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Unit 8 3 The natural world Windy weather Episode 2 Module Reading:

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1 Unit 8 3 The natural world Windy weather Episode 2 Module Reading:
The typhoon C

2 leaves/blow/ slightly/parks
a gentle wind The wind blows gently. Look and say leaves/blow/ slightly/parks flags/fly/sky S1: What can you see when there is a _____? S2: We can see … when there is a _____.

3 The wind blows strongly.
a strong wind The wind blows strongly. Look and say clouds/move/ quickly people/windsurf/sea S1: What can you see when there is a _____? S2: We can see … when there is a _____.

4 people/hold/ raincoats/tightly people/take/ flower pots/flats
a typhoon The wind blows fiercely. Look and say people/hold/ raincoats/tightly people/take/ flower pots/flats S1: What can you see when there is a _____? S2: We can see … when there is a _____.

5 Look and learn She wears tight clothes.
y They hold their raincoats tightly.

6 I have a slight headache.
y The leaves blow slightly.

7 A typhoon is a fierce wind.
The typhoon blows fiercely. f i e r c e l y

8 Alice is a __________ girl. She always does her homework __________.
f u l l y Alice is a __________ girl. She always does her homework __________. careful carefully

9 This is a ________ train. It travels __________. slow
y Shanghai  Beijing 17 hrs Shanghai  Beijing 10 hrs This is a ________ train. It travels __________. slow slowly q u i c k l y This is a __________ train. It travels __________. quick quickly

10 They are happy children.
They are flying kites happily. h a p p i y l y

11 This is a gentle wind. The wind blows gently. adj. + ly adv. g e n t l

12 What happened to the trees? The trees fell down.
fall-fell sink-sank What happened to the trees? The trees fell down. What happened to the ship? The ship sank in the sea.

13 What’s the street cleaner doing? He’s doing some cleaning.
a street cleaner What’s the street cleaner doing? He’s doing some cleaning. Or: He’s cleaning the street.

14 Read a story Kitty and Ben were in the park. They flew their kite happily. At first, the wind blew gently. The leaves moved slightly. The clouds moved slowly. 1 were are flew fly blow moved move 1 2 3 4 5 C

15 Suddenly, the wind became stronger. The clouds moved quickly
Suddenly, the wind became stronger. The clouds moved quickly. The strong wind blew their kite away. Kitty and Ben went home immediately. 2 became become went go 1 2 3 4 5 C

16 3 watched watch Kitty and Ben watched TV at home. The wind became a typhoon and blew fiercely. Trees fell down. Ships and boats sank in the sea. 1 2 3 4 5 C

17 4 passed pass walked walk saw see The typhoon passed quickly. Kitty and Ben walked carefully in the street. They saw some street cleaners cleaning the street. 1 2 3 4 5 C

18 Look and answer Where were Kitty and Ben? What did they do?
How did the wind blow at first? How did the leaves move? How did the clouds move? They were in the park. They flew their kite happily. It blew gently. They moved slightly. They moved slowly. 1 2 3 4 C

19 How did the wind become suddenly?
How did the clouds move? What happened to their kite? What did Kitty and Ben do then? Suddenly, it became stronger. They moved quickly. The wind blew it away. They went home immediately. 1 2 3 4 C

20 What did Kitty and Ben do at home?
What did the wind become? How did it blow? What happened? They watched TV at home. It became a typhoon. It blew fiercely. Trees fell down. Ships and boats sank in the sea. 1 2 3 4 C

21 Did the typhoon pass quickly or slowly?
How did Kitty and Ben walk in the street? What did they see in the street? It passed quickly. They walked carefully. They saw some street cleaners cleaning the street. 1 2 3 4 C

22 Look and write Let’s complete Ben and Kitty’s conversation by filling the missing words. 1 2 3 4 5 C

23 Kitty: Look, our (1) __________ is flying very high.
Ben: Yes. The wind blows (2) __________. Kitty: And the leaves move (3) __________. Ben: Look! The clouds move (4) __________. kite gently slightly slowly 1 2 3 4 5 C

24 Kitty: Oh! The wind becomes (5) __________. The clouds
are moving (6) __________ now. Hold our kite (7) __________. Ben: The wind is too (8) __________ now. Look, a lot of (9) __________ are falling from trees. Kitty: Oh, no! Our kite is flying (10) __________. Ben: Let’s (11) __________ (12) __________. stronger quickly tightly strong leaves away go home 1 2 3 4 5 C

25 Kitty: Let’s (13) __________ (14) __________ now.
TV Kitty: Let’s (13) __________ (14) __________ now. Ben: Look! The wind has become a (15) __________ and the wind blows very (16) __________ now. Kitty: Oh! The trees in the street are (17) __________ down and ships and boats are (18) __________ in the sea. watch typhoon fiercely falling sinking 1 2 3 4 5 C

26 Ben: The typhoon passed very (19) __________. Let’s
(20) __________ (21) __________ again! Kitty: OK. We must walk (22) __________ in the street. There is a lot of rubbish. Ben: Look! Some (23) ____________________ are cleaning the street now. quickly go out carefully street cleaners 1 2 3 4 5 C

27 Act it out Work in pairs. Act ‘Look and write’ out. C

28 Consolidation Workbook 6B, pages 47 and 52
*Make a poster. Tell people what you can see when there’s a typhoon. Draw some pictures to make your poster attractive.

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