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2017 Bomber Football Steve Specht ‘86 Head Football Coach 761-7815 ext. 325

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1 2017 Bomber Football Steve Specht ‘86 Head Football Coach ext. 325

2 Coaching Staff:

3 Important Dates: Mom’s Clinic : Friday, July 28th.
Double Sessions : Begin on Monday, July 31st. ***Mandatory Attendance begins… End on Thursday, August 10th. Time Frames: Varsity and JV : 6:00 am until 2:00 pm Freshman : 8:00 am – 2:00 pm ***All time frames are relatively fluid! Picture Day : Saturday, August 12th (following the Fenwick Scrimmage)

4 Equipment All equipment provided by St. Xavier -Helmet -Shoulder Pads
-5 padded girdle (Hip/Butt/Thigh) -Knee Pads -Practice Pants and Jerseys -Home/Away Game Jerseys -Home/AwayGame Pants Varsity Game Cleats provided by St. Xavier. -Varsity players MUST wear all Adidas during games. -JV/Freshman may wear whatever they want. Additional cleats can be purchased at a 40% discount through Adidas (while inventory lasts).

5 Pre-Season Schedule



8 All Football Schedules

9 Game Schedules:

10 Does your son really LOVE Football? -OR-
Does he LOVE the EXPERIENCE of playing football for St. Xavier High School? Playing Time is NOT negotiable If player has questions he should speak with his position coach. If he is unclear after speaking with his position coach he should see me immediately. If, after speaking with me, the player still has an issue I will meet with the player and his parents.

11 Alcohol and Drugs Alcohol and Drugs: A student who possesses, uses or distributes any alcoholic beverage, illicit drug, controlled substances, (including medications such as Adderall and Ritalin contrary to school policies on medications referred to on page 53) intoxicating inhalant, counterfeit controlled substance, or drug paraphernalia ● on St. Xavier property at any time ● at any event related to St. Xavier on or off campus ● at any event sponsored by another Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati ordinarily will be expelled. A student who has not committed the actions above but who exhibits any sign of having consumed any alcohol or drug or any substance listed above in any of the contexts listed above will be subject to expulsion. If, due to extenuating circumstances, expulsion is not invoked, at the very least the following consequences will be imposed: Assessment by a certified drug/alcohol counselor recommended by the school; a written report on the assessment must be filed with the school. Ten days in after-school detention and ten demerits Suspension from attendance at and participation in all school events and activities and events for one semester. 4. Disciplinary probation for a full year. 5. Expulsion upon a second violation. N.B. - The school reserves the right to employ a breathalyzer or other monitoring devices on school property, or at any school-related function. N.B. - In the event of a possible expulsion from St. Xavier, the Disciplinary Board will meet to consider all the facts in the case. N.B. - Participation in co-curriculars is a privilege. Coaches and Moderators may impose additional sanctions at their discretion.

12 Off-Campus Conduct: Although the school cannot assume responsibility for a student’s conduct when he is outside the school’s jurisdiction, students should remember that at all times they are responsible for the good name of St. Xavier High School. A student involved in off-campus conduct prejudicial to the reputation of the school is liable to severe disciplinary action, as if the conduct occurred on school property. St. Xavier High School reserves the right to inspect data stored on student-owned electronic devices if there is reasonable suspicion of a violation of school rules or illegal activity. St. Xavier High School reserves the right to impose consequences for inappropriate use of technology that takes place off campus and outside school hours.  Thus, inappropriate use of technology (for example, on a home computer), whenever or wherever it occurs, may subject the student to consequences.  Inappropriate use is determined at the school's discretion, and includes harassment; improper use of school name, emblems or logos; improper or offensive remarks or images directed to or about teachers, staff or students; safety threats of any kind; any communication which could have the effect of damaging the school's image or reputation, or any other improper or offensive communications. Social Media

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