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The World Of Tangled.

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1 The World Of Tangled

2 What is The World Of Tangled?
First of all, The World Of Tangled is a kind of RPG game. It is for the children, you can play any characters in the story , such as Rapunzel, Rapunzel’s pets or some other characters else. We will use English to talking in the game, and have different language words in the game. We want whole world people to buy our games, and they can also play it online. It is for the children who just start learn English. And your character will change the ending of the story. That is the most interesting part in the story. We also have increased some new plot in the game. So, players do not need to play it obey the cartoon’s plot a lot.

3 Demographic Age: We choose the children who just start to learn English (6-16), and their parents also glad to let their children play our games. And some teenagers would like to try our game, too(17-22). Because we have so many interesting information in our games and some funny talking. Gender: Our game do not worry about gender, people just play with it for fun, everybody can play it, because it is not so hard and without blood. Family Life Cycle: Because children do not have money so that let them to ask their parents for money to buy our games. And their parents will decide to buy one for their children, or not. Our games are suitable for children, their parents will glad to buy one.

4 Income: Our games will sell $7 for each, it is cheap for every body.
Culture: We want to sell our games in Asian area such as China, Korea or Japan. And they want to let their kids learn English, so they will encourage their children to buy one. Psychographics: People will like our products, because of our game just like a book of fairy tales. Every little kid need one, and we just give them what they want. Actually, they can join the book of fairy tales. Geographies: We think our game should sell in urban area, that is because of the people who living in the rural area will think our game are not necessary. They only care about their vegetables. And the people who live in the urban area will think it is good for their children grow up.

5 4ps Place: This is a really important marketing mix part for our products. We will choose Asian area, because of their so many children learn English, and our products will be a good tool for them. Promotion: We will put our advertisement on the TV with the program about games or education. Price: Our price won’t be high, because of we want everybody can buy one, and play it. Products: Our products is a RPG game, when you play it, you can feel you are in another world. You will try to give the story different endings. Conclusion: When little children see cartoon, they want to be a part of the story, so we just give them a chance to join the story. They will like our game, and try to change the ending of story. And their friends can play with them online.

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