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December 18th 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "December 18th 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 18th 2016

2 Prelude for Worship Martha Short/Kim Roudebush

3 Our Time of Welcome Daniel Palmer


5 New to ? Text “Welcome” to

6 Emmanuel

7 In the beginning was the Word The Word was with God and was God And through Him everything was made Without Him nothing has been made

8 In Him was life to all was light That shines into the darkest night There is no night that overcomes The light of heaven's holy One

9 The rising sun will come to us come to us from heaven
The light of God will shine on us shine into our darkness

10 Praise to the Lord of Israel our Hope and our Redeemer
Emmanuel Emmanuel He has remembered Praise to the Lord of Israel our Hope and our Redeemer

11 Save us from our restlessness the war within our nature
Guide us in Your path of peace by Your mercy tender

12 Alleluia our God Emmanuel
Emmanuel Emmanuel He has remembered Alleluia our God Emmanuel

13 The rising sun will come to us come to us from heaven
The light of God will shine on us shine into our darkness Emmanuel, Emmanuel He has remembered

14 Praise to the Lord of Israel Our Hope and our Redeemer
Alleluia our God Emmanuel

15 O come Thou Dayspring come and cheer Our spirits by Thine advent here
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night And death's dark shadows put to flight

16 Emmanuel shall come to thee O Israel Alleluia our God Emmanuel
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee O Israel Alleluia our God Emmanuel

17 Praise to the Lord of Israel
Emmanuel Emmanuel He has remembered Praise to the Lord of Israel Our God Emmanuel

18 Alleluia our God Emmanuel

19 The Glory of The Father John 1

20 Lighting of the Advent Wreath

21 Angels Candle Advent 2016

22 Luke 2:13–15 (NASB) 13 And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 14 “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.”

23 Luke 2:13–15 (NASB) 15 When the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, “Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.”

24 Lighting of the Advent Wreath

25 Worship Christ, The Newborn King

26 God rest ye merry gentlemen Let nothing you dismay Remember Christ our Savior Was born on Christmas day

27 To save us all from Satan's power When we were gone astray O tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy O tidings of comfort and joy

28 Now to the Lord sing praises All you within this place
And with true love and brotherhood Each other now embrace

29 This holy tide of Christmas O tidings of comfort and joy
All others doth deface O tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy

30 Joy to the world! The Lord is come Let earth receive her King
Let ev’ry heart prepare him room And heav’n and nature sing And heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing

31 He rules the world with truth and grace And makes the nations prove
The glories of his righteousness And wonders of his love And wonders wonders of his love

32 Hark - the herald angels sing Glory to the new born King
Peace on earth and mercy mild God and sinners reconciled

33 Joyful all ye nations rise Join the triumph of the skies
With angelic hosts proclaim Christ is born in Bethlehem

34 Hark the herald angels sing “Glory to the newborn King!”

35 Worship Christ the newborn King
Come and worship Worship Christ the newborn King

36 Worship Christ the newborn King

37 The Light of Bethlehem Isaiah 9:2-6

38 We Give Our Tithes and Offerings

39 Oh Children Come

40 God with Us Matthew 1:20-23

41 Jesus, Joy of the Highest Heaven

42 Jesus joy of the highest heaven Born as a little baby
Under a wondrous star Like us crying he takes His first breath Held by His mother, helpless Close to her beating heart

43 Jesus laid in a lowly manger Facing a world of danger
Come to turn me a stranger Into a child of God

44 Jesus joy of the highest heaven Born as a little baby
Under a wondrous star Like us crying he takes His first breath Held by His mother, helpless Close to her beating heart

45 Jesus laid in a lowly manger Facing a world of danger
Come to turn me a stranger Into a child of God

46 Jesus King of the highest heaven Learning to take His first steps
That He might bring us life Like us knowing our smiles and sorrows He showed the way to follow A way that is true and right

47 Jesus take away every darkness Steady my simple footsteps
That I might in your goodness Live as a child of God

48 Jesus laid in a lowly manger Facing a world of danger
Come to turn me a stranger Into a child of God

49 Steady my simple footsteps That I might in your goodness
Live as a child of God

50 Joy Has Dawned

51 Joy has dawned upon the world Promised from creation
God's salvation now unfurled Hope for every nation Not with fanfares from above Not with scenes of glory But a humble gift of love Jesus, born of Mary

52 Sounds of wonder fill the sky With the songs of angels
As the mighty Prince of Life Shelters in a stable Hands that set each star in place Shaped the earth in darkness Cling now to a mother's breast Vulnerable and helpless

53 Shepherds bow before the Lamb Gazing at the glory
Gifts of men from distant lands Prophesy the story Gold a King is born today Incense God is with us Myrrh His death will make a way And by His blood He'll win us

54 Son of Adam Son of heaven Given as a ransom Reconciling God and man
Christ our mighty Champion! What a Savior what a Friend What a glorious mystery Once a babe in Bethlehem Now the Lord of history

55 Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

56 Come to Bethlehem and see Him whose birth the angels sing
Come adore on bended knee Christ the Lord the newborn King

57 Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

58 What a Savior what a Friend What a glorious mystery
Once a babe in Bethlehem Now the Lord of history

59 Gloria in Excelsis Deo!


61 Glory, Peace, and Pleasure
Luke 2:14

62 Luke 2:13–14 (NASB) 13 And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 14 “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.”

