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Hem-Onc Emergencies Ratnoff/Weisman

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1 Hem-Onc Emergencies Ratnoff/Weisman
Katia Khoury PGY3

2 Outline Welcome to Seidman Helpful tips Febrile neutropenia
Tumor lysis syndrome Acute Chest Acute leukemia Cord compression

3 Welcome to Seidman Patients are sicker (mini-ICU)
Check your own pulse first Do not hesitate to ask for help

4 Welcome to Seidman Ratnoff: Hem-Onc attending
Weisman: Hospitalist, consulting services Cap is 8 per intern (10 with AI) Interdisciplinary meetings on T Th at 1pm (seniors) Daily huddle on S4 at 8am (seniors) Teaching Wednesdays at 1pm

5 Welcome to Seidman, and UH
x= floor number Seidman floors: 63xxx Towers: 420x0 Lakeside: 415x0 Lakeside 55: 47405 ED: 43723 Plasmapheresis is back at UH! Seidman 3 nutrition room: 4321* Seidman 4 nutrition room: 1379* Wolfgang: 63830 Seidman appointments: 43951

6 Oncologic History Who is their oncologist?
When was their last chemo? (Check on EMR IV chemo) What was their last chemo? (know your acronyms) Did they get any medications with chemo? (G-CSF) What is their previous oncologic course? What access do they have? (mediport, PICC?) Sickle cell: check care path in portal and OARRS Inform primary oncologist of patient’s admission

7 Helpful tips Write your consultants’ pagers and frequently used numbers on the board; it will help the whole team Keep a small notebook with helpful and common numbers and tips you fill frequently use Communicate with the nurses and social workers Communicate with your patients and their families Write clinical event notes with major updates

8 Febrile Neutropenia ANC<500 or ANC<1000 with expected nadir <500 over next 48 hours T 38.0 for >1 hour or T>38.3 once ANC=WBC count x neutrophils Is patient HDS? Check set of vitals. Stable for floor? Examine patient: any localizing symptoms? Any role for imaging? Cultures STAT (2 sets bld cx peripheral, culture from lines or ports, sputum or stool cx/C Diff or wound cx as indicated), UA, UCx, CXR 2 view

9 Febrile Neutropenia Cover broadly (G+/G- /pseudomonas/fungals) TIME SENSITIVE Check previous culture data (in portal) Neutropenic diet, neutropenic precautions, CBC with differential


11 Tumor Lysis Syndrome K+ PO4 uric acid Ca2+ CaPO4   v 
Laboratory Value Direction of change Mechanism K+ tumor cell lysis PO4 DNA release Uric acid Ca++ PO4 binding

12 Tumor Lysis Syndrome TLS Type Definition Primary Spontaneous Secondary
Treatment-induced Laboratory ≥ 2 laboratory abnormalities OR ≥ 25% change in 2 values from baseline value Clinical Laboratory TLS + end-organ damage

13 Tumor Lysis Syndrome Seen in high grade liquid tumors like leukemias with leukocytosis, high grade lymphomas, and some solid tumors like small cell lung ca Clinical Features: weakness, arrhythmias, paralysis, acute renal failure, tetany, altered mental status, seizures Treatment and prevention: fluids fluids fluids fluids fluids Rasburicase, HD, allopurinol Check G6PD before administering rasburicase (risk of AHA, methemoglobinemia) BID RFP, phos, ionized calcium, uric acid, LDH, PT/PTT Keep UOP around 100cc/hr

14 Acute Chest Both routine and life threatening admissions will involve pain Care path and OARRS CBC, CMP, retic, LDH, bilirubin CXR UA/ UCx, Bld cx if indicated

15 Acute Chest Hypoxia, chest pain, and new infiltrate on CXR
Red flags: Hgb<2g below baseline, RR>22, Sa02<92%, worst HA of life (SAH), new LUQ pain (spl sequestration), fever Treatment: T&S, pain control, good IV access, urgent heme consult, consider MICU for exchange transfusion Can use simple transfusion to bridge to exchange transfusion while waiting for MICU bed (does not remove Hgb S)

16 Acute Leukemias (blast crisis)
You do not have to diagnose acute leukemia, just suspect it in the appropriate clinical setting, conduct the workup, and support patients Clinical presentation: malaise, infection, bleeding (thrombocytopenia, DIC), TLS, hypoxia, leukostasis (high blast count hyperviscosity decreased tissue perfusion MI, ARDS, bowel ischemia, CVA, retinal hemorrhages) Culture on admission, even if afebrile and asymptomatic CBC with diff, peripheral smear, peripheral flow cytometry, coags, fibrinogen, D-dimer, RFP Involve consultants early!

17 Cord compression Patients may not present with pain, and symptoms may be underwhelming Obtain a good history and neurologic exam Steroids: dexamethasone 10mg STAT then 4mg q6 (IV or PO) Consulting teams: ortho/ neurosurgery, radiation oncology Pain control **Cord compression protocol at UH

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