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All about magnets BY: Emma and Allison.

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1 All about magnets BY: Emma and Allison

2 The early years to our time
People have had magnets for a long period of time. In the early times they did not have the kind of magnets we have today. The first magnets were made of pieces of stone or iron.

3 What Magnets Stick Too Magnets are one of natures greatest mysteries. A magnet has great power. It can pull things to its self. Magnets can pick up all magnetic things. They can not pick up paper, rubber, or plastic. Some metals are magnetic but some are not.

4 Shapes Of Magnets There are different kinds of magnets. There are bar magnets that are used for holding on to. There is a horse shoe magnet that is bent into the shape of a horse shoe. Other magnets are in shapes of cylinders or disks. A horse shoe magnet can pick up other magnets with two ends better than one.

5 Magnets have North and South Poles
Every magnet has a north pole and south pole. North pole and south pole “attract” or stick together but if you put a south to south pole than they will pull apart. North to north pull apart just like south to south would do.

6 The rock magnet Some of earth’s rocks have magnetic powers in the them. A very long time ago the Chinese and Greeks found the magnet rock. The Greeks were shocked when they watched the rock pull things of iron to its self. The Chinese hung splinters of magnets to strings and watched rocks line in a north south direction.

7 What has magnets in them
A refrigerator door always stays closed cause of magnets. Door bells, telephones, and TV sets have magnets and would not work without them. Christopher Columbus used a magnet when he discovered North America.

8 Magnet molecules In a magnet molecules are in a line in the same direction. All the north pole molecules are pointed one way. The south pole molecules are in the same way also. Heat or bumping makes the molecules sprout up.

9 Magnets And Wires A scientist from Denmark named Christian Oeristed made one more special discovery about magnets. He learned that magnets can be produced by electricity or battery. He put a wire next to a compass when the battery was turned on the compass needle swing north to south and point at the live wire. When he turned off it went back to its north south position.

10 Our Magnet Pictures I hope you have enjoyed our magnet project. Thank you!

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