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Unit 2 Travelling Integrated skills.

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1 Unit 2 Travelling Integrated skills

2 Singapore ---have/has been to---

3 Chinese gardens of Suzhou
visit the Chinese gardens

4 Lushan Mountain go hiking there

5 go sailing in Qingdao go swimming there

6 Window of the World in Shenzhen
visit the theme park

7 A souvenir shop in Shanghai
go shopping there

8 sailing water sports swimming

9 travel to One of the theme parks you can go to is Window of the World. There may be too many people there, but the weather is nice and warm all year round.

10 What is important when you plan your holiday?
1. people: I will go to … with … 2. places to visit: We can visit / travel to … We can … 3. things to do: I can go to England to see the Tower Bridge with my family.

11 Things to do Places to go Millie Daniel Simon Amy Kitty Visiting Chinese gardens Suzhou Hiking Lushan Mountain Sailing Qingdao Swimming Visiting a theme park Window of the world in Shenzhen Shopping Shopping centres in Shanghai

12 When is the best time for swimming / sailing? Why?
Summer is the best time for swimming / sailing. When is the best time for going shopping in Shanghai? In any season. All year round.

13 Spring Summer Autumn Winter Visiting Chinese gardens Hiking Sailing Swimming Visiting a theme park Shopping

14 Places to visit in China:
Millie should go ______ in Lushan Mountain in ______. There may be some rain but the weather is nice at that time. She can also go there in ________. Daniel should travel to _________. He can visit the theme parks there. One of the theme parks he can go to is ____________________. hiking spring autumn Shenzhen Window of the World

15 Simon loves water sports
Simon loves water sports. He can go ______ and _________ in ________ this ________. Amy loves Chinese gardens very much. She can go to _______. ______ is the best time for ______________________. Kitty can visit Shanghai in any season because she loves _________. She can go to the _______________ in Shanghai all year round. sailing swimming Qingdao summer Suzhou Spring visiting Chinese gardens shopping shopping centres

16 Translation: 1. 水上运动 2. 参观主题公园 3. 炎热的天气 4. 全年 5. 到……旅行 water sports visit a theme park hot weather all year round travel to …

17 Corrections: 1. I don’t think he is one of the most handsome film star in the world. 2. What are you doing at that time? 3. You can go to Kunming for holiday all a year round. stars were

18 4. If you like China’s gardens, you
can go to Suzhou. 5. There may be some rains, but the weather is nice at that time. 6. What a nice weather it is! 7. Which park would you most like to go? Chinese rain go to

19 the best time for doing sth
Translation collect souvenirs 收集纪念品 水上运动 或许有雨 他能去的主题公园之一 帆船航行 做某事的最好时节 在任何季节 全年 顺便问一下 为你核实 到国外旅行 要做的事 water sports There may be some rain one of the theme parks he can go to go sailing the best time for doing sth in any season all year round by the way check it for you travel abroad things to do

20 Speak up holiday plan

21 Which country will Amy travel to?
Why has Amy’s father gone there? How is Singapore? How long does Amy want to stay there? She will travel to Singapore. He has gone there for a meeting. It is a nice and clean country. She wants to stay there for 5 days.

22 Going to a travel agency
Useful expressions How much is the cheapest …? How long does it take to fly to …? What is the weather like in … this time of year? Can you recommend any good hotels in …?

23 Exercises: I. 根据首字母完成句子。 What can we do on the sea? We can go s .
Is he right? Now let’s c the answers together. Where’s he? He’s a He’s in Japan. Have you ever t to Shenzhen? Yes, I have been there? ailing heck broad ravelled

24 春天是游览苏州园林的最好时间。 Spring is Chinese gardens in Suzhou.
II. 将下列句子译成英文。 春天是游览苏州园林的最好时间。 Spring is Chinese gardens in Suzhou. 你曾经去过新加坡吗?从没有。 you ever Singapore? No, the best time for visiting Have been to never

25 he ever Lushan Mountain? 4. 飞往新加坡要多少时间,请帮我核查一下。
3. 他曾经去庐山旅游过吗? he ever Lushan Mountain? 4. 飞往新加坡要多少时间,请帮我核查一下。 How long does it take Singapore? Please for me. 5. 五一假期你有什么想法?我正计划出国旅行. Do you have any about during May Day holiday? I’m __________________________. Has travelled to to fly to check it ideas what to do planning to travel abroad

26 Discussion Travelling is very interesting .New Year’s Day is coming and it’s a good time for travelling. Do you have any ideas about what to do for the holiday.


28 改错 I bought a toy to my baby yesterday. My mother has gone to my brother’s home ten days ago. She has looked after her son since six months. to——for has gone to ——went since——for

29 My grandparents has got married for 60 years.
Kitty has borrowed this CD for two weeks. The conference has stopped since last Tuesday. got——been borrowed——kept stopped——been over

30 同义句转换 The class was over ten minutes ago. The class _____________for ten minutes. His grandpa died in 2003. His grandpa _____________ since 2003. The exhibition has been on for three days. The exhibition ___________ three days ago. has been over has been dead started/began

31 My parents got married 25 years ago.
My parents __________________ since 25 years ago. I bought the MP3 last week. I ______________ the MP3 for a week. Kitty joined the Reading Club last year. Kitty ________________________ the Reading Club since last year. have been married have had has been a member of

32 She has been ill for a week. Daisy has been up for ten minutes.
补充 Martin caught a cold three days ago. Martin has had a cold for three days. She was ill a week ago. She has been ill for a week. Daisy got up ten minutes ago. Daisy has been up for ten minutes.

33 The basketball match has been on for 15 minutes.
汉译英 篮球赛已经开始15分钟了。 20分钟前会议就已经结束了。 我两年前来到了这个学校。 The basketball match has been on for 15 minutes. The conference has been over since 20 minutes ago. I came to this school two years ago.

34 He has been away from home for ten years.
他离开家已经10年了。 她已经到达公司半个小时了。 He has been away from home for ten years. She has been in the company for half an hour.

35 A: Has Tony ever been to France? B: Yes, he has.
1.A: 我昨天没看见你.你去哪儿了?B:我去电影院了 A:你什么时候去电影院的?B:昨天下午. 2.A:Tony曾经去过法国吗?B:是的.  A:他去过埃菲尔铁塔吗?B:没有. A: I didn’t see you yesterday. Where did you go? B: I went to the cinema. A: When did you go to the cinema? B: Yesterday afternoon. A: Has Tony ever been to France? B: Yes, he has. A: Has he ever been to the Eiffel Tower? B: No, he hasn’t.

36 3.A:你爸爸在哪儿? B:他去美国了.他下周回来.
4.A:他们去印度了吗? B:不,没有.他们明天离开. 5. A:我几天没看见你了. 你去哪儿了? B:我去苏格兰(Scotland)参观城堡了. A: Where is your father? B: He has gone to the USA. He will be back next week. A: Have they gone to India? B: No, they haven’t. They will leave tomorrow. A: I haven’t seen you for days. Where have you been? B: I have been to Scotland to visit castles .

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