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Gender Sensitization Session, DA-IICT 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Sensitization Session, DA-IICT 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Sensitization Session, DA-IICT 2017
Lets Talk Gender Gender Sensitization Session, DA-IICT 2017

2 Intention of the session
To create awareness about gender To create an inclusive space on campus To celebrate diversity To make you realize your full potential, self actualization To Mobilize change

3 Aggressive Dominating Ambitious Problem Solver Competitive Achiever
Read the list of traits and decide which gender would you attribute them to Aggressive Dominating Ambitious Problem Solver Competitive Achiever Hard Task Master Leader Visionary Determined

4 and… Expressive Cooperative Sensitive Emotional Helpful Team player Passive Reflective Sincere Talkative

5 Expressive Cooperative Sensitive Emotional Helpful Team player Passive Reflective Sincere Talkative Active Aggressive Dominating Ambitious Problem Solver Competitive Achiever Leader Visionary Determined

6 What are the privileges and limitations of your gender?

7 0 - 1 Black – White Wrong - Right Feminine - Masculine
Myths of Binaries 0 - 1 Black – White Wrong - Right Feminine - Masculine

8 SEX Its biological It is based on sexual dimorphism Its genetic

9 GENDER It is social roles based on the sex Its psychological
It varies from time to time, and across cultures

10 Gender expression refers to the “…way in which a person acts to communicate gender within a given culture; for example, in terms of clothing, communication patterns and interests. A person’s gender expression may or may not be consistent with socially prescribed gender roles, and may or may not reflect his or her gender identity”

11 Cisgender - personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.
Transgender - personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex  Transsexual - person who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex

12 Sexuality – some terms LGBTQ is an acronym that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer, and is used to designate a community of people whose sexual/gender identities can create shared political and social concerns. Sexual orientation refers to the sex of those to whom one is sexually and romantically attracted Heterosexual – sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex Homosexual - sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.

13 Bisexual- sexually attracted to both men and women
Pansexual - not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity Asexual - not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity While these categories continue to be widely used, research has suggested that sexual orientation does not always appear in such definable categories and instead occurs on a continuum

14 Influencing Factors Family Society Film Media

15 “But it’s all fine…” Female foeticide
A woman raped every 36 minutes in India Hate crimes against LGBTQ individuals Substance abuse in men Economic Inequality in work “Eve teasing” Marriage as a Time Bomb for women Career vs. Family

16 Please note Gender, the way it is practiced in our society today, is rigid It can be oppressive and restrictive to all the sexes

17 Respect Self Others Retain your dignity while not destroying other’s dignity

18 Don’t take stereotypes for granted, start questioning

19 Gender Cell at DA-IICT A mandatory committee under UGC norms all Institutions in India We follow Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 Gender Cell concerns with Gender related issues across all members of the community Members Prof. Binita Desai (Convener) Prof Shweta Garg (Warden) Ms. Geeta Mehta (Account Officer) Prof Suman Mitra (Dean, AP) Student Representatives

20 DA-IICT Community DA community is a diverse cross-section of Students
Faculty Administrative Staff Cafeteria Personnel Security Personnel Maintenance/Garden/Cleaning/House keeping staff

21 Discrimination/Abuse
What is a “gender issue”? How can I lodge a complaint? Responsibility Ownership Implications of a complaint

22 Recognize that you are being discriminated against
Stand up against being discriminated Do not discriminate Do not be casual Develop Zero tolerance to Abuse

23 Any Complaints? You can get in touch with : Prof Binita Desai Prof Shweta Garg –

24 You need to talk? Prof Nandini Banerjee - Tuesdays & Thursdays
Book an appointment with our Student Counsellor Prof Nandini Banerjee - Tuesdays & Thursdays 9am-6pm Ground Floor Faculty Block 2

25 Formation of Gender Sensitizing Team
Interested students may contact the Gender Cell Convener to be included in the campus Gender Sensitizing Team.

26 Further Resources Feminism is for Everybody by bell hooks(2010)
“It matter why you think rape is wrong?” TEDx Talk by Shreena Thakore (2015) “Tea and Consent” Thames Valley Police (2015) “Why we should all be feminist?” TEDx Talk by Chimamanda Adichie (2013)

27 Acknowledgements Dr Prerna Kumar, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Prof Alka Parikh, DA-IICT Prof Amishal Modi, DA-IICT Prof Aditinath Sarkar Students of Gender Study Group, DA-IICT

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