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A National Development Agency Presentation

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1 A National Development Agency Presentation
Tuesday, 8 March 2005 A National Development Agency Presentation To Portfolio Committee: Social Development Parliament, Cape Town

2 Contents Feedback on issues raised by the Portfolio Committee, October 2004 NDA Mandate NDA Alignment with Government National Priorities Core and Business Support Programmes Activities and Budget Allocation Key Achievements and Highlights Key Challenges Budget Executive Summary

3 NDA Mandate _______________________________________
FUNDING - Provide financial support for projects or programmes that will have direct impact on improving the asset base of poor communities CAPACITY BUILDING - Identify and support civil society organisations that work to eradicate poverty. It is our intention to help support and build their capacity to be even more efficient FUNDRAISING – Identify, support and encourage any organisations making significant fundraising efforts on behalf of the poor. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT - Undertake research and publication aimed at providing the basis for development policy POLICY DIALOGUE - To promote, debate and dialogue to influence developmental policies

4 Alignment to Government Development Initiatives ____________________________________
Growth & Development Summit Integrated Development Plans Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Programmes Expanded Public Works Programme, Social Sector Plan Urban Renewal Programme Provincial Growth and Development Strategies Department of Local Government : Project Consolidate Millennium Development Goals NEPAD WSSD WSIS

5 Core Programme 1 – Funding and Capacity Building
Activities To review funding framework policies, strategy and criteria: Yearly reviewed and published funding criteria and policies through consultation with strategic civil society partners. 2. To enhance food security and improve livelihoods of vulnerable households and communities; Participation by households including women, youth, disabled and people infected or affected by HIV/AIDS; Improved sustainability of funded projects; Support to integrated projects involving Early Childhood Development and Adult Basic Education and Training in food security initiatives.

6 Core Programme 1 – Funding and Capacity Building, cont….
Activities 3. To promote participation of poor households and communities in productive economic activities that improves the asset-base of the poor: Provide support to existing or new income generating initiatives to improve the asset base of poor households; Viability and growth of supported economic initiatives in tourism, manufacturing and agro-business; Support the establishment of profitable farmers associations/ co-operations; Strengthen identified institutions to provide business development support to funded projects / incubated business initiatives; Support land restitution post-settlement development activities.

7 Core Programme 1 – Funding and Capacity Building, cont….
Activities 4. To improve monitoring, evaluation and reporting on all NDA funded programmes: Existence of a monitoring and evaluation system as part of the expanded Project Tracking System that informs project implementation at project level on a quarterly basis. 5. To collaboratively enhance the capacity of local government to implement programmes aimed at eradicating poverty in selected localities: Number of partnerships implemented at municipal level; Level of community participation in development of IDPs.

8 Core Programme 1 – Funding and Capacity Building, cont….
Activities 6. To contribute to the sector plan of the Expanded Public Works Programme: Facilitate learnerships within CSO’s for community development. Conducted policy review of the ECD sector to improve financial resourcing and infrastructure development To strengthen the leadership, management and institutional capacity of CSO’s to enable them to contribute towards eradication of poverty and its causes: Ensuring that funded organizations have the necessary skills base to implement, manage and monitor their projects effectively. Enhancing the institutional capacity of funded projects and ensure that good governance mechanisms are in place; Facilitating a multi-stakeholder process that will establish a leadership and development programme for the civil society sector.

9 Core Programme 2 – Research, Development and Policy Dialogue
Activities To identify gaps in development policies and strategies aimed at eradicating poverty in key sectors, i.e. Food security and economic development. To facilitate community- driven dialogue sessions and advocacy campaigns on the identified key sector areas Completed development policy documents in key sectors Dialogue reports and implementation frameworks To undertake periodic impact assessment studies regarding the relevance, efficacy and effectiveness of service delivery of the NDA. To develop & implement appropriate Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks and diagnostic tools and systems for evaluation of NDA funded projects Barometer for service delivery assessment M&E framework and diagnostic tools & systems developed and implemented Applicable models finalized Enhanced knowledge on civil society sector, e.g. study on the state of giving