63 Glory, Peace, and Pleasure
The coming of Jesus, the Son of God, reveals to us the glory of God.

64 Glory, Peace, and Pleasure
The coming of Jesus brings true peace to those who trust in Him.

65 Glory, Peace, and Pleasure
We enter God’s pleasure when we are united by faith with the Son who perfectly pleases the Father.

66 Glory, Peace, and Pleasure
Behold the glory of God that your soul seeks, look into Bethlehem’s manger and see Jesus, Heaven’s Son, sent to bring peace to those who trust in Him.

67 In Christ Alone © 2002 Keith Getty and Stuart Townend/ Thankyou Music (adm worldwide by Songs except for the UK and Europe which is adm by Kingsway Music)/PRS CCLI #606984

68 In Christ alone my hope is found He is my light my strength my song
This cornerstone this solid ground Firm through the fiercest Drought and storm

69 What heights of love What depths of peace
When fears are stilled When strivings cease My comforter my all in all Here in the love of Christ I stand

70 In Christ alone Who took on flesh Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness Scorned by the ones He came to save

71 ‘Til on that cross as Jesus died The wrath of God was satisfied
For ev’ry sin on Him was laid Here in the death of Christ I live

72 There in the ground His body lay Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day Up from the grave He rose again

73 And as He stands in victory Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine Bought with the precious Blood of Christ

74 On Christ the solid Rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand

75 No guilt in life no fear in death This is the pow’r of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath Jesus commands my destiny

76 No pow’r of hell no scheme of man Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘Til He returns or calls me home Here in the pow’r of Christ I’ll stand

77 Postlude for Worship Worship Band


79 11:00 AM Worship

80 December 18th 2016

81 Prelude for Worship Worship Band

82 A Mad Russian's Christmas
(Variations on The Nutcracker)

83 Our Time of Welcome Daniel Palmer


85 New to ? Text “Welcome” to

86 Emmanuel

87 In the beginning was the Word The Word was with God and was God And through Him everything was made Without Him nothing has been made

88 In Him was life to all was light That shines into the darkest night There is no night that overcomes The light of heaven's holy One

89 The rising sun will come to us come to us from heaven
The light of God will shine on us shine into our darkness

90 Praise to the Lord of Israel our Hope and our Redeemer
Emmanuel Emmanuel He has remembered Praise to the Lord of Israel our Hope and our Redeemer

91 Save us from our restlessness the war within our nature
Guide us in Your path of peace by Your mercy tender

92 Alleluia our God Emmanuel
Emmanuel Emmanuel He has remembered Alleluia our God Emmanuel

93 The rising sun will come to us come to us from heaven
The light of God will shine on us shine into our darkness Emmanuel, Emmanuel He has remembered

94 Praise to the Lord of Israel Our Hope and our Redeemer
Alleluia our God Emmanuel

95 O come Thou Dayspring come and cheer Our spirits by Thine advent here
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night And death's dark shadows put to flight

96 Emmanuel shall come to thee O Israel! Alleluia our God Emmanuel
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee O Israel! Alleluia our God Emmanuel

97 Praise to the Lord of Israel
Emmanuel Emmanuel He has remembered Praise to the Lord of Israel Our God Emmanuel

98 Alleluia our God Emmanuel

99 The Glory of The Father John 1

100 Lighting of the Advent Wreath

101 Angels Candle Advent 2016

102 Luke 2:13–15 (NASB) 13 And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 14 “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.”

103 Luke 2:13–15 (NASB) 15 When the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, “Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.”

