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Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP)

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Presentation on theme: "Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP)
ICAO Global Aviation Training and TRAINAIR Plus Symposium Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 12 April 2017

2 NGAP Timeline

3 NGAP Timeline

4 NGAP Timeline

5 NGAP Today Objective is to support outreach for attracting youth, from pre-school to university, into aviation education and professions by promoting career opportunities, at global, regional and national levels Resourced by volunteers from States, partner International Organizations, service providers and industry, academia and training institutions Leveraging ICAO Regional Offices to support Outreach 3 working groups – Outreach, Implementation, Strategies and Planning (new)

6 NGAP Organization NGAP Management Group
Working Group Chairs & Partner Organizations ICAO: Michiel Vreedenburgh Other ICAO Bureaux/Offices (ADB, ATB, GAT) Strategies and Planning Working Group Chair: Diana Dumitrache ICAO: Dawn Flanagan Outreach Working Group Chair: Lori Brown Vice-Chair: TBD Implementation Working Group Chair: Mary Nelson ICAO: Herman Pretorius ICAO Regional Offices NGAP Coordinators Events Subgroup Ceci Shirley/Lynne McMullen Communications and Publicity Subgroup Victoria Romero/Sherry Saehlenou

7 ICAO NGAP Activities 2016 Outreach at events, Newsletters, Training Reports, web site Roll-out for competency-based training provisions for ATCOs and ATSEPs training manuals published workshops held in Montreal, Mexico City, and Lima NGAP inclusion in GANP and GASP NGAP Assembly Resolution in October 8th NGAP meeting in December Established NGAP Strategies and Planning Working Group

8 39th ICAO Assembly Programme supported and resolution adopted:
Urges Member States to work with the aviation community to identify long-term human resources needs and establish strategies to attract, educate and retain in the sector aviation professionals, considering gender equality Encourages Member States, international and regional organizations, academia and industry to support the NGAP Programme, as one of the integral elements of capacity building, by providing technical expertise and guidance, and resources (human, financial and data) to help achieve the Programme’s objectives.

9 NGAP Work Plan (2017 – 2018) Outreach activities and communication media/products including: website; Newsletters; NGAP articles in ICAO Training Reports; Student Education and Careers in Aviation (SECA) Presentations at regional conferences/events around the world Workshops for roll-out of ATCO and ATSEP CBT provisions – Dream Soar Initiative – summer 2017 Aviation Training and Education Directory – summer 2017 1st NGAP Summit – 23 – 25 October 2017, Qatar Update of Doc personnel forecasts – 2018 Expanding NGAP scope to all aviation professions Guidance for States to develop a national NGAP Strategy and Action Plan

10 Personnel Forecasts Update global and regional twenty year forecasts for pilots, maintenance personnel and air traffic controllers (DOC 9956) by April 2018 to meet the needs of the ICAO Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) programme. 60% of total traffic

11 New Personnel Forecasts
Aviation Data and Analysis Panel met in March 2017 The Panel recommended that: a) the Secretariat should continue its work in the development of the forecast of licensed aviation professionals within the timeline proposed and with the help of the MDWG-LTF and the TFGs; and b) the Secretariat should consider other sources of information available, which can supplement existing ICAO data and results of the survey. 60% of total traffic Fleet forecasts CAEP and other sources Traffic forecasts Endorsed by A39 ICAO Survey New Personnel Forecasts

12 NGAP Tomorrow Help unite aviation, education and labour sectors and implement NGAP Strategies and Plans at national levels Regions to drive their own outreach activities, coordinated by the ICAO Regional Offices, with participation of all partners, supported by the ICAO global NGAP Programme Assist States by providing guidance and tools for engaging the next generation and promoting aviation amongst youth as an attractive career opportunity

