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Tagging And Measurement

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1 Tagging And Measurement
UX 2.0 Architecture August 11, 2015

2 Agenda Our Tagging Approach DLO & Annotations
UX 2.0 Data Flow Architecture Data Science Fail Safe & Portability

3 Our Tagging Approach OLD (UX 1.0) Analytics Data is controlled by s_omniPageLoadTrack() function More Scraping from page, High possibility of tag breakage Closely tied with one endpoint(Site Catalyst) New UI Theme by IT will break our existing functionalities High Dependency on IT Team Limited Data Access to analytics team Less portable with new projects Code maintenance is a nightmare NEW (UX 2.0) MVC Tracking Engine Acts as a separate layer (DLO) Supports Qubit, Site Catalyst, and real-time clickstream end point encapsulate site specific handling to call engine in a site layer Easily Portable across sites Track performance Defines handling of UX 2.0 and Classic(Old) pages Handles not sending duplicate tracking Uses Annotations to bind handlers to user actions to handle interaction tracking Zero Scrapping from page & Digital marketing are trivial

4 Data Layer Object The Data layer object(DLO) is a fancy word for Javascript object. In simple terms it contains master data for Analytics team. DLO and annotations are expected to be portable across sites. DLO Contains: Add to cart data Item data object Order confirmation data Product details data Promotional data Search/Browse data Home page data Daily deals page data Global Variables (User/Device/Environment) Global Cart information

5 Annotations, Markers & SCResponse
Decorating/annotating elements on a page is to make it easy to retrieve elements from the DOM. So that our code can leverage to take action for tracking or binding when customer interaction causes an expectation of a response or next step. Annotation(s): scLink scValue scType ctaType Locater bindType scNavLink scTab scInput scTrack Page Marker(s): Contentloading Contentloaded Dommodifying Dommodified ScResponse: Add Update Remove Example: ATC, ATL

6 UX 2.0 Data Flow Architecture
Click Here for a detailed view Abstraction of Event Manager, Data Manager and Tracking Manager Event Manager and Data Manager can be owned by Engineering We are responsible for Tracking Manager Data Manager effectively wraps the DLO at which point we do not care about the DLO Data Manager can also source data from the URL and cookies as well as DLO Event Manager is an abstraction on signals out of the page and turning them into Events Signals are the raw activities like a user click or contentloaded that can be based on watching activity directly in the page Not all signals are Events but some signals help generate events For instance, clicking the add to cart button, then polling for the scResponse can be a path of signals that generate an Add To Cart event Tracking Modules register to listen for events and use Data Manager to get Data

7 What do we have for Data Science Team
UX 2.0 is Data Science Friendly Most of the information available in the page will be added into Data Layer Object(DLO) Info which can’t be tracked in SiteCatalyst can be sent to Hadoop which will be used for data science Products displayed to user in search results. Slot and row numbers on all carousels Various promo details Device, Latitude & Longitude information's

8 Portability & Failsafe
DLO, Annotations & Tracking Engine can be easily ported across the sites like dot com, mobile web, angular based sites, etc We can easily convert the Analytcs DLO to universal variable schema recommended by W3C Qubit uses Universal Variable logic, so this will be easy and less effort to extract data from DLO to Universal Variable. Sophisticated log tracking to troubleshoot issues Create tracking safety net and send last second tracking when standard flow of tracking fails (Example: Exit Tracking, User Interacts with a nav link before the page loads completely) Future Enhancements Track app health and performance modules Logging enhancements Different levels of logging Logging per “namespace” Impression and viewed products tracking

9 Thank you!

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