 Jamarat) - الرمي Makkah (last day) Tawaf Al-Wada’ (Farewell Tawaf) - طواف الوداع

5 Hajj Step by Step - Summary
Ihram - الإحرام Mina (8 Dhul-Hijjah) - منى Arafah (9 Dhul-Hijjah) - عرفة Muzdalifah (9 Dhul-Hijjah – night) - مزدلفة Mina (10 Dhul-Hijjah): Ramy (throw pebbles at Jamrat Al-’Aqabah) - الرمي NaHr (sacrifice) - النحر Halq (shave hair of the head) - الحلق أو التقصير Makkah (10 Dhul-Hijjah): Tawaf Al-IfaDah - طواف الإفاضة Sa’y between Safa and Marwa - السعي بين الصفا و المروة Mina (11, 12 and 13 Dhul-Hijjah): Ramy (throw pebbles at all the three Jamarat) - الرمي Makkah (last day) Tawaf Al-Wada’ (Farewell Tawaf) - طواف الوداع

6 Hajj Sites – Satellite Picture
Jamarat Area Mina Al-Masjid Al-Haram (Makkah) Masjid Al-Khaif Aziziyah Muzdalifah Mount of Mercy Al-Mash’ar Al-Haram Masjid Namira Arafah

7 Hajj Sites - Distances Hajj Sites – Distances Borders Jamarat - Mina -
Accurate data Jamarat - Mina - 2.8mi/4.5km Borders Al-Masjid Al-Haram - Makkah - 2mi/3.2km 1.4mi/2.25km 2.2mi/3.5km Masjid Namira - Arafah - Al-Mash’ar Al-Haram - Muzdalifah - 4mi/6.4km Mount of Mercy 1.35mi/2.15km

8 Makkah to Mina Road Jamarat Area Makkah Pedestrian Road Tunnel Mina
Faysaliyyah Tunnel Makkah Pedestrian Road Tunnel Al-Masjid al-Haram Mina

9 Walking from Makkah to Mina
Pedestrian tunnels

10 Ihram for Hajj (1) If you are coming from outside (Africa, Europe, Madinah, etc.), assume Ihram at or before the Meeqat. If you are in Madinah, you make Ihram from the Meeqat of Dhul-Hulayfah (Abyar Ali). If you are within the Mawaqeet limits but outside the Haram of Makkah (like Jeddah), assume Ihram from your place. If you are inside the Haram of Makkah (in your residence in Makkah for example), assume Ihram from your place as well (unlike Ihram for Umra). Hudaybiyah Arafah Tan'eem Ji'ranah Nakhla Adhah Libn Makkah A B C Dhul-Hulayfah - 'a'eshah, wife of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), said: “I used to put scented oils on the Messenger of Allah when making Ihram, before he completed Ihram and for his Hall (coming out of Ihram) before he made Tawaf of the House.”

11 Ihram for Hajj (2) لبيك اللهم حجّا
You do the same things that you did in your Ihram for the Umra, but you say: Labbayka Allahumma Hajjaa Here I am O Allah, (intending) Hajj لبيك اللهم حجّا You continue the Talbiyah until you throw the pebbles at Jamrat al-’Aqabah on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah.

12 Mina - 8 Dhul-Hijjah Go to Mina in the morning of Yaum at-Tarwiyah (8th of Dhul-Hijjah). Pray Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, ‘Isha and Fajr in their times with qasr (shortening Dhur, Asr and Isha to 2 Rak’at). Spending this night in Mina is a Sunnah. For some scholars it's a Wajib. Use your time to gather your thoughts and prepare for the next day: the day of Arafah.

13 Pray in Masjid Al-khaif (Mina)
Pray in Masjid Al-khaif (Mina). It is reported that 70 prophets prayed in this Masjid.

14 Mina – Satellite Picture
Masjid Bay’at al’Aqabah Modern Slaughter House King Fahd Bridge Prince Abdullah Ibn AbdulAziz Road Al-Mu’aisim Road King Fahd Road King AbdulAziz Road To Makkah Jamarat Area (under construction) Mina Masjid Al-Khaif Muzdalifah Aziziah Wadi Muhassir

15 Leaving Mina for Arafah - 9 Dhul-Hijjah
After sunrise on the day of Arafah, depart for Arafah while making Talbiyah or Takbeer.

