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Presentation on theme: "YEARS 3 INFORMATION EVENING"— Presentation transcript:

YSGOL IAU TON PENTRE YEARS 3 INFORMATION EVENING Dydd Iau, Medi 22nd Striving for Success Trwy Ymdrech Daw Llwyddiant

2 Head Teacher: Mr I Evans

3 Deputy Headteacher: Mr Roberts Y5
Class Teachers Mrs Roberts Y3 Mrs J Jones Y3 Mrs Pugh Y4 Miss Barnard Y4 Miss Burton Y5/ Ms L Jones Y6 Ian

4 HLTA: Mrs Hughes Clerk: Mrs Gwyn Caretaker: Mr Gilbert Cleaner: Mrs Davies

5 Lunchtime Supervisors:
Lunchtime Staff Catering Staff: Mrs. Chick (Cook) Mrs Davies (Assistant Cook) Mrs Evans (Kitchen Assistant) Lunchtime Supervisors: Mrs Morgan / Mrs Stoddart/ Mrs Tutton/ Miss Evans/ Mrs Lewis/ Ms Bargewell

6 Learning Support Assistants
Year 3 Learning Support Assistants Mrs G Morgan Mrs M Leech Miss A Evans

7 Year Group Information
50 pupils in the year group. The morning sessions are devoted to Mathematics and English. Welsh, PE, RE and theme based subjects are taught in the afternoon. Emily

8 Term Dates – See calendar on the website
Breakfast Club am School Hours- 8.50am – 3.15pm Term Dates – See calendar on the website Dosbarth Dafydd- Mrs Roberts Year 3 Dosbarth Gruffydd Mrs Jones Year 3 Moyra

9 Cornerstones’ Curriculum
Lower School Autumn Term Wild Wood Spring Term Off with her head Summer Term Global Gourmet/ Travel agents Science and Design and Technology Welsh – Helpwr Heddiw Emily - Laura

10 Home Task Dinner Money – Envelopes essential !
Literacy Booklet Numeracy Booklet – support leaflet available on the moodle Learning Logs - to carry out themed research Reading – please return books on allocated days School Moodle/ Website - Class Page links Dinner Money – Envelopes essential ! Educational Visits- Letters will be sent out as and when required Moyra

11 End of Year Assessments
Teacher Assessment Statutory National Numeracy and Literacy Tests Basic Numeracy Screening York Reading NFER Spelling Emily

12 Technology The school has invested a large amount of money on new technology. All classes have four desk top computers and a c touch board. We have two class sets of laptops and one class set of i-pads. These resources are to enhance and develop pupils skills in ICT and in line with the new ‘Digital Competence Framework’ Laura

13 School Council, Eco-Council, E safety committee, JRSO’s and RR reps
PE Kit is essential- Can be left in school or brought in every Monday Extra-Curricular Activities- 3.15pm- 4.15pm Rugby Choir Football Mi Little Pad Tip Tops dance Letters have been sent home this evening confirming after school clubs and the days they will take place. Moyra

14 Most essential life skill, at Ton a partnership approach is taken.
Reading Most essential life skill, at Ton a partnership approach is taken. Children will read every day in school. Reading Range: Guided Reading Scheme Books Shared Reading Independent Reading Silent Reading Own books All your children will be given a reading day. On this day your child will be read with and the book will be changed when necessary. A partnership between parents, children and school Emily

15 How can you help your child at home?
Mathematics How can you help your child at home? Pupils participate in daily maths sessions which consist of number, geometry, data, measures, reasoning and algebra. Some skills are applied across the curriculum, giving pupils opportunities to use them in other subjects e.g. science, geography etc. Some of the skills pupils find difficult are time, money and measures (weighing). This is where we need you!!!!! Emily

16 We all hope that you have found this evening to be useful
We all hope that you have found this evening to be useful. See you all on Parent Consultation Evenings which will be held in November in this hall. Hwyl fawr!


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