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Relationship between race and IQ By Julianne Mason

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1 Relationship between race and IQ By Julianne Mason
Arthur Jensen Relationship between race and IQ By Julianne Mason

2 Quick Background Born on August 24,1923 Living in Seclusion

3 Differential Psychologist
Psychologist who is most concerned with how and why persons differ in behavior

4 Jensen’s Main Argument
Argued that genetics as well as environment as cultural factors should be considered in developing an understanding of individual differences in IQ, including social class and racial differences.

5 My Thesis To prove IQ is heritable and environment just controls how much of you’re IQ level you use. Why I chose this topic (intelligence)

6 Jensen’s Research Realized his interest was between race and IQ
“culturally-free” intelligence test Results lead Jensen to his theory of two types on learning; Level I and Level II

7 Level I Associative Learning Simple withholding of input

8 Level II Conceptual Learning Ability to organize and analyze inputs

9 Distributions Level I is distributed evenly throughout races but Level II is not Level I and II results combined with several other study results, concluded that 70% of ones IQ is genetic, 5% is uncontrolled factors, and 25% is biological environment


11 Harvard Educational Jensen published hypotheses in Harvard Educational in He argued 3 main topics

12 Argument 1 1. He examined the available research and concluded that compensatory education programs had failed to show any strong or lasting effect in raising IQ or scholastic achievement. Every person is born with a predetermined g factor (general mental ability). Environment influences have their effects largely on what a person does with his/her level of g factor rather than the level of g itself.

13 Argument 2 2. He reviewed the existing evidence showing that genetic factors played a large part in individual differences in IQ.

14 Argument 3 3. (His main hypothesis) genetic as well as environmental factors are involved in the average difference between Blacks and Whites in IQ and scholastic achievement. The difference being a 15-point difference in average IQ between Blacks and Whites in the United States.

15 Racist? Many found it significant and informative, but at the same time upsetting and racist. Jensen was condemned as a racist just after publication. Till today he still receives hate mail.

16 Environmental Factors
Mother’s age, health, and nutrition during pregnancy parental influence financial status nutrition (protein deficiency), living environment level of education offered.

17 Heritability Statistics show IQ correlation to parents:
.40 (40%) at childhood .70 (70%) at early adulthood .80 (80%) at late adulthood This proves that genetics has an influence. If IQ was dependant on just environment and experience than IQ correlation would have decreased with age due to difference in life experiences

18 IQ Results in 1960’s Whites scored an average IQ score of 100 and the average Black score was 85 50% of Whites scored below 100 while 84% of Blacks scored below 100 16% of Whites scored under 85 while 50% of Blacks scored under 85

19 Wonderlic Personnel Test by years of education graph

20 Black Descrimination in 1960’s
Ku Klux Klan just ending (blacks start fighting back, more riots) 1960 still had "whites only" lunch counter Very rare for colleges to accept blacks “Freedom Riders” (1961): group of men and women, black and white, boarded buses, trains and planes headed for the deep South to test the 1960 Supreme Court ruling outlawing segregation in all interstate public facilities.

21 In 1967 was the first time African American was appointed to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court
Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act): prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

22 Black versus White living conditions graph

23 Conclusion The only reason why there was a racial difference in IQ in Jensen’s results were not because Blacks are not as intelligent as Whites but because it was the environmental difference between races in the 1960’s. Today each person has the same rights, black or white therefore the environmental portion of genetic determination is equal. Therefore the results now should be equal. Though race isn’t a factor, it is still believed that IQ is hereditary, as shown in the IQ correlation to parents increasing with age.


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