104 Lighting of the Advent Wreath

105 Worship Christ, The Newborn King

106 God rest ye merry gentlemen Let nothing you dismay Remember Christ our Savior Was born on Christmas day

107 To save us all from Satan's power When we were gone astray O tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy O tidings of comfort and joy

108 Now to the Lord sing praises All you within this place
And with true love and brotherhood Each other now embrace

109 This holy tide of Christmas O tidings of comfort and joy
All others doth deface O tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy

110 Joy to the world! The Lord is come Let earth receive her King
Let ev’ry heart prepare him room And heav’n and nature sing And heav’n and heav’n and nature sing

111 He rules the world with truth and grace And makes the nations prove
The glories of his righteousness And wonders of his love And wonders wonders of his love

112 Hark - the herald angels sing Glory to the new born King
Peace on earth and mercy mild God and sinners reconciled

113 Joyful all ye nations rise Join the triumph of the skies
With angelic hosts proclaim Christ is born in Bethlehem

114 Hark the herald angels sing “Glory to the newborn King!”

115 Worship Christ the newborn King
Come and worship Worship Christ the newborn King

116 Worship Christ the newborn King

117 The Light of Bethlehem Isaiah 9:2-6

118 We Give Our Tithes and Offerings

119 Oh Children Come

120 God with Us Matthew 1:20-23

121 Jesus, Joy of the Highest Heaven

122 Jesus joy of the highest heaven Born as a little baby
Under a wondrous star Like us crying he takes His first breath Held by His mother helpless Close to her beating heart

123 Jesus laid in a lowly manger Facing a world of danger
Come to turn me a stranger Into a child of God

124 Jesus joy of the highest heaven Born as a little baby
Under a wondrous star Like us crying he takes His first breath Held by His mother, helpless Close to her beating heart

125 Jesus laid in a lowly manger Facing a world of danger
Come to turn me a stranger Into a child of God

126 Jesus King of the highest heaven Learning to take His first steps
That He might bring us life Like us knowing our smiles and sorrows He showed the way to follow A way that is true and right

127 Jesus take away every darkness Steady my simple footsteps
That I might in your goodness Live as a child of God

128 Jesus laid in a lowly manger Facing a world of danger
Come to turn me a stranger Into a child of God

129 Steady my simple footsteps That I might in your goodness
Live as a child of God

130 Joy Has Dawned

131 Joy has dawned upon the world Promised from creation
God's salvation now unfurled Hope for every nation Not with fanfares from above Not with scenes of glory But a humble gift of love Jesus, born of Mary

132 Sounds of wonder fill the sky With the songs of angels
As the mighty Prince of Life Shelters in a stable Hands that set each star in place Shaped the earth in darkness Cling now to a mother's breast Vulnerable and helpless

133 Shepherds bow before the Lamb Gazing at the glory
Gifts of men from distant lands Prophesy the story Gold a King is born today Incense God is with us Myrrh His death will make a way And by His blood He'll win us

134 Son of Adam Son of heaven Given as a ransom Reconciling God and man
Christ our mighty Champion! What a Savior what a Friend What a glorious mystery Once a babe in Bethlehem Now the Lord of history

135 Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

136 Come to Bethlehem and see Him whose birth the angels sing
Come adore on bended knee Christ the Lord the newborn King

137 Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

138 What a Savior what a Friend What a glorious mystery
Once a babe in Bethlehem Now the Lord of history

139 Gloria in Excelsis Deo!


141 Glory, Peace, and Pleasure
Luke 2:14

142 Luke 2:13–14 (NASB) 13 And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 14 “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.”

143 Glory, Peace, and Pleasure
The coming of Jesus, the Son of God, reveals to us the glory of God.

144 Glory, Peace, and Pleasure
The coming of Jesus brings true peace to those who trust in Him.

145 Glory, Peace, and Pleasure
We enter God’s pleasure when we are united by faith with the Son who perfectly pleases the Father.

146 Glory, Peace, and Pleasure
Behold the glory of God that your soul seeks, look into Bethlehem’s manger and see Jesus, Heaven’s Son, sent to bring peace to those who trust in Him.

147 In Christ Alone © 2002 Keith Getty and Stuart Townend/ Thankyou Music (adm worldwide by Songs except for the UK and Europe which is adm by Kingsway Music)/PRS CCLI #606984

148 In Christ alone my hope is found He is my light my strength my song
This cornerstone this solid ground Firm through the fiercest Drought and storm

149 What heights of love What depths of peace
When fears are stilled When strivings cease My comforter my all in all Here in the love of Christ I stand

150 In Christ alone Who took on flesh Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness Scorned by the ones He came to save

151 ‘Til on that cross as Jesus died The wrath of God was satisfied
For ev’ry sin on Him was laid Here in the death of Christ I live

152 There in the ground His body lay Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day Up from the grave He rose again

153 And as He stands in victory Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine Bought with the precious Blood of Christ

154 On Christ the solid Rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand

155 No guilt in life no fear in death This is the pow’r of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath Jesus commands my destiny

156 No pow’r of hell no scheme of man Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘Til He returns or calls me home Here in the pow’r of Christ I’ll stand

157 Postlude for Worship Martha Short Kim Roudebush


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