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Present and Future of Peritoneal Dialysis

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1 Present and Future of Peritoneal Dialysis
Simon Davies University Hospital of North Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent Institute for Science and Technology in Medicine Keele University, UK

2 Scope Where are we now with peritoneal dialysis?
Role of the therapy Infection Small solute clearance What problems do we need to solve in the future and what is the current progress? Fluid management Longer term membrane integrity

3 Examples of integration: the patient specific perspective
Pre-emptive Tx PD Bridge 2nd Tx PD Start Tx Minimal Care HD 2nd Tx PD Start Home HD Satellite-based HD Tx PD Bridge Centre-based HD Assisted Home PD

4 USRDS comparison of modality survival:
Adjusted Patient Survival Incident U.S. Medicare Patients ( ) N=398,940 Proportional hazards model with adjustment for demographics, baseline comorbidity, and baseline GFR, albumin, Hgb, BMI as captured on Medical Evidence Form 2728 Adjusted Median Life Expectancy: HD: 35.1 months PD: 33.8 months Vonesh et al (Kid Int 70:S3-S11, 2006)

5 Patients prefer to choose Some have no choice
1,347 patients included Patients prefer to choose Some have no choice Given choice: Elderly less likely to choose PD Am J Kidney Dis 2004; 43:891-9

6 Choice summary Patients have preferences and would like these to be considered Dialysis modality choice is largely based on life-style Home versus Centre is more important in this context than HD v PD Choice is associated with greater patients satisfaction Older patients can be disenfranchised of a home choice

7 Infection Peritonitis rates much improved Regular audit of:
Disconnect systems Range from 1 in 24 to 1 in 60 months Regular audit of: Culture techniques (>80% +ve culture) Patient technique Primary cure rate (>80%) Antibiotic regimes and sensitivites

8 ISPD Guidelines 2005 Prevention, Prevention, Prevention….

9 Hospitalization rates for septicemia

10 Each 250 ml of urine volume reduced risk by 36%
CAN-USA Study: 2-year survival Each 250 ml of urine volume reduced risk by 36%

11 Country Kt/V Creatinine Cl CARI Australia 1.6 (min) or 50 60
‘Rationale’ updated 2006 Country Kt/V Creatinine Cl Transport status: Low/LA HA/High CARI Australia (min) or CSN Canada (min) EBPG Europe (min) and 45 K-DOQI US (min) Renal Association 1.7 (min) or


13 Comparison of studies:
2-year survival Hong Kong EAPOS CANUSA ADEMEX NECOSAD Kt/V urea

14 Comparison of two approaches to dialysis prescription: RCT
Demetriou, et al KI, 2006

15 Randomised cross-over design, n=22
 10%  27% Demetriou, et al KI, 2006

16 Scope Where are we now with peritoneal dialysis?
Role of the therapy Infection Small solute clearance What problems do we need to solve in the future and what is the current progress? Fluid management Longer term membrane integrity

17 Predictors of survival in PD patients
2° analysis of ADEMEX Study, CJASN, 2008

18 Cox proportional models for survival by BP on PD according to subsequent transplant status
Non transplanted n =1535 ,p =0.001; transplanted n =526, p=0.24 UK Renal Registry, Am J Kid Dis, 2007

19 Markers of cardiac damage predict fluid overload and cardiovascular death in PD and HD
LV Mass, LV function, Troponin T and n-proBNP (independent) predictors of cardiac fluid overload in PD patients Wang, AM, et al; KI, 2006, & JASN, 2006 Cardiac natriuretic peptides are related to left ventricular mass and function and predict mortality in dialysis patients Zocalli, C. et al, JASN, 2001

20 Should there be an ultrafiltration target?
European guidelines suggest minimum UF of 1 litre EAPOS suggests <750ml ( 50 mmol/day of sodium) associated with problems – what is the mechanism? Low salt and water intake? Likely Worsening nutrition? Indirect evidence Poor BP control? NO Poor fluid status – no data Inflamed patients (association – cause or effect?) Poor membrane function? Partial explanation

21 The membrane as a cause of poor ultrafiltration and poor volume management
High solute transport (Type 1 UF failure) Poor osmotic conductance (Type II UF failure)

22 Meta-analysis of studies linking solute transport to survival
Brimble, KS JASN 2006

23 Why might high transport be associated with worse outcomes?
Worse ultrafiltration Early loss of osmotic gradient causing less efficient aquaporin mediated UF More rapid fluid reabsorption in long dwell via the small pores Increased protein losses Association with membrane inflammation

24 Icodextrin as a tool to improve fluid status
Plum, AJKD 2002 Wolfson, AJKD, 2002 Konings, KI, 2003

25 * * * * * * ** * * ¶ ¶ ¶ Drained body weight TBW Volume (BIA)
TBW Volume (deuterium) ECF Volume (BIA) Between Group: *=P<0.01, **=P<0.05; Longitudinal, ¶=P<0.001 Davies, et al, JASN, 2003