16 Arafah (1) - 9 Dhul-Hijjah
Arrive at Arafah, before Zawal if possible.

17 Excellence of the day of Arafah
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: "There is no day on which Allah frees more of His slaves from Fire than the Day of Arafah. He draws near, then praises them before the angles, saying: What do they seek?"

18 Arafah (2) - 9 Dhul-Hijjah
Pray Dhuhr and Asr at Masjid Namira, two Rak’at each, combined at the time of Dhuhr, after listening to the Imam’s sermon.

19 Arafah (3) - 9 Dhul-Hijjah
Arafah border Arafah Outside Arafah M a s j i d N a m i r a It may be difficult to go to Masjid Namira because of the crowd. In which case you may pray in your camp with your group. This saves a lot of time. Namira is not part of Arafah, but part of the Masjid is within the limits of Arafah.

20 Arafah (4) - 9 Dhul-Hijjah
Follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and join the Dhuhr and ‘Asr prayers if the Imam of the Masjid is a traveler otheraise make each salat on its own time in your camp or any other location in Arafah. After Salat move to your place inside the limits of Arafah, stand facing the Qiblah, raising your hands making Du'a and reciting Talbiyah.

21 Arafah (6) - 9 Dhul-Hijjah
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: “The best thing that I and the Prophets have said on the evening of Arafah is: لا إلهَ إلا اللهُ وَحدَهُ لا شَريكَ له، لهُ المُلكُ وَلهُ الحَمدُ وَهُوَ عَلى كلّ شَيءٍ قدِير "Laa ilaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu lahul mulk wa lahul hamdu wa huwa 'alaa kulli shay'in qadeer.” There is no god except Allah, He has no partner. To Him belongs all sovereignty and praise, and He is over all things omnipotent.

22 A r a f a h

23 Arafah – Satellite Picture
Mount of Mercy Road # 8 Road # 5 Road # 3 Road # 2 Road # 6 Road # 7 Road # 1 Road # 9 Road # 4 To Muzdalifah Street S Street T Street B Street C Street D Central Ring Road Eastern Ring Road Western Ring Road Masjid Namira Wadi ‘Uranah ARAFAH

24 Leaving Arafah When the sun has set you leave Arafah for Muzdalifah, going with calmness and tranquility, not jostling or pushing people; rather whenever you find room then you go faster.

25 Leaving Arafah To Muzdalifah ARAFAH
Make sure you don’t leave until after sunset. Caution: Some Hajj operators ask the pilgrims to get in the buses before sunset to get ready to leave after sunset. This is considered as leaving before sunset, because getting ready to leave is considered the time of leaving even though you may not pass the limits of Arafah until after sunset. To Muzdalifah ARAFAH

26 Pitfalls related to Arafah
Fasting the Day of Arafah. The Sunnah for the pilgrim is not to fast that day. Leaving Arafah before sunset. Staying until after sunset is a Wajib (or even a Rukn according to Imam Malik). Standing outside the limits of Arafah. This invalidates the Rukn and hence the whole Hajj. Ascending the Mount of Mercy or facing it during Du’a thinking that it has some merit. Wasting time in sleeping, around food, in idle talking or wandering around for no purpose. The Day of Arafah is probably the best day of your life, do NOT waste it in anything other than Du’a and Dhikr of Allah (سبحانه وتعالى).

27 Muzdalifah (1) – night of 10 Dhul-Hijjah
When reaching Muzdalifah pray Maghrib, then 'Isha, shortening it (Qasr), and joining the two prayers. You do not pray anything between them or after 'Isha. But always pray sunna and Witr.

28 Muzdalifah (2) – night of 10 Dhul-Hijjah
You may collect pebbles here. Then you sleep until Fajr. Pray Fajr at the beginning of its time.

29 Muzdalifah (3) – night of 10 Dhul-Hijjah
It is permissible for the weak, women and children to leave after half of the night has passed for fear of the crush of people.

