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Holland Codes/Career Keys

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1 Holland Codes/Career Keys
Identify & Summarize Personal Interests/Preferences

2 Your Interests & Preferences
Identifying your Interests/Preferences will bring you closer to a career choice For many people, the best job is the one that matches their interests.

3 Your Interests & Preferences
Know yourself and what makes you unique. What do you have to offer a business, organization, agency, or society? Ask yourself: • What do you like to do? • What skills do you have or wish to develop? • What is important for you to accomplish in your career and lifetime?

4 People, Data, Things and Ideas
Broad categories of Career Interests One method of classifying occupations is to look at whether workers deal primarily with people, data, things, or ideas. Holland Codes are base on the assumption that people can be grouped into 6 personality types using these categories.

5 People Working for the betterment of others and/or society.
This includes teachers, social workers, child-care workers, and law enforcement agents.

6 Data Working with numbers, information, processing, policies, and procedures. This includes accountants, computer scientists, and customer service representatives.

7 Things Working with tools, equipment, and machines.
This includes chefs, hair stylists, carpenters, and heavy equipment operators.

8 Ideas Working with concepts, themes, or inventions.
This includes musicians, writers, composers, artists, photographers, and other artistic careers.

9 Holland Codes

10 Realistic (R) (Do-ers)
Like to work with their hands with machines to build things practical, love nature, and are good problem solvers Occupations such as civil engineer, broadcast technician, landscape worker, or barber. Things

11 Investigative (I) (Thinkers)
Like to explore ideas Analyze data Skilled in math & science Inquisitive, Precise, Abstract thinkers Occupational fields such as medicine, computer programming, and science technologies. data & ideas

12 Artistic (A) (Creators)
Like to create, sing, dance, write, self-expression value aesthetic qualities prefer an unstructured work environment skilled in music, art, and/or communication Occupations such as technical writer, musician, interior designer, or architect. ideas

13 Social (S) (Helpers) Get along with others
skilled in teaching, counseling sensitive to others’ needs enjoy helping others and the community cheerful, scholarly, and verbally oriented Occupations such as teacher, home health aide, or security guard. People

14 Enterprising (E) (Persuaders)
Like to persuade & influence others in areas of business politics Self-confident & social Skilled leaders Occupations such as compensation and benefits specialist, interpreter/translator, judge, or attorney. People & Data

15 Conventional (C) (Organizers)
Organized, detail oriented and Practical Skilled in finance, mathematics, keyboarding Occupations such as accountant, bank teller, computer support specialist, or administrative assistant. Data e themselves as

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