26 L H P=0.009 P = NS Stoke PD Study: Influence of solute transport category on survival on PD before and after specific strategies to reduce problems of high transport status: KI, 2006

27 Fluid Management Algorithm:
Identify problem: Clinical fluid overload/BP/BIA/inflammation Low 24 UF (remember overfill in CAPD) High Solute transport or reduced UF capacity Assess Na intake and restrict if appropriate Use icodextrin and APD to optimise prescription in high transporters – avoid reabsorption Use ACE/AII blockade and/or diuretics to: maintain RRF Avoid excessive hypertonic glucose Treat BP if otherwise euvolaemic Increase UF if below 750 ml/transfer to HD

28 Future of fluid management in PD
Assessment of fluid status BIA ECHO Biomarkers Improving salt and water removal Low sodium solutions Combination solutions

29 What is the relationship between cardiac function, fluid status and BNP in PD?
Detailed ECHO studies in PD patients: LVMI correlates with: systolic BP, corrected plasma volume, and ECW:height but not with ECW:TBW ratio or CRP. LAVI correlates with: corrected plasma volume and BNP but not with BP, ECW:height, ECW:TBW or CRP.

30 Baseline Results LV EF (%) LVMI (g/m2) LAVI (ml/m2) E/A E/E’pw ratio
PD Pat (n=17) HT non-renal Pat (n=17) p-value # Controls LV EF (%) 58±7 61±9 0.237 62±8 LVMI (g/m2) 113.1±33.5 81.3±29.6 0.012 84±20* LAVI (ml/m2) 27.8±11.1 28.7±8.2 0.772 22.9±8.4 E/A 0.7±0.14 0.87±0.2 0.008 0.83±0.18* E/E’pw ratio 10.4±3.6 10.2±4.0 0.885 7.5±1.8*

31 Davies et al, NDT, 2009

32 Combining icodextrin and glucose to optimise Na removal
Freida, P. PDI 2007

33 Scope Where are we now with peritoneal dialysis?
Role of the therapy Infection Small solute clearance What problems do we need to solve in the future and what is the current progress? Fluid management Longer term membrane integrity

34 Davies, SJ, KI, 2004 34

35 Longitudinal changes in membrane function
■ = stable UF □ = UF failure Davies, SJ, KI, 2004

36 Smit, Thesis, 2004

37 Capillaries and Post Capillary Venules
Aquaporin I Capillaries and Post Capillary Venules

38 Epithelial to mesenchymal transition

39 Evidence of Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition of Mesothelial Cells in Peritoneal Tissue of Patients Undergoing Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis María Yáñez-Mó, Enrique Lara-Pezzi, Rafael Selgas et al., New England J Med, 2005

40 Davies, KI, 2004

41 Glucose >1.36% 12 months Glucose =1.36% 24 months Glucose only
ml ml Glucose >1.36% 12 months Glucose =1.36% 24 months ml ml Glucose only No peritonitis peritonitis using icodextrin

42 Increasing solute transport
Variability in membrane function Effective contact area Osmotic conductance Start PD Increasing solute transport IL-1/IL-6 VEGF Increasing vascularity Increase in blood flow Dissociation of solute transport and osmotic conductance ? TGF EMT Progressive fibrosis Loss RRF Glucose/GDP Peritonitis Ultrafiltration failure ? Additional trigger Stop PD Peritonitis Visceral involvement EPS

43 > 1000 patients. Paired dialysate and plasma samples, IFN-γ , IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α
Dialysate IL-6 levels ~x10 plasma (despite dilution by dialysate). IFN, IL-1 usually low/undetectable, but can be elevated above plasma Dialysate cytokines auto correlate: IL-1 with IFN r=0.43, P<0.0001 IL-1 with TNF r=0.45, P<0.0001 IL-6 with TNF r=0.45, P<0.0001 IFN with TNF r=0.48, P< etc

44 INCIDENT PREVALENT Dialysate IL-6 pg/ml Plasma IL-6 pg/ml

45 Preserving and monitoring the membrane
Avoid excess glucose exposure Low GDP solutions Regular monitoring of membrane function (PET) and effluent biomarkers Switch to HD if type 2 UF failure

46 Acknowledgements Collaborators and colleagues Biopsy Registry
EAPOS Group Bengt Rippe Daniele Venturoli Ray Krediet Denise Sampimon Ramzana Asghar Lily Mushahar Kit Huckvale Biju John Jeff Perl PD staff and patients Biopsy Registry John Williams Nick Topley Kate Craig GLOBAL Fluid Study Nick Topley James Chess Mark Lambie Charlotte James Study Investigators


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