30 Muzdalifah (4) - 10 Dhul-Hijjah
Then you come to al-Mash'ar al-Haram (a small mountain in Muzdalifah) and climb upon it and face the Qiblah - then recite Takbeer, Tahleel, and make Du'a until the sky becomes very bright. Then you leave for Mina before the sun rises, calmly while reciting Talbiyah. When you come to the river valley of MuHassir (between Mina and Muzdalifah) you hurry if possible. Masjid al-Mash'ar al-Haram

31 Muzdalifah – Satellite picture
Mina Wadi Muhassir Muzdalifah King Faisal Bridge Road # 6 Road # 5 Al-Mash’ar al-Haram To Arafah

32 Pitfalls related to Muzdalifah
Delaying the Maghrib and Isha prayers until after the middle of the night. The Sunnah is to delay the Maghrib and pray it with Isha in Muzdalifah if one reaches Muzdalifah but before the middle of the night. Otherwise it should be prayed anywhere within the time of Isha. Spending the night outside of the limits of Muzdalifah. Staying the night within Muzdalifah is a Wajib. Thinking that the pebbles have to be collected from Muzdalifah. They can be collected from anywhere. Leaving Muzdalifah before Fajr for fear of the crowd. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) gave permission to women and the weak only. Staying in Muzdalifah until after sunrise. The Sunnah is to leave close to sunrise (right before).

33 Mina - 10 Dhul-Hijjah (يوم الحج الأكبر)
You arrive to Mina the morning of the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah. This is the busiest day of Hajj. You will be doing the following: Stone Jamrat al-'Aqabah Sacrifice an animal Shave or trim off your hair Go to Makkah to do Tawaf al-Ifadah & Sa'y and come back to Mina

34 Mina - 10 Dhul-Hijjah You stone Jamrat al-'Aqabah only on this day, with seven small stones - slightly bigger than the chick-pea. You recite Takbeer while throwing each stone. You cease reciting Talbiyah when throwing the first stone. You cannot perform this stoning until after sunrise. And you may delay it after noon, even up to the night, if you find difficulty in doing it before noon. Pebbles size

35 Mina - 10 Dhul-Hijjah Animal Sacrifice
Skip this step if you made Tawkeel (deputizing) for animal sacrifice (you bought a coupon). Slaughter your animal in any part of Mina or Makkah. The time for slaughter is the four days of 'Eid. Seven people may share in one camel or cow. And he who cannot afford a sacrificial animal should fast three days in Hajj (even the 3 days of Tashreeq) and seven when he returns to his family.

36 Mina - 10 Dhul-Hijjah Shaving
Then you shave off all of your hair or shorten it. Shaving is better. If you shorten your hair it has to be from all over the head, not part of it only (like the sides). Start with the right side of the head. The woman shortens her hair the length of a finger joint.

37 Mina - 10 Dhul-Hijjah First Tahallul
After shaving, go to your camp in Mina, take a shower, put on new clothes and fragrance. When you have stoned the Jamrah and shaved your head everything becomes lawful for you again except sexual intercourse, so you may wear your clothes and use perfume. This partial freedom is called the small TaHallul (التحلل الأصغر). Narrated 'Aisha (رضي الله عنها): I used to scent the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) when he wanted to assume Ihram and also on finishing Ihram before the Tawaf round the Ka'bah (Tawaf al-Ifadah) [Bukhari & Muslim]. - The Prophet said: "Verily on this day everything that you were prohibited from (by Ihram) has been allowed for you, when you have stoned the Jamrah, except the women. If evening comes upon you before you have made Tawaf of this House then you revert to the state of Ihram as you were before stoning the Jamrah - until you make the Tawaf.”

38 Makkah - 10 Dhul-Hijjah Tawaf al-Ifadah
Then you go off that day to Makkah and make Tawaf al-Ifadah in the same way as in the Tawaf of arrival, except that there is no Idtiba’ (uncovering right shoulder) or Ramal (bold walk) in this Tawaf. Pray two Rak'at behind Maqaam Ibraheem, if possible, or anywhere in the Masjid if not. Tawaf al-Ifadah is also called Tawaf az-Ziyarah or Tawaf al-Hajj.

39 Makkah - 10 Dhul-Hijjah Sa’y between Safa & Marwa
Then you do Sa’y between the Safa and Marwa as before. After Tawaf al-Ifadah you are in a state of complete TaHallul (التحلل الأكبر). All restrictions of Ihram are lifted. Drink from Zamzam. Return to Mina.

40 Sequence of Manasik on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: I saw the Prophet near the Jamrah and the people were asking him questions. A man asked, "O Messenger of Allah! I have slaughtered the Hady (animal) before doing the Ramy." The Prophet replied, "Do the Ramy (now) and there is no harm." Another person asked, "O Messenger of Allah! I got my head shaved before slaughtering the animal." The Prophet replied, "Do the slaughtering (now) and there is no harm." So on that day, when the Prophet was asked about anything as regards the ceremonies of hajj performed before or after its due time his reply was, "Do it (now) and there is no harm." Narrated by al-Bukhari.