13 US NGAP Activity As I said earlier…it is very important to capture the Next Generation Professional’s interest early in the STEM subjects. One area of the FAA’s STEM program is mentoring. In the FAA we have a month usually in January dedicated to mentoring called “National Mentoring Month”. In order to stand up a successful mentoring program…we gather educators, mentors, government officials, and exhibitors to discuss the various aspects of STEM education, with an emphasis on mentoring. We all probably can recall someone perhaps…a teacher, a parent, an air traffic controller, engineer or Astronaut that may have provided some time of Mentoring. This mentoring may have helped us decide what career field to pursue. During these mentoring programs we provide Hands-on workshops, mentors and mentoring tips that are provided during this session. We have found that students excel in the STEM subjects when involved in the Mentoring program. We not only have Workplace mentoring but we also have virtual mentoring…using the various social medias. Skype, Facetime, Go-To-Meeting

14 One of our greatest challenges today is getting young people interested in aviation. In the FAA we have found if We could get young people interested in the subjects of science, technology, engineering and math… These subjects Could lead to Aviation careers. Perhaps many of you may have heard of the acronym “S T E M” – which represents Science Technology Engineering and Math – There are many programs intended to encourage students to pursue education in science, technology, engineering and math and apply these skills in aviation related careers. The education of Next Generation Professionals in the STEM subjects has been a prime focus for FAA.  We have found it is very important to capture a child’s interest early in the STEM subjects. We started talking to students in secondary school. But what we found is we have to start talking to younger kids…in the primary schools also.  The reason for this is the time they’re in secondary or university, they may have already committed to another career path.

15 Another program we have in place to attract the Next Generation Aviation Professionals is our ACE Academy. Aviation Career Exploration- STEM is the foundation of the ACE Academy. The week long Academy is free to the kids. This Academy/workshop can be 1 -5 days in length. •The workshops are a fun, interactive aviation summer camp geared towards primary and secondary school students who are interested in aviation and aerospace. Each camp is unique and no two are identical. •An adventure where campers use flight simulators, go on field trips to aviation sites, and in some locations - fly in an airplane! •An exciting opportunity for campers to learn about planning a flight, aviation history, the physics of flight, and the design and maintenance of aircraft.

16 Introduction to Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting
The workshops are held across the US and conducted by local FAA employees, educators, industry personnel. Depending where the workshop is held the kids visit the Aeronautical Center, aviation museums, an air traffic control tower, a fixed-base operator, and World Airport fire departments FAA Organizers share their passion in educating the up-and-coming generation to consider aviation as a career choice. There are many more aviation career fields people are not aware of.

17 ACE Academy Graduates Opened the eyes of 24 primary and secondary school students to the world of aviation and the many occupations the field offers.

18 “My life changed when someone introduced aviation to me,” Irving said, “and I want to give back by mentoring students. To get your message out to young people, you have to get into the classroom. The recipe for success has been a partnership with FAA, educators, and industry. Funding is provided by other organizations.

19 Boeing 737 Simulator and CAMI SLED Test
Exposure to Aviation Careers is essential in planting the idea for future careers in aviation.

20 Design Competition for Universities
Another program we have in place for University students is …Design Competition The competition seeks to engage students at U.S. colleges and universities in addressing issues facing airports while providing quality educational experiences and exposure to aviation and airport-related careers. Students aare invited to propose in six technical challenge areas: airport operations and maintenance; runway safety; airport environmental interactions; airport management and planning; innovative application of FAA data and electric/hybrid-electric aircraft technology. The competition requires that students work with a faculty advisor and that they reach out to airport operators and to industry experts to obtain advice and to assess the practicality of their proposed designs/solutions. The designs are submitted to a panel and winners are selected. 2013 Winner - Web-Based Smartphone Application for Pavement Analysis: A Geographic Information System Approach Airport Operations and Maintenance Challenge

21 Attracting Aviation Professionals
Summary Attracting Aviation Professionals Provide students with resource lists. Show videos on aviation careers. Prepare bulletin boards on aviation careers. Choose an aviation product and research number of jobs involved in production. Develop an aviation education library. Study/show aviation jobs in local community. Collaborate with schools, universities, industry Volunteer to run a STEM/ACE program Volunteer to assist in a STEM/ACE program


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