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You, I love.

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Presentation on theme: "You, I love."— Presentation transcript:

1 You, I love

2 Narrative Story vs. plot Characters Cause / Effect Time
(Sequence? How long? How often?) Space Narrator

3 “You, I love” 2004 Directors: Dmitry Troitsky & Olga Stolpovskaia Main Characters: Vera: Lyubov Tolkalina Uloomji: Damir Badmaev Timofei: Evgeny Koryakovsky Awards: Best Foreign Narrative Feature, New York Lesbian and Gay Film Festival

4 Questions What are some of the borders/boundaries you observed in this film? What do you think of the relationship between Vera-Timofei-Uloomji? How is male homosexuality portrayed in the film? How is female sexuality portrayed? What does this film say about gender roles and expectations? What aspects of the narrative did you find most interesting?

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