41 Mina - 11, 12, 13 Dhul-Hijjah Stay in Mina for the days of Tashreeq (أيّام التشريق) and their nights. It is better to stay in Mina during these days than going to Makkah. This is the Sunnah of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم). Most scholars consider the staying in Mina as a Wajib. You may go at night to make Tawaf and return to Mina if you wish. It is reported that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) did it.

42 Mina - 11, 12, 13 Dhul-Hijjah Ramy
Stone the three Jamarat each with seven pebbles in each of those days, after Zawal (when the sun moves from its zenith, i.e. Dhuhr time). After the first and the second Jamarat, move forward to the side and stand facing the Qiblah for a long time making Du'a while raising your hands.

43 Mina - 12 or 13 Dhul-Hijjah Leaving Mina
You may leave Mina before sunset if you wish after you perform the Ramy on the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah. Staying to perform the Ramy on the 13th is preferable as it is the Sunnah of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم).

44 Pitfalls of Ramy (pelting)
Performing the Ramy during the Days of Tashreeq before Zawal (midday). The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) did the Ramy in all three days after Zawal. It is permissible to delay it until after Asr or even to the night if it’s too crowded. Throwing the pebbles all at once. They have to be thrown one by one. Thinking that the pebble has to hit the post or the wall. It is sufficient to cast the pebble into the circled area. Putting the pebbles into the circles area without casting. They have to be pelted. Casting more than 7 pebbles. Pushing and shoving. Throwing objects other than small pebbles, like shoes, sticks, umbrellas and large rocks. Making Tawkeel (deputizing) in Ramy without a valid reason (like illness).

45 Pitfalls related to Mina
Spending the days of Mina and their nights outside of Mina (like Makkah). Permission is given only to those with a valid reason (like caring for the sick or someone who cannot afford staying in Mina). Otherwise a Wajib is missed. Some pilgrims go to Makkah to perform Tawaf al-Wada’ and return to Mina to do the Ramy. Tawaf al-Wada’ (not the Ramy) should be the last act of Hajj. Leaving Mina before the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah. Pilgrims can leave Mina only on the 12th after performing Ramy of the 3 Jamarat, or on the 13th after Ramy as well.

46 [The National Geographic Magazine – July 1953]
Jamarat 1953 Jamarat – Mina, 1953 [The National Geographic Magazine – July 1953]

47 Mina Border Signpost Mina Border Signpost

48 Makkah – After Mina After you have finished the Ram’y on the 12th or the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah (2nd or 3rd day of Tashreeq) you have completed your Manasik (with the exception of Tawaf al-Wada’). You go to Makkah and stay there if your package arranges for extra days in Makkah after Hajj. While in Makkah make sure you pray with the Jama’ah in the masjid for the exceptional reward of that salat. Make nafl Tawaf (voluntary Tawaf) as much as possible.

49 Makkah - Last day The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: "None of you should depart until he makes his last act Tawaf of the House." Farewell Tawaf (al-Wada’) is an obligatory act on everyone except menstruating women who are excused. The prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) used to carry Zamzam water with him in water skins and containers, and he used to pour it upon the sick and give it to them to drink. When you finish the Tawaf you leave the Masjid walking normally - not backwards.

50 Hajj Summary Meeqat Mina Muzdalifah Arafah 1 2 3 7 4 6 5 1 - Ihram
Assume Ihram from a Meeqat or your residence if you are in Makkah Clean yourself and take a shower Put on two Ihram garments & slippers/sandals Pray two Rak'at or a prescribed Salat Make intention and say "labbayk Allahumma Hajjaa" Recite Talbiyah Go to Mina Hajj Summary 2 - Mina - 8th Arrive in Mina in the morning Spend the day and night there Pray Duhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha and Fajr in their time with Qasr Leave Mina for Arafah after sunrise (9th) 1 3 - Day of Arafah - 9th Arrive in Arafah before or around Duhr on the 9th Pray Duhr and Asr its own time with Qasr Spend the day in supplication and remembrence of Allah Leave Arafah for Muzdalifah after sunset 2 4 - Muzdalifah - 10th Arrive in Muzdalifah at night Pray Maghrib and Isha combined with Qasr Sleep the night until Fajr Pray Fajr early in its time & then make Dhikr Leave Muzdalifah for Mina shortly before sunrise 3 8 - Makkah – Last Day Perform Tawaf al-Wada' (farewell Tawaf) Make it the last thing you do in Makkah 7 Meeqat Mina Muzdalifah Arafah 5 - Mina - 10th Arrive in Mina in the morning Go to Jamrat al-Aqabah and stone it with 7 pebbles Slaughter your animal Shave or trim off your hair First TaHallul: Take off Ihram towels. All restrictions lifted except sexual intercourse Take a shower and put on normal clothes Go to Makkah for Tawaf al-Ifadah 4 7 - Mina - 11th, 12th & 13th Spend the days of Tashreeq and their nights in Mina Stone the 3 Jamarat every day between Duhr and Maghrib You may leave on the 12th after stoning and before sunrise if you wish 6 6 - Makkah - 10th Proceed to al-Masjid al-Haram Perform Tawaf al-Ifadah Perform Sa'y Full taHallul: All restrictions lifted Go back to Mina 5

