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The stages of Industrial Media Production

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1 The stages of Industrial Media Production

2 Development Development is the process of bringing a media product to the production stage. Development starts with the beginning of the idea and ends after the arrangements for production are made. There are many ways in which a media text can enter the development stage. Film studios or television companies can start the process, or independent producers may begin developing a concept. In media with lower start-up costs, an individual or small group can begin the process. In the case of the film industry, only a very small number of productions — perhaps around 10 per cent — begin with a newly pitched script. According to film analyst John Harrington, around 30 per cent of all films ever made are adaptations from novels. Including plays and short stories may bring the figure closer to 60 per cent.

3 Production Broad term that often encompasses many smaller stages.
Meaning depends on the context of use. When spoken of as part of the larger process of making and then selling a media text, production tends to include all three of the creation stages: pre-production production postproduction

4 Marketing Marketing is the process of selling media products to audiences. Narrative image is an important component of marketing, as is market research or ‘testing’. Media companies often market using: Traditional media. Self promotion. Social media.

5 Distribution Distribution is the process of sending a media text out to its audiences. In movie distribution, there are three main options for theatrical distribution. The choice made depends on the profit projections. Wide release. Platform release. Limited release. Post theatrical release other distribution occurs. These include: DVD release Streaming services Cable television etc…

6 Exhibition Exhibition is the process of actually showing a media text to an audience. The way this is done depends very much on the product. In Australia, exhibition of media products is a relatively tightly controlled business. Movie exhibition, for example is controlled by nine major companies. Four of those have the lion’s share of the business.

7 Australian multiplex sites owned by film exhibition companies
Multiplex Sites Capacity 4 – 6 Screens 7 – 9 Screens 10+ Screens All Multiplexes Seats No. % & Birch Carroll & Coyle 15 16% 6 10% 7 14% 28 48,804 Dendy 1 1% 2% 3 2,774 Grand 5 5% 0% 3% 9368 Greater Union 4 4% 10 20% 24 12% 54,036 Hoyts 9 9% 27% 31% 41 89,349 26% Palace 11 11% 13 6% 12,280 Reading 8 8% 13% 20 31,878 Village 21 41,104 Wallis Theatres 2 3711 Independents 38 40% 15% 48 23% 47,3889 All 96 100% 62 49 207

8 Audience Reception Reception is the ultimate end point of media production and refers to the reactions of the audience. Each person has their own way of receiving a media text, depending on their own experiences. Audiences often have a cyclical relationship with media texts. For example, they may go and see a film, then read reviews, talk to friends about it, and buy some merchandise. Consumers of media texts are therefore creating their own value out of the text — they are making it something that is personally worthwhile to them. For marketers, it is important to be aware of this.

9 Activities Use the internet to research some of the most successful marketing campaigns for movies or television programs. Draw up a table that compares the approach taken by different films. How effective were each of these campaigns? Create a flow chart of your involvement with a particular film or television program. This could start with the means by which you first heard about it. You could then show every other involvement you have had with the film — this could include your first viewing, discussions and reviews, subsequent viewings and so on.

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