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Romans Part 3 Lesson 8.

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1 Romans Part 3 Lesson 8

2 Has God Rejected Israel?
Romans 9 – 11 Israel as a whole, didn’t have faith, but God’s Word didn’t fail. God chose to save the Gentiles….for a while Romans 11:1-10 Has God rejected His people? May it never be! Paul himself was a Jew whom God saved God foreknew Israel as His people (vs.2) Elijah used as an illustration From Elijah’s time to the present, God has a remnant.

3 Remnant God has a remnant according to His gracious choice (vs. 5)
The remnant was first mentioned in Rom. 9:27-29 Romans 11:6 Salvation is by faith, not works, but by grace……His gracious choice The remnant obtained salvation because of God’s gracious choice. Those who were seeking their own righteousness, 10:3, were left to it.

4 Remnant They were hardened as Deuteronomy 29:4 and Isaiah 29:10 said would happen. Same as Pharaoh in Romans 9:14-18 The fact that He has mercy on some is amazing because ALL deserve death and ALL deserve condemnation.

5 Did Israel stumble so as to fall?
May it never be! Is it over for Israel? No……Covenant What is a Covenant? A solemn binding agreement. Abrahamic, Davidic, Noahic, etc. God has not completely rejected Israel. They have not stumbled so as not to recover.

6 Romans 11:11-24 Israel’s transgression resulted in:
Salvation for the Gentiles to make Israel jealous Riches to the world Reconciliation to the world So what will Israel’s fulfillment be like? Their acceptance will be life from the dead.(salvation)

7 Paul’s Illustrations Romans 11:16 A lump and its first piece of dough
A root and branches If a part is holy, then so is the source. Israel was holy to the Lord from its beginning and part of it still is. (remnant) Most Jews did not believe. If some branches (vs. 17 Israel) are broken off because of unbelief…wild (Gentiles) were grafted in. The Wild should not be arrogant

8 Romans 11:21-24 Continuance in the faith = true salvation
The righteous shall live by faith – Jew and Gentile Israel will be grafted in again IF they do not continue in unbelief God has NOT rejected them They have not stumbled so as to fall The Gospel still goes to the Jew first and then to the Gentile (1:16-17)

9 Romans 11:25-32 What is this “mystery”?
That a partial hardening has happened to Israel UNTIL: The fullness of the Gentiles has come in This is true of Paul’s time and the present What is Israel’s future? ALL Israel will be saved When? After the fullness of the Gentiles has come in When the Deliverer comes and God takes away their sins

10 Romans 11:25-27 Isaiah 59 Israel’s iniquities separated them from God
Justice and righteousness were NOT part of their lives Salvation was far from them He will come as a Redeemer to Zion, to those who turn from transgressions (repent) This is His covenant with Israel. He has NOT revoked this.

11 Ezekiel 37:21-28 God will bring Israel to their own land.
They will no longer defile themselves with idols. He will cleanse them (Romans 11:26) They will be His people and He will be their God He will make an everlasting covenant of peace with them as a whole God will be in their midst and sanctify them

12 Zechariah 13 and 14 After 2/3 of Israel perishes, they will say that the Lord is their God 1/3 will call on His name. These are the “ALL” of Romans 11:26 After a battle against Jerusalem THEN He will be king over all the earth Jerusalem will be safe All of this refers to the future, when Jesus comes again

13 Romans 11:28-32 At the present time, Israel as a whole is God’s enemy to the Gospel They are STILL God’s chosen and called people (mystery) His gifts and calling are irrevocable His mercy is extended to a disobedient people Remember: ALL are disobedient, Jews and Gentiles, and He shows mercy to ALL

14 Romans 11:33-36 Attributes of GOD: The depth of God’s riches
His wisdom His knowledge His Judgments His ways He is unsearchable and unfathomable God is incomprehensible God is beyond man’s understanding

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