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March 30, 2017 WISE Energy Day 2017 University of Waterloo

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Presentation on theme: "March 30, 2017 WISE Energy Day 2017 University of Waterloo"— Presentation transcript:

1 March 30, 2017 WISE Energy Day 2017 University of Waterloo
Zero Net Energy Building and Intelligent Buildings: Implications and Prospects March 30, 2017 WISE Energy Day University of Waterloo

2 CABA (Continental Automated Buildings Association)
Vision CABA advances the connected home and intelligent buildings sectors. Mission CABA enables organizations and individuals to make informed decisions about the integration of technology, ecosystems and connected lifestyles in homes and buildings. Page 2

3 CABA Research Program The CABA Research Program offers a range of opt-in technical and advisory research services designed to provide industry stakeholders with collaborative market research and R&D opportunities. Page 3

4 Bright green buildings

5 Bright green buildings

6 About “Zero Net Energy Building Controls”
CABA commissioned New Buildings Institute (NBI) to conduct research with a collaborative framework that engaged funders from a cross-section of building technology solution providers. Research Objective: Characterize controls technology and strategies in Zero Net Energy (ZNE) Buildings. Page 6

7 CABA Members are Collaborating & Funding this Research:
Page 7

8 Background – Getting to Zero Net Energy Buildings
A Zero Net Energy (ZNE) building generates as much energy as it consumes annually. Also known as Net Zero Energy. Zero = ‘nothing’ Net = On-site Energy Production (renewable) minus Energy Use, over 1 year Energy = All energy (electric, gas, steam, liquid fuel etc.) consumed on site Page 8

9 Sample Group Page 9

10 Sample Location NBI’s North America database
Mainly 10,000 – 100,000+ sq ft Mainly Offices & Higher Ed (Also: Courthouse, Lab, Library...) Climate: CA has most ZNE buildings (Also: Canada, PNW, NE, CO) Page 10

11 Research Overview Investigate Building Energy Monitoring & Controls Systems in Low-Energy and ZNE Buildings Areas of inquiry and participants: The Selection and the System. What did they choose and why. Design Firms The Energy Impact. Savings assumptions in modeling and attribution in use. Design Firms and Operators The Use and User Experience. How is it being used, what is effective and lacking. Operators and Occupants Page 11

12 Buildings & People: Participants
Project Location Size Range Building Type Retrofit Operator Survey Completed 435 Indio Way CA 25k - 50k sf Office X Bullitt Foundation Cascadia Center for Sustainable Design and Construction WA 50k - 100k sf Cornell NYC Tech First Academic Building NY over 100k sf Education David and Lucile Packard Foundation DPR Construction's San Francisco Office 10k - 25k sf Exploratorium Other Hanover Page Mill Building IDeAs Z2 Office Building 5k - 10k sf Lane Community College, Downtown Academic Center OR Leslie Shao-Ming Field Station at Jasper Ridge Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Field Headquarters MA Morphosis Architecture Studio NREL Research Support Facility CO Rice Fergus Miller Office and Studio Rocky Mountain Institute Innovation Center Sacred Heart Schools Stevens Family Library San Luis National Wildlife Refuge HQ and Visitor Center UC San Diego J Craig Venter Institute UniverCity Childcare Centre BC VanDusen Botanical Garden Visitor Centre Assembly Watsonville Water Resources Center Wayne Aspinall Courthouse and Federal Building Courthouse West Berkeley Public Library Library Page 12

13 Characterize Controls Technology & Strategies in ZNE Buildings
Types of Controls Goal: Characterize Controls Technology & Strategies in ZNE Buildings All participants ranked building control strategies “very important” or “critical” to ZNE success > 90% of buildings use control systems integrated across some or all end-uses Daylighting is critical to ZNE Get Glare Control & Shading right! Light switches are still most common Most buildings use combination of manual & automatic controls ¾ of buildings rely on occupant for some part of controls success The highest-performing buildings have engaged operators and occupants standing on the shoulders of intelligent and integrated controls systems Page 13

14 Controls Design Selection Process
Designing a successful ZNE Building is a balancing act: Rigid execution of design intent Thorough documentation & specs Detailed sequence of operations Flexibility in implementation Flexibility in operation Page 14

15 Controls Design Selection Process
Prior Experience is the #1 selection criteria Indicator of the importance of getting key players involved early in the design process Demonstrates the important role controls play in achieving a ZNE goal Criteria for Selecting a Controls Vendor/Subcontractor Page 15

16 Controls Design Selection Process
Despite the focus on performance and the qualification of the design and construction teams associated with these projects… The #1 reason for excessive follow-up: Incorrect installation of controls systems in the field Page 16

17 Findings Collecting energy data is rare!
Systems were not interoperable Contractor resistance and skills are an issue ZNE goes well beyond the traditional commissioning (Cx) process Occupants waste energy Conflicts with complex sequences and system architecture and controls Lack of accuracy in electrical sub-meters and difficulty in setting them up Lack of correlation between actual and predicted performance Staging of various outcomes, including the solar, is hard Lack of granularity Page 17

18 October 2015 cover of Building Operating Management Magazine
Emerging Trends Integrated and lower cost control systems Integration capabilities and networks with automated control system management are improving Cost of interconnectivity is decreasing Adaptive controls: occupant-based and weather responsive Monitoring and feedback Building dashboards and simple monitoring systems Fault detection with early warning for energy use or equipment failures Energy Model-based Control Utility Demand Response Other: Robotics DC building systems Energy storage Protocol standardization October 2015 cover of Building Operating Management Magazine Page 18

19 Conclusions ZNE is driven by good design, high performance systems and shading Controls are at the nexus of energy performance New roles & old relationships Occupants are a new operator Page 19

20 Conclusions: Game Changers
Industry Implications: Large new market for new products Complexity and communications issues hinder adoption and outcomes ZNE buildings will remain grid connected and districts and aggregation of bldgs. will increase Getting to zero is both a market and a policy trend Game Changers: Integration and low cost sensors – I o T Feedback / dashboard systems to occupants and operators – Utility programs and pricing – new two-way transactions and load shifts driven by renewables and ZNE Page 20

21 Recommendations 1. Prioritize Passive Strategies
then layer in controls to optimize the whole building outcomes 2. Integrate the Controls Contractor controls contractor needs to be a primary team member from design through occupancy 3. Increase Operator Training and Support bring controls training and improved hand-off documentation to operators and ongoing access to the design team and controls contractor 4. Provide Occupants Control but Backup with Default Settings occupants want some engagement and control access but a ‘hybrid’ system that returns controls to default settings and “Off” is necessary 5. Build Industry Awareness and Knowledge of Emerging Trends a) integrated, wireless and adaptive controls b) feedback and dashboards c) DC systems and renewable integration d) utility load management, price and program issues e) ZNE policy drivers Page 21

22 Download the free report
Page 22

23 CONTACT CABA Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) 1173 Cyrville Road, Suite 210 Ottawa, ON K1J 7S Toll free: CABA (2222) Fax: Connect to what’s next™ Page 23

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