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Today’s presentation will summarize some IFATSEA activities that have occurred in the last year. International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s presentation will summarize some IFATSEA activities that have occurred in the last year. International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s presentation will summarize some IFATSEA activities that have occurred in the last year.
International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations IFATSEA ACTIVITES

2 IFATSEA-CBT Workshop ICAO 39th General Assembly
There are two main activities that we will be discussing: IFATSEA’s involvement in Competency Based Training Workshops The ICAO 39th general assembly that occurred in September

3 IFATSEA-CBT Workshop First is the involvement we have had in global CBT workshops. During the last general assembly in Berlin, with guest speakers from CANSO, we presented an abbreviated version of the workshop. (mention that it was well received and that there was interest in future workshops)

4 Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) Task Force
(discuss NGAP briefly for background/context……I’m assuming that there will be delegates who are not familiar with any of this) It has been recognized by the international aviation community that there will be an anticipated shortage of skilled aviation professionals in the near future.  In order to address this important issue, ICAO launched the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) initiative to ensure that enough qualified and competent aviation professionals are available to operate, manage and maintain the future international air transport system. IFATSEA has been involved from the early stages with NGAP. (etc, etc) In December 2015 during the NGAP Task Force meeting ICAO announced NGAP will become an established program with in ICAO. “…to ensure that enough qualified and competent aviation professionals are available to operate, manage and maintain the future international air transport system” safe, secure and sustainable

5 NGAP Vision Sufficient Competent Human Resources
Air Transport System that is: Safe Secure Sustainable (Overview of NGAP Vision) A global aviation community that has sufficient competent human resources to support a safe, secure and sustainable air transportation system. (NGAP  Objective) To develop tools and provisions for ICAO Contracting States and the international civil aviation community that will assist them in implementing effective strategies to attract, educate, and retain the next generation of civil aviation professionals.

6 ICAO Document Hierarchy
Chicago Convention Mandatory Personnel Licensing Annex I Personnel Licensing Annexes II - XIX SARPs Review hierarchy, identify 9868 and 10057) As part of the NGAP Project, IFATSEA contributed to the update of PANS TRG manual 9868 and creation new ATSEP Training Manual 10057 (this is a good opportunity to introduce the new manual number instead of the old 7192…some may not be aware of it) Guidance Procedures and Recommended Practices Doc 9868 Procedures for Air Navigation Services – (PANS) – Training Doc 9868 Procedures for Air Navigation Services – (PANS) – Training Guidance Doc ATSEP Training Manual Doc 10057 ATSEP Training Manual Doc 10056 ATCO Training Manual Doc 10056 ATCO Training Manual Guidance Implementation

7 Competency-Based approach to Training
Training and assessment that are characterised by: Performance orientation Emphasis on standards of performance and their measurement Development of training to the specified performance standards Discuss the key item from the new manual is the addition of CBT. Review the concepts Briefly.) Here are some key things to remember about a Competency-Based approach to Training: Performance orientation…CBT is focused on being able to perform tasks Standards of Performance…standards ensure consistency Develop training to meet the standards…standards help to focus the training

8 Montreal Pilot Workshop June 2016
(discuss the pilot workshop in Montreal. dates, presenters, participants etc. Very well received) IFATSEA has been at the front of developing a workshop to support the new manuals and competency based training) This past June the CBT pilot workshop was held in Montreal at ICAO Headquarters. IFATSEA members came from Canada, Germany and the United States as presenters of the workshop. We also had members participate in the workshop from Ghana.

9 Workshop Syllabus Day one: NGAP Overview Competency Based Training
Introduction to PANS TRG Document Exercises Day two and three: In depth review of the training manual Examples and exercises Workshop will run over three days. The first day of the Workshop is common to both ATSEP and ATCO. For the second day and the morning of the third day, ATSEP and ATCO will attend separate sessions. The two groups will rejoin for a common session on the afternoon of the third day of the workshop so people can get an idea of the content If you have questions regarding this workshop, Michel and myself are available to answer specific questions you may have.

10 Mexico City Workshop September 2016
(discuss dates, presenters, participants etc) (discuss that we have collected feedback from each workshop so far….maybe show one of the forms….and so far so good) Presenters were from IFATSEA, IFATCA, FAA and New Zealand

11 ATSEP Workshop Mexico City
The ATSEP portion of the workshop was a much smaller group and the presenters were all from IFATSEA: Scott Burke Michel Gaulin Patrick Delaney Participants came from Mexico, Bahamas, Jamaica and the United States This gives organizations responsible for training ATSEP’s the opportunity to meet with IFATSEA members. This is an important opportunity for IFATSEA to raise the importance of standardization of training and competencies.

12 ICAO Competency Base Training Workshops
Tentative ICAO Workshops HQ – Montreal (pilot) NACC RO – Mexico City SAM RO – Lima MID RO – Cairo Beijing, China ESAF RO - Nairobi WACAF RO – Dakar APAC RO – Bangkok EUR/NAT RO - Paris June 28-31, 2016 Sept 21-23, 2016 Nov 28-30, 2016 Mar June 2017 (Tentative) 2017 discuss future dates and plans) (wrap up/summarize the discussion on workshops…end of this topic)

13 ICAO 39th General Assembly
The next activity that we have been involved in is the ICAO General Assembly. This past September ICAO held the 39th General Assembly.

14 IFATSEA Delegates Ghana Japan Canada Germany Greece United States
Delegates came from: read slide

15 Position Papers Ghana: Working Paper 368 India: Working Paper 129
IFATSEA: Working Paper 298 All three papers shared the same goal as to the inclusion of ATSEP’s into Annex-1 We would like to thank all that contributed in the work on these papers.

16 Outcome Play Video Play Video
As you can see from the video ICAO’s Secretariat was against licensing before any state was allowed to speak.

17 Outcome The Commission stated that ICAO had developed competency-based procedures for ATSEPs in the PANS-TRG that would raise and harmonize the level of competencies while allowing States to implement a flexable approach to CBT. Read slide)

18 Outcome The Commission noted that there was no evidence that the lack of an ATSEP license impacted safety. Therefore, the Commission did not support the proposal to introduce Standards into Annex 1 for ATSEPs or for any aviation function other

19 The Executive Board will be discussing this over the next few days.
Conclusion/wrap-up The Executive Board will be discussing this over the next few days. Discuss the outcome and the E Boards view

20 Questions? Discuss the outcome and the E Boards view

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