51 Pillars of Hajj – أركان الحج
Ihram - الإحرام Standing in Arafah – الوقوف بعرفة Tawaf al-Ifadah – طواف الإفاضة Sa’y between the Safa and Marwa – السعي بين الصفا والمروة TO DO OR your Hajj will…

52 Obligations of Hajj – واجبات الحج
Ihram from the Meeqat – الإحرام من الميقات Stand in Arafah until after sunset – الوقوف بعرفة إلى الليل Spend one night in Muzdalifah (after Arafah) – المبيت بمزدلفة Stay overnight in Mina during the days of Tashreeq – المبيت بمنى Stoning the Jamarat, and in order – رمي الجمرات و على الترتيب Shaving or cutting the hair short – الحلق أو التقصير Tawaf al-Wada’ (farewell Tawaf) – طواف الوداع OR You will have to offer…

53 Pillars & Obligations of Umra
Pillars of Umra – أركان العمرة Ihram - الإحرام Tawaf – الطواف Sa’y between the Safa and Marwa – السعي بين الصفا والمروة Obligations of Umra – واجبات العمرة Ihram from outside the Haram of Makkah - الإحرام من خارج الحرم Shaving or cutting the hair short – الحلق أو التقصير

54 Changing The Niyah…

55 Changing the Niyah of Hajj & Umra
The residents of Makkah (residing within the Haram of Makkah) can only perform Ifrad. The Niyah of Qiran or Tamattu’ cannot be changed to Ifrad. The Niyah of Tamattu’ can be changed to Qiran only if: The pilgrim is unable to go to Makkah to complete the Umra prior to proceeding to Mina or Arafah. The woman’s menstruation starts prior to Tawaf al-Qudoom and she is due to proceed to Mina or Arafah. The Qaarin should change his Niyah to Tamattu’ if he did not bring his animal sacrifice with him and has the time to perform Umra prior to Hajj.

56 Arriving Late: 8th Dhul-Hijjah
If you arrive on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah and you are able to go to Makkah to perform Tawaf and Sa’y then you can do Tamattu’ or Qiran. To do Tamattu’, complete the Umra by taking from your hair (after Tawaf and Sa’y). This is Tahallul. It is not required to take off the Ihram towels to complete the Umra. Then assume Ihram for Hajj right away from your place and proceed to Mina. To do Qiran, proceed to Mina after you finish Tawaf and Sa’y. Complete the rest of the Hajj rituals as explained, but you don’t have to perform Sa’y after Tawaf al-Ifadah since you already did it after the first Tawaf. Alternatively, you can delay the Sa’y until after Tawaf al-Ifadah, but the first form is preferable. If you are not able to go to Makkah for Tawaf and Sa’y, then make Ihram for “Hajj and Umra” (Qiran) or “Hajj only” (Ifrad) from your Meeqat and proceed directly to Mina and complete your Hajj as explained. In this case the only difference between Ifrad and Qiran is the intention. No animal sacrifice is required in the case of Ifrad.

57 Arriving Late: 9th Dhul-Hijjah
If you arrive on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah then proceed directly to Arafah. You would have assumed Ihram for “Hajj and Umra” (Qiran) or “Hajj only” (Ifrad). Complete the rest of the rituals as explained for the Hajj procedure. Offer Hady in the case of Qiran.

58 End of Part 3 Open Part 4… Send comments/suggestions to (Edition 2011)
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