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The road to the Paris summit: the FCCC and beyond

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1 The road to the Paris summit: the FCCC and beyond
Mat Paterson, University of Ottawa Lancaster 23 Feb 2015

2 Paris COP: context Latest in series of attempts to revive FCCC
End of Kyoto Protocol first commitment period 2012 Montréal, Bali, Copenhagen, Cancún/Durban. Accords, Action Plans, Platforms … no treaty Interconnected set of complex issues Rise in developing country emissions (esp “BASIC” countries) How to establish targets – 2°C, ad hoc offers by countries, etc. INDC process at the moment Monitoring, verification Finance

3 Paris COP: context For present audience
EU is pushing for the ‘most ambitious’ goals on targets, finance, etc. UK party leaders’ pact Not that obvious re how to put on direct pressure The bigger problem, in terms of countries with low(er) ambition or blocking progress, is US, China, Canada, Saudi Arabia, etc.

4 Paris COP: likely outcome
Lowest common denominator deal on emissions Inadequate for 2°C Uneven across industrialised countries EU target much stronger than US, Japan, Canada, etc. Not clear re precision about BASIC country targets Intensity vs absolute, “no-lose targets”, qs re verification and finance Wild card is if other developing countries reject because it’s lowest common denominator “bad deal vs no deal”

5 Beyond the FCCC Lots of new initiatives outside the FCCC
Massive growth since 1997

6 Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2014


8 Implications for activists

9 Implications for activists
There is no “miracle” Multiple sites of possible action (alongside lobbying) Cities and towns Transitions network, C40, etc Investment and finance CDP, divestment, Communities, housing Focus on interactions What would change the calculations of politicians? Showing possibilities (technologies, new urban plans …) Changing political incentives (voting, enrolling new actors … bankers and carbon markets) E.g. the CDP-carbon markets synergies Which bits of FCCC might stimulate action elsewhere? Legacies of Kyoto – accounting, markets Other legacies for new agreement?


11 Implications for activists
Focus on imaginaries: Big picture Re-framings E.g. “emissions reductions”, vs “decarbonisation” vs “keep the coal in the hole” vs “transitions” vs ???? Each orient to the task differently, make things visible, close down different options There is no silver bullet We don’t know, and perhaps cannot know in advance, which efforts will “work”, and how they will combine

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