10 Core Programme 2 – Research, Development and Policy Dialogue
Activities 3. To create a seamless information and knowledge management through development of business intelligent tools that will give NDA leverage in effective and efficient delivery of relevant information and knowledge sharing on poverty eradication and its causes Effective decision making assisted by a seamless information and knowledge management system Time-saving and effective internal and external reporting requirements by auditors and other key players Effective learning & knowledge networks Strategy developed Expert groups in sharing human intellectual expertise, tools, ideas, practices and learning experiences on the development sector Replicated best practices and benchmarking in poverty eradication

11 CEO’s Office: Resource Mobilisation, Stakeholder Management and Strategy Coordination
Activities To provide overall leadership of the NDA; To mobilise resources, manage relationships with key stakeholders and coordinate the NDA strategies: Establish links and co-operation with donors to increase the resource base of the NDA; Increase interaction with government in all spheres Annual review of strategic plan; Participation in national, regional and international development forums.

12 Business Support Programmes
Activities – Human Resources To position NDA as an employer of choice by promoting an enabling and responsive working environment: Successful implementation and integration of staff performance and development system; Enhanced people and change management practices.

13 Business Support Programmes, continued
Activities – Financial Management, Corporate Services and Information Technology To regulate and oversee development sector supply chain management; To standardize national and regional financial systems in accordance with PFMA, NDA Act and other relevant legislation and ensure effective implementation thereof: Financial systems, policies and procedures that are effectively implemented and maintained; Improved budgetary controls in place; To ensure that NDA record are prepared in accordance with GAAP

14 Business Support Programmes, continued
Activities – Financial Management, Corporate Services and Information Technology 3. To provide an enabling Information Technology platform: Ensure adequate IT strategy and infrastructure are in place; Ensure up-to-date and accurate information regarding projects is available to enable planning. Better information management in the civil society sector

15 Business Support Programmes, continued
Activities – Internal Audit To evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes: Effective risk management, control and governance processes in place. Conducting project pre-funding due diligence reviews and compliance audits To put in place an effective fraud prevention strategy

16 Business Support Programmes, continued
Activities – Company Secretariat and Corporate Governance To support the Board and its Committees as well as management in respect of all company secretarial matters. To provide legal advice to the NDA To ensure the Board and its committees, management and staff are fully compliant with Corporate Governance requirements: Provision of effective company secretarial, legal and corporate governance services.

17 Business Support Programmes, continued
Activities – Marketing and Communications To develop and maintain a solid corporate image to establish the agency as a key player in development with particular emphasis on poverty eradication. To position and align the NDA within the national development agenda in order to enhance, maintain and sustain support for the NDA development programmes Ensure appropriate corporate image is maintained Improved partnerships with key development stakeholders through the provision of accurate information about the NDA and its programmes.

18 Key Achievements And Highlights
1 April 2004 – 28 February 2005 Support to civil society organisations to enhance sustainable livelihoods in poor communities through committing direct grant funding amounting to R , benefiting poor households, covering health (6), Education and Training (5), Economic Development (40), Integrated (26) and Food Security (5); Disbursement of an amount totaling R50m; Increased resource base which led to building internal capacity through strategic partnerships (value amounting to R5m); Development of a capacity building strategy for CSO’s in partnership with key players; Programmatic implementation of the EU financing agreement with commitment totaling R62.5m. State of Giving research findings

1 April 2004 – 28 February 2005 Improved grant making decisions turn-around time; Improved leadership stability and corporate governance; Appointment of CFO, resulting in improvement of financial management and appointment of board members and functioning committees; Impact assessment research findings resulting in improved business processes and stakeholder relations; Significant reduction in staff turnover; Re-alignment of Research and Development agenda to enhance the NDA mandate.

20 ______________________________________________
Key Challenges For 2005/6 ______________________________________________ Critical engagement and coordination within at various levels of government; Coordination and synergy with other poverty eradication initiatives; Engender public confidence; Increased resources to deliver on the NDA mandate; Balancing the agency’s brokerage role with key stakeholders’ competing interests.

21 Budget Executive Summary
Core Mandate R 71% Programme Support R 23% Admin Cost R 6% Total R 100%

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