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Prepared by Dr. Abdullah S. Al-Shehri
First Language Acquisition why?
A coherent grasp of the nature of F1 acquisition helps to construct a theory of L2 acquisition.
Theories of First Language Acquisition
The Behavioristic Approach. The Nativist Approach. The Functional Approach.
The Behavioristic Approach Verbal Behavior, B. F. Skinner (1957;1968)
Skinner’s theory of Verbal Behavior is an extension of his general theory of learning by operant conditioning (stimulus : response). Organism (human) emits an operant (an utterance). If reinforced, utterance is maintained and strengthened. If not reinforced, linguistic behavior is weakened and eventually extinguished. Language is a set of habits acquired by a process of conditioning. This approach assumes a ‘tabula rasa’ (no innate predisposition for language in the human brain).
Criticism of the Behavioristic (Verbal Behavior) Approach
This approach is criticized for failing to adequately account for the Capacity to acquire language. Fast development of language. Generativity of language. Creativity of language. Abstract nature of language. Nature of ‘meaning’. Relationship between meaning and utterance.
The Nativist Approach Chomsky (1965) and Lenneberg (1967)
Language acquisition is biologically and innately determined. Existence of a genetic capacity/predisposition to perceive language systematically. Systematic perception of language results in the construction of a creative language system. Language acquisition is therefore systematic and rule-governed. Innate capacity is embodied in a ‘language acquisition device’ (LAD). LAD is expanded into a system of ‘universal linguistic rules’ or ‘Universal Grammar’ (UG). Discovery of an early grammar of child language: pivotal grammar. Parallel distributed processing (PDP): Sentences are the result of the simultaneous interconnection of a multitude of brain cells, and not a serial process of rule application.
LAD’s Innate Linguistic Properties As described by McNeill (1966)
The ability to distinguish speech sounds from other sounds in the environment. The ability to organize linguistic data into various classes. Knowledge that only a certain kind of linguistic system is possible. The ability to constantly evaluate the developing linguistic system.
Universal Grammar Theory (UG)
Innate principles of grammar shared by all languages. Attempts to explain language acquisition in general. Proposes a set of rules intended to explain language development in children. Attempts have been made to apply the idea to the area of second language acquisition (SLA).
How does the system of child language work?
According to the Nativist Theories: Child language is a legitimate system in its own right. Child language development is not a process of developing fewer and fewer mistakes. All stages of child language are systematic. A child is constantly forming linguistic hypotheses on the basis of the input and testing these hypotheses in speech. Hypotheses are continually revised, reshaped or abandoned, as child’s language develops. A child does not learn language as a series of separate discrete items, but as an integrated system within which there is an active application of grammatical rules.
The Nativist (Generative) Framework
Hypothetical descriptive grammars were constructed. Complex language of five to ten-year-olds were found. Early grammars of child language discovered: pivot grammars. Research data yielded a multitude of pivotal grammatical rules. Some of these rules were described as UG rules.
Contributions of the Nativist Approach to F1 Acquisition
Freedom from the restrictions of the ‘scientific method’ to explore the unobservable, abstract linguistic structures being developed in the child. Systematic description of the child’s linguistic repertoire as a rule-governed system. The construction of a number of potential properties of UG.
The Functional Approach
Constructivist: Learners construct new linguistic knowledge from their experiences. Active learning (learning by doing) is promoted. Social interaction: Children learn their language through interaction with their environment. Their linguistic knowledge is determined by what they already know about the world. Cognition: Acquired language is a manifestation of the cognitive and affective ability to deal with the world. Discourse: What children know and learn by talking with others.
Issues in First Language Acquisition
Competence and Performance
Competence: Underlying knowledge of a linguistic system – grammatical rules, vocabulary etc. It is the unobservable ability to do use that system. Performance: Overtly observable and concrete manifestation or realization of competence – the actual production (speaking, writing, comprehension) of language.
Competence & Performance and the Theory of Language
Chomsky likened ‘competence’ to an “idealized” speaker-hearer. Chomsky said that the theory of language had to be a theory of competence. Competence – Performance model has not been widely accepted. Model is criticized for focusing on an “idealized” speaker-hearer, neglecting any performance variables.
Comprehension & Production
Not to be equated with competence and performance. Comprehension and production are aspects of both competence and performance. In child language, comprehension is superior to production.
Nature & Nurture Nature Nurture Innate property LAD / UG
Genetic transmission of language Biological timetable Nurture Environmental exposure Teaching Child’s construction of his/her linguistic reality Interaction with others
Universals Language is universally acquired in the same way
Common deep structure Pivot grammar universals: Word order, agreement, noun & verb classes, predication, negation, question formation etc. Structural dependency: Language is organized in such a way that it crucially depends on the structural relationships between elements in a sentence.
Systematicity & Variability
Language acquisition is systematic: Children exhibit a remarkable ability to infer the phonological, structural, lexical, and semantic system of language. Variability still exists in the process of learning: For example, children who have not learned the past-tense morpheme tend to learn past tense forms as separate items before they know the difference between regular and irregular verbs. Later, they begin to perceive a system.
Language & Thought Cognitive development is central to human.
Language depends upon, and springs from, cognitive development. Language influences cognitive development. Social interaction, through language, is a prerequisite to cognitive development. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis of linguistic reality: Language influences thought. Thought influences language. Each language imposes on its speaker a particular “world view”. Cognitive and linguistic development are inextricably intertwined.
Imitation Children are good imitators.
‘Imitation’ is an important language acquisition strategy. ‘Imitation’ is in agreement with behavioristic principles of language acquisition. Children engage in surface structure as well as deep structure imitation.
Practice Children practice language, especially in the early stages of language acquisition. Practice is key to language acquisition. Practice, as a language acquisition strategy, covers both speaking and comprehension.
Input Role of ‘input’ in child language acquisition is crucial.
Child’s language is shaped by adults’ input. Nurture and environment are extremely important as sources of linguistic inputs.
Discourse Exposure alone to language is not enough for successful language acquisition. ‘Interaction’, rather than exposure, is required. Children do not learn language from overhearing conversations alone. Children acquire language by being spoken to.
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