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Mission quality control

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1 Mission quality control
Daily decisions which make us part of the mission of God.

2 1 Thes. 3. 8“For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord”.

3 Daily decisions of faith (today I choose…!)
To be a disciple, obeying Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. To love the doctrine which brings the light of the truth about Jesus into all areas of my life. To eagerly pursue with others the destiny for which Christ bought the Church. To discover the depth of the riches of divine wisdom and grace which keep us firm in God´s purposes.

4 1. To be a disciple, obeying Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour
1. To be a disciple, obeying Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Luke 9. 23; – costly relationship, immense privilege Juan

5 2. To love the doctrine which brings the light of the truth about Jesus into all areas of my life.

6 Doctrine Relationship with the Truth, John 14. 6; 1 John 1. 1 – 3 Release into freedom through the truth and its application to our lives, John 8. 32, Revelation and revolution go together 1 Peter 1:

7 3. To eagerly pursue with others the destiny for which Christ bought the Church.

8 Our destiny together means daily holiness.
Christ is preparing his Church as the Bride, Eph – 27, 32. Rev As the Bride of the coming Christ, holiness is our “reset position”. 1 Jn – 3 1 Ts because 1 Cor and Rom

9 4. To discover the depth of the riches of divine wisdom and grace which keep us firm in God´s purposes.

10 Do you know how God has invested in you?
He gave the best for you? Rom – 10; it is a continuing investment Rom His riches are there to be contemplated and form part of our sense of marvel in worship, Rom – 36. It´s a high risk strategy, totally underwritten - 2 Cor The glory of our best decisions belongs to the giver of Grace.

11 Are you standing firm in the Lord in your daily decisions, so that the God of Mission really shows His power? Disciple, What did following Jesus Christ cost you today? What God given truth (doctrine) made you more free to serve Him today? Did you look up to what you´re going to be with others (destiny) to help you let go of certain things and cling tighter to others? Did God´s investment of grace in your life (depth of riches) make you pass on His gifts for Him today?

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