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The Salmonid Population Viability Project Team

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Presentation on theme: "The Salmonid Population Viability Project Team"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Salmonid Population Viability Project Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Viability

2 The Salmonid Population Viability Project Team
Seth Wenger, Doug Leasure, UGA River Basin Center Helen Neville, Dan Dauwalter, Robin Bjork, Kurt Fesenmyer and Jean Barney, Trout Unlimited Erin Landguth, University of Montana Jason Dunham, Nate Chelgren, USGS Dan Isaak, Charlie Luce & Zach Holden, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station Mary Peacock, University of Nevada-Reno Joe Glassy, Lupine Logic, Inc. Doug Peterson, US Fish & Wildlife Service

3 The motivation: better conservation planning
How “healthy” is each population? Which would benefit most from what management actions? Which ones are hopeless? Where could we reintroduce? How might climate change affect populations?

4 What we really want: Estimates of population viability

5 In practice… We often use surrogates or rules of thumb
Habitat size (Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000: 8-25 km) Land cover, land use Climate vulnerability These surrogates may not be validated, and often cannot be validated Trout Unlimited’s Conservation Success Index for Westslope Cutthroat trout

6 Why aren’t we using PVA more?
Data-intensive: years of consecutive abundance estimates are the minimum for each population. Each population is modeled separately. Limited options for extrapolation. Alternative modeling approaches (e.g., RAMAS) require parameters that must be estimated from literature values– make limited use of field data.

7 Alternative approach: STPVM
The Spatio-Temporal Statistical Population Viability Model (STPVM) PVA on many populations at once Provides quantitative extinction estimates for each population Can test effects of management actions preliminary

8 How STPVM works: Models are fit using actual observations of organisms across populations simultaneously Applicable to any species with appropriate data; not limited to fish P1 P3 P2 P4 ?

9 The advantages Models produce actual estimates of viability for each population– this is what we really want Enable range-wide quantitative assessment of overall status – also what we really want They use all available field *data* Simultaneous estimation across multiple populations lets us borrow information to estimate viability for populations with little/no data Allow us to explore which variables across the landscape most affect viability S. Walsh

10 Applying ST-PVM to Lahontans
Lahontan cutthroat trout are ideal for ST-PVM because they are found mostly in small, isolated populations They have been intensively sampled (lots of data)

11 Building the fish database
Can point out new eradication and metapop tables The full database will be available to project partners

12 154 populations total 63 FWS conservation populations
1,907 sampling sites 6,227 sampling events 33,750 individual fish Fish data sources: NDOW, UNR (M. Peacock, J. Dunham), ODFW, CDFW, TU So far modeled 53 populations of LCT with 1,115 sampling sites, 3,209 sampling events, and 114,019 individual fish collected.

13 ST-PVM: A Hierarchical Model
Observation Model Sampling Model Process Model

14 ST-PVM: Observation Model
Sampling Model Process Model 1995 2001 Site Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 A 10 7 2 B 23 12 C 1 Site Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 B 17 D 9 2 E 15 1 Population 1 1991 2010 Site Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 A 14 7 6 B C 9 8 Site Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 D 20 E 14 12 F 1 Population 2

15 ST-PVM: Observation Model
Sampling Model Process Model 1 Detection at pass 1: Drainage Area + Flow Conditions Detection Probability 0.5 1 2 3 Pass Number

16 ST-PVM: Observation Model
Sampling Model Process Model Year: 1995 Fish: 12 ± 5 Fish: 31 ± 11 Fish: 42 ± 15 Fish: 8 ± 4 Lets us use # of fish caught to estimate # not caught, with error Fish: 10 ± 7

17 ST-PVM: Sampling Model
Observation Model Sampling Model Process Model Year: 1995 80 m 80 m 100 m 30 m Population Size in 1995: 757 ± 132 fish Proportion of Population Sampled: 13.6% ± 5 50 m Total fish at sampled sites: 103 ± 42 Total sampled length: 340 m Population Extent: 2,500 m

18 ST-PVM: Process Model Observation Model Sampling Model Process Model Based on a modified Ricker Model, with covariates Pop. Growth Rate (r) Carrying Capacity (K) Density-Independent Mortality (d) Stream Temperature High Flow Magnitude Low Flow Magnitude Population Extent Brook Trout Low Flow Magnitude NDVI Severe floods Wildfires

19 ST-PVM: Population Assessments
Observation Model Sampling Model Process Model Population Size preliminary

20 ST-PVM: Population Assessments
Observation Model Sampling Model Process Model Population Size preliminary

21 Population Viability: 2025 Extinction Probability
For current LCT Conservation Populations as well as other historic habitats preliminary

22 The Covariates Ecological Forecasting

23 Covariates: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (Landsat, 1985-present)
Active photosynthesis and vegetation 1992 – Dry year 2011 – Wet year

24 Maximum NDVI (for catchment) by Population
Dry year Wet year high precipitation year

25 Covariates- Stream Temperature
Developed new stream temperature database, also available to partners Data from 14 agencies 502 thermograph sites 741 site-years

26 Covariates- Stream Temperature
Annual estimates of mean August stream temperature for every 1km stream segment Current and future climate conditions

27 Covariates- Stream flow
Currently from the VIC macroscale hydrologic model Working on alternative, updatable approach

28 Stream drying Many streams are intermittently dry
Jason Dunham is deploying sensor networks range-wide to model desiccation Will incorporate results in future

29 Covariates: Brook Trout Densities

30 Scenarios: what if we…

31 Management scenarios Brook trout suppression/removal scenarios
Reintroduction potential of different habitats Metapopulation reconnection Cattle fencing/riparian restoration? Thermal degradation We are building a tool to let users examine these alternatives.

32 What if we remove brook trout?
BKT: SD = +4 preliminary

33 What if we remove brook trout?
BKT: SD = 0 preliminary

34 What is best way to reintroduce?
10 fish 100 fish preliminary

35 Metapop Reconnect

36 Metapop Reconnect preliminary

37 Climate Change We can estimate changes in covariates in coming decades
Still working on flow projections We can’t do desiccation very well, yet but coming soon…

38 Next phase We hope to work with LCT management teams to provide a useful tool for a “Recovery Roadmap” Hand over LCT database for continued update Publish in peer-reviewed journal Continue to update models and scenarios Beginning data phase for Bonneville cutthroat trout and interior redband trout

39 Acknowledgements: Funding
NASA grant number NNX14AC91G Bureau of Land Management, National co-op Trout Unlimited US FWS That’s it, thanks!


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